Hong Kong’s reality under new national security law – Car Mod Pros Portal

ABC News’ Brittyn Clennett reports on the changes facing Hong Kong residents, and what they’re trying to do in the face of a new law that critics say targets protesters.


By carmodpros


44 thoughts on “Hong Kong’s reality under new national security law”
  1. What ever happened to those 2 fat chicks that got hit on the freeway by a white jag driven by a black man?

  2. Everyone is buying guns before American election. For the freedom and desired political results, you should be ready to kill others!

  3. Hong Kong needs National security Laws to resume peace and stability unless the West wants to see Hong Kong and China unstable like Middle East!! Recent media reports from the West are very bias(mostly pro USA or the West but anti China)!! Dont be hypocritical by the West!!!!!!! Be fair in reporting!!!!
    So the West should stop via their spies disturbing peace and stability of Hong Kong and China, Hong Kong is doing very well without interference from the West ( HK people have more freedom and democracy in HK than before 1997 and even more than in the West now)!!!
    Any countries from the West without national security laws?????????? Let all the riots happened in Hong Kong to be all exported to USA and the West immediately if the West want more riots like what is happening in USA!!

    China is doing very well for its 1.4 billion people during the past 70 years which makes the West jealous about its outstanding progress, so now the West is trying to …………do everything to demonize the Great China and try to topple China like USSR!! All Real Chinese like China …….Hong Kong people are free to come and free to go……..

    Also The "WHO" would be fairer to send a bigger "International Inspection team (including all countries in the world)" to USA and Europe to find out why so many covid 19 cases in these two continents and why their Governments handling so badly and poorly without any efficiencies like what China have done(To be fair to USA and Europe the inspection team must be bigger than the one sent to China in the beginning of the covid19 outbreaks in Jan. 2020). Actually China has done a great job by sending medical supplies to 127 countries all over the world while USA and nations from the west have sent nothing except shifting blames on others though China has given warnings to the world via WHO when covid19 outbreaks starting in Dec. 2019!!! USA &European bullshit politicians have done nothing and disregarded the early warnings from WHO in Dec. 2019. Now they are suffering from numerous cavid19 critically just because they were indifferent to warnings from WHO in early Dec. 2019, then just keep blaming others and shift their own responsibilities as responsible persons of their own countries which now causing more than 5000000 infected covid19 cases( many of these cases were orginally Flu patients in USA, Europe and nations from the west such as Australia/Canada before the covid19 tests conducted but the west regimes cover up all these scandals) and more than 200000 deaths for USA alone and the figures are even higher in Europe. As Wall street journal always like to report tragedies mocking others when other countries were suffering:Now they should know which nation should for sure deserve the title being …. Real Sick men of the world in the World …… by achieving the highest numbers( more than 5000000 cavid19 cases and 2000000 deaths) of covid19 in the world!!!

  4. As a HKer, I fully support National Security Law and Hong Kong Police Force. All rioters and terrorists should be arrested and put in jail for they have been destroying Hong Kong for a year. Many innocent civilians were attacked and killed by the rioters. 5 eyes countries have no right to meddle China and Hong Kong internal affairs unless they withdraw all their own national security law!!

  5. Western press conveniently omitted reporting the petition signed by 3m in HK who are for the NSL. Clearly their narrative is not in the interest of HK people.

  6. 1989.was the first time my card got stolen from my family before that was moon bomb then I was born or nuclear ration card and take a peak at the what I am saying I am crazy so r u just ain't devil behind devil and a arms around trying to get me I ain't scared no more I am trying to get the world half of my stolen money I want my 6 wife's stuff my stuff to King Tut had no child 21 only sun I was born to kill I got ad hd but it whent away I dead from sic wake up mad as hell had bees running me I know how I am I am 35 quantum physics test cause they want me to take me me money leparchuan is me hornet and good morning to you too my family to I see I am me I am not wanting to hurt all the world they made us week from dirty food the world ca and crv is covid to Ca crv laughing at u people who don't know I am awake now and it's my turn for a change I ain't gotta sit her I am going to get it back on way I hope that people hear me

  7. As a Hong Kong resident, I would ask all Western countries (led by US and the UK) who have been meddling in Hong Kong's internal affairs out of their own interests under the false and hypocritical banner of freedom and democracy assisted by biased and selective reporting of the mainstream news media in the West (BBC and CNN included) to go mind your own business. The majority of Hong Kong people welcome the new national security law and cannot wait for it to be implemented and enforced in Hong Kong.

  8. People of Hong-kong has lost every thing !!! they thought western countries (their former masters)could help them against China !! reversely they had been use as weapon to hurt China finally they are loosing their situation and their excessifs demands fails

  9. Today in July 2020, the streets of Hong Kong and US seem to switch places. Good or bad is up to debate, it's just amazing that a piece of paper stopped the violent protest so quickly.

  10. Harvi^#^🍲🍲🎧🍕🎧😂🤣🎧🎧😍

  11. The Hong Kong people under British Rule never had democracy. The Hong Kong People under China rule will never have democracy either. However, here is the opportunity….. Hong Kong People want a different system and now is the time to make that happen. If they want democracy, it is a once in a lifetime opportunity to commit to that regardless what happened in the past.


  13. Joshua Wong doesn't love Hong Kong at all, but he loves to destroy Hong Kong, hate speech, disturb the police, causing trouble for China. If he really wants to fight for freedom, go back his country Vietnam fight for freedom there first.

  14. As an overseas Chinese from mainland, I would like to express my gratitude to the people of Hong Kong. You may fail, but you put up a good fight, and made us proud. I hope our friends in Taiwan, especially the KMT party, can now see the true color of CCP.

  15. Terrorists in Hong Kong are setting fire on citizens, killing cops, making bombs in University campus, assassinate councilor in public. "Democracy movement leader" holds 16 million HKD in one of his bank accounts while 21 million HKD has disappeared from Demosisto's account. When questioned by HSBC for its source, the "leader" refused to reply. These footage will never appear in any ABC news. Here's one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32kz1YNPD_M, and if you want you can find others.

  16. Everyone loathes interference by distant powers, especially if they are unelected, undemocratic and openly communist.

  17. I've had many mistakes in my life that make me want to say, "It's not like that."
    I'm Japanese and not mixed race, but there are many things that Japanese people don't see. I have had many experiences with criminals. Is it a drug investigative team that pokes with a stick after a police car comes along my walking course and passes through the grass that I pass through? There was also a person, and at the moment when I entered the cafe, there was a police officer in a bulletproof vest.
    I also have experience with men. I'm a woman.
    When I was 20 years old, I was sometimes spoken as a forties.
    And sometimes, people who misunderstand me as a male woman are laughed at and blamed me.
    I think every time I have a hard time. "why?"
    "Why do they decide and act? Why? Won't you ask?"
    I speak honestly. If all human beings were transformed into creatures such as lions, rabbits and grasshoppers, rather than humans, would they be able to make decisions and act?
    Humans have no wisdom. There are a total of 21 members, nine and twelve members. Earth, Wind & Fire-September (Official Video)
    It's a mysterious number.
    人間には知恵なんかない。九人と十二人のメンバーで合計21人メンバー。Earth, Wind & Fire – September (Official Video)

  18. Funny when they are freely speaking in front of the cam that they don’t have freedom. What a paradox

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