House Democrats mark Equal Pay Day

House Democrats mark Equal Pay Day

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the House Democratic Womens Caucus held a press conference to highlight the gender pay gap in recognition of Equal Pay Day.

#ABCNews #EqualPayDay #NancyPelosi


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34 thoughts on “House Democrats mark Equal Pay Day

  1. As far as women and all their yelling about equality. 

    When was the last time you ever saw a "cart girl" at -10 below at any shopping center? 

    When was the last time you ever had Jane the "Roto-Rooter girl" cleaning your drains? 

    When was the last time you ever had Lilly-the "cable girl" fixing your cable or dish? 

    When was the last time you saw "Pam the Plumbs"-crack, bent under your sink?  

    When was the last time you ever saw Sally the power company gal climbing a power pole? 

    On and on you get the picture. They only want the pay, not all the job opportunities that are available! . 

  2. Waiter & Waitresses should ALSO get Minimum wage NOT DEPENDANT ON TIPS!!! Tips are Gratuity: a gift, a way of saying – Thank You for your great service.

  3. Lol at Nancy “soft corruption”

  4. Praise the speaker Pelosi!🙌🙌🙌

  5. Equal pay???… does that mean if I show up to work, not do anything and get drunk by noon I'll get what nancy piglosi gets? Insider trading aside… Sign me the eff up….

  6. Vladimir Putin is celebrating🎉🎉🎉🎉😂😂😂😂😂🎊🎊🎊🎊

  7. President You will not make a 3rd term Just face it man you blow it I've been a Democrat all my life After the republicans win their senate in the house And the presidency of the United States After 4 more years Then I voted again

  8. Congress just voted to give themselves a 21% raise. Americans are suffering from 40 year high inflation and record high gas prices and now we have to pay for this. No matter what side of the political party you're on this should make you sick.

  9. This lady is a damn crook and a damn liar.. "PuTiNs TaX hIKe" 🤦 shes a pendeja!!

  10. "Call on the Lord in the day of trouble,
    and He will deliver you"
              – Psalm 50: 15

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