A new report from Health and Human Services showed over 300 hospitals had major concerns about lab results taking too long and did not have enough staff to run ventilators.
NYCs grim contingency as coronavirus deaths rise: Temporary mass burials: https://abcn.ws/2wmTw8L
#ABCNews #Covid19 #NYC #HHS #InspectorGeneral #GretchenWhitmer #PPE
5g in led smart streetlights too. against the GENEVA convention. hospitals are empty. the communist manifesto is being fulfilled. hitler tried to stop them. he failed.
The common flu killed 61.000 last year. Seems like common flu is worse. Corona virus is flattening out. Looks like a political stunt to me.
Thats gud atleast it is stabilisingðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂ
The governor sound like an idiot
Death to this fucking country.
Snap fingers all are gone, THANOS?
Then you need to get with company in Ohio that says they can sanitize them…. get it together people
Howard Stern can't suck my balls
God bless the NJ.ðŸ™ÂÂÂÂðŸ™ÂÂÂÂðŸ™ÂÂÂÂ
Or are people in New York scared of going to hospitals anymore?
When those kids get older they will understand just what a true hero their mother truely is .God Bless all .
This virus was here b4 anything was ever said about it at all .I have no doubts I had it back in February this year & I'm not the only 1 saying this even a doctor I spook to about this a few days ago said the same thing he thinks he also got it at the end of January .I had every sysmptoms this has & thought I was dieing .I was to weak to even go to my Dr. for 3 days after I got so sick & I remember asking my Dr. back then what in the hell is this it's horrible & he said just a bad virus but he had no idea what such a bad & deadly virus this truely was .
Total and complete BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!! ALL DEATHS AT A GIVEN HOSPITAL ARE BEING LISTED AS COVID-19 DEATHS!!!!!!!! Prove me wrong because you cannot!!!!!!!!!!
Less clapping for our heroes and more concrete benefits for them: pay off their loans, give them raises, give them their PPE instead of pandemic profiteering off of the crisis.
I am scared of more deaths ! Soon this with be a deserted planet while the Coronavirus wipes life off the face of this earth!!!ðŸŒÂÂÂÂ😰😨😱
Korea, Wonderland? – Crown for KOREA
Why not tell people the regular flu has killed 10 times that many people hey fake news channel just a heads up nobody is buying it anymore give up start a new bs story this ones old news
I've made my panty mask, washed my hands raw and HATE Netflix…so, you trying to convince me that the COVID PURGE is still scary better be good. This sh*t is so very March…
Good News: The vaccine can be found in the Philippines. It was tested, proven and use for treating single-strand RNA corona-type virus..the world should know…FAI vacciine
Remember when it was 1 percent died now its 10 k dead 20 k recovered ,
this news network is the most drama queen ever feeding off your brainwashed weak Minds LOL drama queens
What pressure? This is complete bullshit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMyba8hlc0E
I know a lot of people that smoke canabis.all the people that I know been around the whole city.now did they get sick nope.did I get sick nope.
Sad. What a travesty.
Remember this Is China’s fault
patiens are goin home thought
Why so happy? Deaths aren't enogh huh? Dont worry you'll get more
See who's lying here
All health workers ,please take care of yourself also..!!!
Trump should be prosecuted for negligence . Another GOP Senator caught Sen. Perdue (R) bought PPE stocks the same day he was briefed on C-19.
I really, really, really hope Trump does not get voted again this year.
BS just Enron 2.0
Jesus Christ born of a virgin, the only Son of God. He lived a perfect life, and it died on a cross for the sins of the world. He rose again, so that we will rise again in glory with God forever. Rejoice in the lord always! Philippians 4:4
We are Americans, we have constitutional rights in this country. If nobody wants to keep their rights, then go to Communists China then. Good Luck lol
How is 10k dead but 20k recovered good news?
People are scare to go to the hospitals, they rather staying home
Coronavirus is flattening, because everyone is Dead!! Results: lower Admissions!
Here’s a calming message for children on Covid … Prepared by a private 🇨🇦 studio https://youtu.be/zBBjz16J-nU Enjoy kids
Wishing you well America ðŸ™ÂÂÂÂðŸÂ¼
Media bullshit again as always
Can't a face shield be cleaned easily? Seems like it could.
I’m now thinking that it’s pointless to put people on ventilators. If the success rate of being on a ventilator is 15-20%, then what’s the point in putting all these doctors and nurses lives at risk of death. If I get sick, I’ll just die. It’s selfish to put these doctors and nurses and techs through this.
This is what real big American people and leaders get, disasters diseases due too prejudice against Asians Chinese communist Vietnamese Japanese Korean immigrants for too long too much to live invest work school travel buy and run American government agencies and corporation Bank Wall Street hospital military complex, America is dying dead, kakakakak.
10K passed away 19K recovered.
Not very good numbers. But at least we keep it low with shelter in place.
It could've been millions â˜ÂÂÂÂ
The Cuomos are the ones giving us the real news