House Democrats inch closer to Trump impeachment l ABC News

House Democrats inch closer to Trump impeachment l ABC News

The whistleblower battle involving President Trumps call with the president of Ukraine appears to have spurred a shift in Democrats calling for impeachment proceedings to begin.

#ABCNews #Whistleblower #Trump #Impeachment #Pelosi


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27 thoughts on “House Democrats inch closer to Trump impeachment l ABC News

  1. President trump should win this inly hope last ditch bs ukraine nonsense cmon joes son was on the payroll after 1.5 billion was given to a corrupt bank the same guy who ran the corrupt energy company who paid biden ?

  2. 🤗 They are ABSOLUTELY PANICKING . They know full well a larger chunk of The People have woken up, and Trump is going to win in a fucking LANDSLIDE this time next year. They'll do and say anything at this point. They've got nothing but lies and sophistry… and they're desperate. This is glorious to watch.

  3. Comments here are from people who think the political status quo is sustainable, that the current administration has value to a world on fire. The list of malfeasance by the current administration runs to several pages. This country and the world need a shift to kindness, respect, better use of resources and the curtailing of the DOD, which is bloated, which does not bring peace, which uses precious resources needed by real people here and abroad. America has lost its moral leadership, but many of us hope there's a chance to repair social and environmental destruction with a new and honest administration. Any human being who is in favor of the current administration has not seen, with an unjaundiced eye, the atrocities allowed and the harm committed.

  4. Democrat party is very good at a few things and that's wasting our valuable resources and tax dollars on nothing. This party has done nothing!! Passed no vital bills or laws. I don't give a damn if you hate Republicans at least they are getting things done. They all are crooks but at least do some vital work for the American people. Google what the Democrats have done since they assumed control of the House! They are obsessed and so drunk with hatred for Trump they don't even realize they neglected us the American people to satisfy their lust to impeach. So what if they are successful in impeaching Trump and what if they win the Senate back and Presidency, are they going to do anything? They don't know how to. All they know how to do is stalk and witch hunt!!

  5. FUCK YOU TYRANTS! They can’t just throw him out of office based on corrupt lies! This is BS!

  6. You asshole liberals will never impeach Trump. Your cronies Pelosi, Schumer, et al, and the fraud squad will be thrown out of office before Trump would ever be impeached. You fucking assholes will fail miserably. Trump will be re-elected in 2020. You assholes are underestimating the power of true Americans patriots!!!!!

  7. I've learned from being a parent that normally when one child accuses another over and over again, its the child making the fuss that's guilty of being NAUGHTY. Shame on you Pelosi. Can we get over the Hollywood drama in our political system and get the government as united as THE UNITED STATES? !!! Our government leaders act like a bunch of selfish high schoolers!!!

  8. You cannot say you love America and back that tv show host in the White House 💯. One question tho. If America is always great what does the maga slogan mean 🤔

  9. This link explains it all.
    Trump as President in my mind had a right to ask for Ukraine to re-open the Investigation. As usual he could have done it in a less clumsy way.
    This always should have been followed up but the Obama Admin did a good job of covering it up.
    No supporter of Trump. Australian.

  10. Wish all the dems would be impeached they don’t want to fix nothing please let’s all send the dems a massage at election time put trump back in

  11. Here we go again. Listen up Pelosi because we are. And what we don't ever hear from you and the other democrats are how you are going to help American citizens, America's economy, its national security, it's infrastructure, its homeless. It's all bla, blah blah blah. Over and over again. We're sick and tired of it, and we're sick and tired of you and the rest of the leftists !!!!!!!!

  12. ​A prediction, for all of you who've lost your collective hive mind. First, an impeachment investigation will unveil difficult truths for the Dems, such as the lies that began the Russia inquiry, and who was taking money from whom, and so on. Second, the investigation will only make a martyr out of Trump. Third, you would be putting the last nails in the coffin of our democracy. Fourth, you will only beg civil war. And fifth, you will be the first to cry. Very sad. But obvious enough.

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