Hong Kong protest continues, regardless of weather conditions

Hong Kong protest continues, regardless of weather conditions

The relentless pro-democracy protests continue as Hong Kong citizens will not stop until their political demands are met, while the Chinese military looms in the distance.

#HongKong #Protest #Umbrella #weather #rain #ABCNews #WorldNews #China #Chinese #Military


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34 thoughts on “Hong Kong protest continues, regardless of weather conditions

  1. 黃河開始時只是一杯水,但集滙成流後巳是勢不可擋!如今世界已醒!

  2. Got risk assessment for the late response,less than expected to coming out 2021 recession compared results in contrac lah,if we're thing hit me their Hongkong people's projects are going to China well done.react one way other than money Loundry in reject it struggling, I answer the Q.A monitor of my face down everything easy respond not expectually on Qnet occupated this country lol

  3. Viva la. Protests ✊✊

  4. There can't be over one million people. If there really were one million people, the crowd should have filled the streets from Causeway Bay to Central, then through the Western Cross Harbour Tunnel, and filled the streets to Yaumatei. As a Hong Kong citizen who have spent all my life in Hong Kong, I fully understand how small Hong Kong is 😂.

  5. The organizer of the protest claimed it's 1.7 million people, and many media outlets (including ABC) just accepted the estimate without any question. HK police gave an estimate of 110k number. Which is close to the real number?
    Let's do a comparison with two pictures: 1. that of the Michigan stadium holding 100k people,
    2. This is what 1 million people looks like (it only shows part of the 1 million as it was simply too many people) https://www.reddit.com/r/OldSchoolCool/comments/9gzank/1991_metallica_concert_where_around_1_million/

    You tell me which is close?

  6. Y’all are fcked up for supporting this. But I bet that’s what you slave owners want. You enslaved the Irish you enslaved the blacks and now you want to destroy and set up military bases all over Asia. Too bad Hong Kong was always China’s since the 200 Qing Dynasty before the west sold opium and now look how the tables have turned the west are the ones who have become desolated from bad policies like allowing illegals and drugs and your teens and young adults are falling into opioid addiction. But that’s not what’s the worst. The worst is actually your school shootings where your own children perish from your once again horrible policies that don’t keep American children safe. No thanks China doesn’t need all that Parkland Columbine Aurora Santa Barbara Orlando Fort Lauderdale mess. Yall can keep your democratic policies that’s destroying the very fiber of your country

  7. Fake news,the big crowd with umbrela are fighting against black shirts to support China government and police.

  8. 这个黄之锋居然还在放洋屁?狗东西

  9. I hope itsxwell for them butvu must learn Jesus said theircwould distress of all nations. were in birth bangs . this is the time getcright with a Holy God who is offended with sin hating His word not seeking Him lying lusting loving are cell phones more than loving God. not giving God His right ful place . Jesus said I am the way the. Truth no man comth to father but through me.Jesus alone can save your soul their will be mass blood shed millions . economic colapse all that matters is your soul is saved. turn to Jesus Christ who is the way the truth the life no man comth to the father but through me.

  10. 香港人真的怂,到现在还没闹出人命。

  11. These young people make bomb storage and attack citizens in Hong Kong, they are pro-democracy freedom fighters. When someone makes a bomb in America , he is a terrorist and can be shot by police. Hmm how interesting.

  12. Free Hong Kong 👈

  13. Freedom Hong Kong 👈

  14. Free Hong Kong 👈

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