The vote, divided down party lines, came after two marathon days of bitter, partisan debate.
#WorldNewsTonight #DavidMuir #Impeachment #Trump
I hate Donald Trump. I’ve never hated anyone in my life.
CPS Juvenile Justice Complex Cognizable Misconduct Law and Legal Definition
According to USCS Ct App 11th Cir, Appx § 3 [United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit; Addenda; Three. Rules for Judicial-Conduct and Judicial-Disability Proceedings; Article I. General Provisions], cognizable misconduct:
“(1) is conduct prejudicial to the effective and expeditious administration of the business of the courts. Misconduct includes, but is not limited to:
(A) using the judge's office to obtain special treatment for friends or relatives;
This should include giving special preference to BAR Members who are a circle of friends who do not defend your constitutional rights while making money for not defending them by mutual agreement of BAR Members to all agree and say we have not constitutional rights.
(B) accepting bribes, gifts, or other personal favors related to the judicial office;
Taking kids away without due process of law, while imposing the equivalent of the death penalty to all involved including the kids, is making them rich and without cause get money, which is a bribe from the Federal Government to do this corrupt activity.
(C) having improper discussions with parties or counsel for one side in a case;
If DHS is supposed to ask all the questions and they don't have testimonies in open court then the judge has a preset disposition or has conversations with the DHS as a pattern and a practice.
(D) treating litigants or attorneys in a demonstrably egregious and hostile manner;
Yes, giving parents the equivalent of the death penalty without due process of law is egregious and hostile but since they sit there without feeling any emotions it is not put in here as egregious or hostile when it is very commonplace.
(E) engaging in partisan political activity or making inappropriately partisan statements;
Yep, they should keep their mouths shut in public or reveal there true dark side.
(F) soliciting funds for organizations; or
They are soliciting funds for their private court organization.
(G) violating other specific, mandatory standards of judicial conduct, such as those pertaining to restrictions on outside income and requirements for financial disclosure.
They are required to be independent of the DHS but in fact, are working for the DHS.
(2) is conduct occurring outside the performance of official duties if the conduct might have a prejudicial effect on the administration of the business of the courts, including a substantial and widespread lowering of public confidence in the courts among reasonable people.
Those courts are criminal organizations for the purpose of Human Trafficking for Federal Funds
(3) does not include:
(A) an allegation that is directly related to the merits of a decision or procedural ruling. Merits have to be presented and given a refute but are not and they can bar you from your flesh and blood without a hearing. An allegation that calls into question the correctness of a judge's ruling, including a failure to recuse, without more, is merits-related. If the decision or ruling is alleged to be the result of an improper motive, e.g., a bribe, ex parte contact, racial or ethnic bias, or improper conduct in rendering a decision or ruling, such as personally derogatory remarks irrelevant to the issues, the complaint is not cognizable to the extent that it attacks the merits.
Two days after i file CAPITAL FELONY TREASON complaint by email they try to have me arrested by police in Salem when they are clear in Portland. They go by what the judge did and they are all trying to make me stop yelling rape they will not refute.
(B) an allegation about delay in rendering a decision or ruling, unless the allegation concerns an improper motive in delaying a particular decision or habitual delay in a significant number of unrelated cases.â€ÂÂÂ
Who knows about this one because they drag stuff out for over twenty-two months and no crime committed and that is over a year-long sentence like mine is ten months long.
Lots of Witches have been arrested charged and jailed as a result of this Witch Trial … That's called a SUCCESS … Now We just need to convict the head Witch Trump 🙂
I’m voting for Hillary. If Trump is impeached Hillary automatically becomes the President.
When the one who holds the Miss America Crown can no longer serve, quits or is fired, the runner up automatically wears the Crown.
ABC is very fake news.
We the People have hereby convicted the entire Democrat Congress of an Attempted Coup.
The sentence is death by Guillotine on the steps of the Capiitol Building.
Dose anyone else smell corruption by the democrats….
