House Democrats unveil first articles of impeachment l ABC News

House Democrats unveil first articles of impeachment  l ABC News

Two articles of impeachment have been introduced against President Trump including abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

#ABCNews #ArticlesofImpeachment #Trump #Impeachment #Pelosi #Schiff #Nadler #AbuseofPower #ObstructionofCongress


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38 thoughts on “House Democrats unveil first articles of impeachment l ABC News

  1. youre done mr. BLONDE CHICKEN 😎😎😎😎

  2. Trump won the election thereby taking the power away from the crooked democrats stopping them, thereby obstructing their crooked schemes and their abuse of power as demonstrated by 3 years of kangaroo courts and hearings, witch hunt investigations etc.

    We see a familiar pattern of bull💩 coming from the Democratic party.

  3. Well it's about damn time. 🍿📺

  4. Democrat sold URANIUM to RUSSIA that it SECURITY OF OUR COUNTRY. Democrat WASTE OUR TAX PAYERS MONEY ,on 3 years Democrat party do not help for our Country and destroy this country

  5. Democrat make this country insecurity, NOW they put President Trump it play game ,we are the people's very angry ,they abuse power? They blame President, Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi, they are treason need put the in Gitmo

  6. When the Congress votes for his impeachment I'm buying the office lunch! Champagne, balloons, party hats and music included. 🎉🎊🍷🎂☕😆

  7. Fuck Trump 🖕🏼

  8. Republicans are confident it won't pass the senate.
    Not without a price to pay though.

    Remember, Ford lost the re-election because of pardoning Nixon?

    In the case of this time around, republican take a risk of losing everything, senate, HW, and the house.

    Deserving, if you ask me.

  9. By BL-Demoncrats have been plotting and planning this for 2 1/2 years?? Isn't that TREASON against AMERICA?? The Demoncrats should be held accountable !!!

  10. Thanks, pelosi. Dem will definitely not get my vote in 2020. And I didn’t vote for trump in 2016. Good luck with your impeachment drama.

  11. “I need you to do us a FAVOR THOUGH “. Haaaa

  12. Bolton called this a "Drug Deal" he didn't want to be a part of..Drumph is withholding (along with his TAXE$), the paper trail to the delayed Ukraine money…this REAKS OF GUILT!

  13. 🎉🎈🥳💃🏻🕺🏻🎈🎊

  14. Don't make them rush, make them bumble around like keystone cops until election day 2020. The memory of the average voter vaporizes in a very short time. [EIDT: That is why liberals want to get this over quickly. They bashed president Trump for 3 years to make some of their lies stick in the mind of voters. Now they want voters to forget the vast majority of their carp slinging.]

  15. Hahaha / the left has become completely deranged.
    People like Pelosi / Newsom and Brown/ who by the way are all related.
    Maxine Waters/ has completely destroyed her District/ homelessness/ becuz of high rent/ and yet she doesn't even live in the district she represents.
    But rather in a 4.3 million dollar Mc/mansion/ surrounded by a wall and high security.
    You know people with guns.
    I live here and IT'S more and more obvious that it is becoming a cesspool/ under Democrat rule.

  16. Obstruction of Congress isn't a crime on its own and is usually paired with an actual crime like bribery, collusion or obstruction of justice (all left out, probably due to lack of evidence). It's also known as separation of powers between the three branches of gov't. Abuse of power in the given definition isn't a high crime or misdemeanor either and has been done by previous presidents at the detriment of the nation (e.g., Obama/Russia Medvedev pre-2012 election: So, we have two charges of non-crimes, and collusion or bribery — real crimes — are not present, despite the never-ending talk about them.

    Looks like house Dems are resorting to its oldest and only reason it has for impeachment: ORANGE MAN BAD.
    There's an election in less than a year. If people don't like him, vote him out. The problem with that of course is people will actually be looking at the garbage heap that is the Democratic Candidates LOL.

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