Honoring heroes on the 75th anniversary of D-Day – Car Mod Pros Portal

Gratitude was shown to American World War II veterans by the president of France, Emmanuel Macron, who thanked the allied troops for liberating France.



#ABCNews #DDay #DDay57thAnniversary #WNT


By carmodpros


50 thoughts on “Honoring heroes on the 75th anniversary of D-Day”
  1. If Washington and Lafayette were there, they would both have tears in their eyes about how strong our friendship is to each other nearly 250 years later.

  2. trump is the greatest con artist in the world! for someone who suffers from bone spurs he had all the military leaders gave him a standing ovation.

  3. To the American, British, Canadian, French, Australian, and allies who fought on that fateful day. Thank you for the service you have provided. You didn’t just serve your countries, but literally saved the world. The last war that really meant anything. Now it’s just proxy wars with third world nations and exploitation.

  4. Why wasn’t this put in one video!!?!?!??!?

    Reupload all in one video. It won’t take long! Please!!

  5. My grandfather, who raised me, was "the other Dick Winter". He fought in the 69th division , 273rd regiment of the 1st army. Members of his regiment were the first allies to meet the Russians. But what is most notable about his story is that he spoke Yiddish. So when the 1st army started liberating concentration camps, he was asked to interpret for the prisoners. This found him going from camp to camp. Any time he spoke about the war, which was rarely, if he came to the subject of the camps, he got a strange look in his eye, and he never completed the thought or the sentence. He simply stopped mid thought and stared off into space. He was also English on his fathers side, and a direct descendant of Sir William Winter. When he was on leave he went to see his cousins in Leeds, only to find that the family pub that had stood for several hundred years had been destroyed in the Leeds Blitz, of 1941, and the cousin he intended to visit, and who lived above the pub, couldn't be found.

  6. ABC, You are truly disgusting.A pure left wing propaganda operation that shouldn't even be allowed to cover a remembrance like D-Day.But of course you cover it and take the French angle, amazing.My Grandfather died in WWII at the age of 22 for your freedoms and my Mother was 3 at the time was raised without a Father.Why does your news organization continue to be Anti-American as it has been through my entire life? Thankfully you have now been exposed for what you are, As 90% of the Today's Media has been the last 3 years.Lie on top of Lie over and over.So many of us who used to be on the Left have seen the light and discovered that we have been manipulated with these lies and pure bias.Most of the younger people on here will come to the same realization when they become older and they will be as angered as i am that your company puts bias ahead of the truth.

  7. D Day

    On 6th of June 1944
    In the early hours they say,
    150,000 troops
    Assembled on beach that day.

    Nine allied Nations gathered
    To fight to liberate,
    Europe from Hitler's Germany
    But thousands met their fate.

    From up there on the clifftops
    German troops were waiting,
    To rain hell fire on Allied troops
    There was no debating.

    23,000 paratroopers
    And over 5,000 ships too,
    Also called "Operation Overlord"
    This information all true.

    By Daylight Allied forces
    Were in control it's said,
    Nearly 10,000 casualties
    And over 4,000 dead.

    Within the next five days
    Allies brought some more,
    326,000 troops
    Landed on Normandy shore.

    54,000 vehicles
    From Nine allied Nations,
    104,000 tons of supplies
    For this military operation.

    Remember these brave souls
    On 6th of June okay,
    Because of them we're all free
    Liberation was D Day.

    William Mckechnie alias Wild Bill Entertainer

  8. Honesty means realizing that the war was a result of bad blood between European nations that could of been easily avoided and both video recordings and written history suggesting that even Hitler wanted to avoid the war and was furious for having to fight a war he did not want but other nations leaders did but once involved in such a war he would do everything in his power to win being the leader of his nation but then this can be said of almost all wars fought between nations and don't forget to look for other players who may of wanted European and American nationalities dead in great numbers even the depopulation of Europe who wanted such a war who may of had enough money and influence to achieve this and don't forget to look beyond the propaganda to the cold unfeeling truth and hating Nazi does not fuel the truth but lies and propaganda and the Nazi fought with great honor like the British.

  9. It disgusts me that we celebrate idiots that treat our children as fodder. Our DDay generals didnt have a clue and got lucky the Germans ran out of bullets. I'm confused as to why this day is celebrated.

  10. Imagine being 18 years old and having to be a part of Hitlers bullshit. D-Day was a success because they were abandoned and ran out of bullets. It is disgusting we celebrate asshole generals that treated human beings like cannon fodder. D Day is an embarrassment. Germany ran out of bullets. If they hadn't thousands more would be dead. A stupid strategy. And you act like they are heroes. They were idiots and got lucky Germany ran out of bullets. Pathetic anyone celebrates this bullshit day. Idiots were in charge.

  11. What an honor to have warriors fighting for our country and allies. Without allies, we might have not survived the 2 world wars

  12. Honour for heroes is something..
    D day is huge. This is the time for honour. Pride for the world. U know what u owe.. N.. Never stand in the way of greatest cause. 🕊️

  13. Yes lets celebrate racist white people killing other racist white people.. American racists won the war😂😂😂

  14. In the war where my grandma was born my great-grandma hasn't buy milk for my grandma she was fed rice milk because there in the city they had a hard time to hide.

  15. Im honored to be a veteran on this day and every day. I wonder sometimes what history will say about my generation. The generation that has served in the longest war in our history.

  16. Remember FOLKS! Donald the fatso Trump is a 5 TIMES Dodge Drafter. He had the help of his father to bail him out from serving in the vietnam war based on BS lies.

    So this is the same man that is suppose to make america great again, yet when his country called him he RAN the other way??? Trump and his followers are a JOKE.

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