Also why the fuck are you on youtube? Stop destroying this platform with your fake news fascist propoganda. Your content is shit and you talk like a moron. Stay on TV where all of you boomers are from.
thank you for letting me right what i seen i have to keep track on some computer thanks again pamela l
it was at 12 40 pm today sat 12 14 2019 i seen them, and yesterday another 2 red and blue at 4pm medium size fast on 12 13 2019 have a nice day
hi its me pamela lima ,i right down every time i see a astroid or comet u tube wont let me get through seen 2 astroids or comets side by side small fast, werid shape have a nice day
Just shows how hard it is for Republicans to understand a simple impeachment.
When is Graham coming out?
The only embarrassment is him, himself TRUMP! #TrumpForPrison2020
Republicans are taking a HUGE risk. If they don't vote to remove Trump from office, voters will be out in droves in 2020 to not only vote to remove Trump, but also to remove every single Republican they can from office. See for more.
Actors all of them,
Not knowing how to walk away from their Evil deeds, they are too comfortable there. They will answer to their dirty evil doings! They will answer to what they do not believe to be real.. GOD!!
Dems lose again !!!
I honestly don't see how anyone fell for this sham. Hillary Clinton should not have been a candidate when we found out about her cyber abuse. How much money did China pay Hillary Clinton for access to her State Department server? I believe full heartedly that every single lie from the very beginning leads back to a massive coverup to protect Former President Obama. ♾Trump♾
Failed? rigged? Those refugee kids getting treated like animal worse than animals in our American custody asking for asylum since it's is our human rights unalienable rights shows how bad our government is playing us in our faces RIP to the lil 16 year old who died of a Fever in our custody we all have family come on …. it's not right no so many levels
100% Party lines
Impeach that ass
Senate =lol
Landslide 2020
Abuse his power when he closed the government like way to long
WOW ABC, not one story about the IG report finding 17 incidents of the FBI lying or breaking protocol?
Impeachment of Trump is futile. It will fail….
Bwaaha ha ha ha ha! Suck it, all you democrat sky screamers!
Trump will get a third term.
Im so tired of this big talk bullshit that Trump does, AND the tuck tail and turn that follows.
He wants proof. Proof is presented, he says a fraud.
He says he'll face the hearings. The hearings has a butt load of witnesses, he doesn't present any.
He says he wants a trial. The judiciary committee's getting to it, trump tucks his tail, again, saying its too fast.
Enough is enough.
He should've met the challenge head on, if he was so innocent. Now you see him trying to work what deals he can with countrues and corporations, so when he gets released from his duties, he walks away with big money in his pockets, and we get stuck with his mess.
The democrats are a bunch of pathetic pathilogical liars.
It truly is a sad day for our free republic when the very people that constantly tromp on our constitution claim some kind of respect for it when it is convenient for them to do so. Liars, criminals, and global socialist swine. All being supported by a bias based FAKE NEWS media.
TRUMP 2020! 🇺🇸
Clinton cheats and lies, yet Trump cheats, lies, and holds money from UK for favors for US!? WTF?
They don’t realize that they’re just angering the Republicans and going to make them turn out more on Election Day. Throughout history it’s the party fueled by anger and disdain that usually wins the presidency. Disclaimer: This is coming from an Independent I have no party affiliation.
Not a fan of Trump by any stretch, but if the Bidens are corrupt, would the president pressing for them to be investigated be the right thing to do, even if he's a "political opponent"?
Debbie Lesko you should be ashamed of yourself. I hope you lose the next election. You certainly have no moral compass at all.
Everyone voting "no" has more to lose than just their "president", it's
completely monetary and having their nice fattened lifestyles upended is the true reason they've voted against doing what's right. How much money do they need?! Greed shown at its finest.
The only “historic†thing about this whole charade is that a President is being impeached by degenerate, childish lunatics because they still can’t fathom why they lost the election.
Honestly, the entire Demoncrat party should be dissolved and their entire leadership should be imprisoned/executed for treason, along with their news media cohorts.