HIV survivors reflect on 40 years of AIDS epidemic l ABC News

Plus, Dr. Anthony Fauci looks back at the first reported cases of the “mysterious” illness in 1981.


#ABCNews #AIDS #HIV #Fauci


Author: avnblogfeed


35 thoughts on “HIV survivors reflect on 40 years of AIDS epidemic l ABC News

  1. At least they didn’t have to live to feel the horrors and the wrath upon humanity which has come in the form of CORONAVIRUS, A TRUE VIRUS OF RECKONING AND DESTRUCTION. Pff, HIV? Please. HIV didn’t drive everyone on Earth (except for Australian pygmies) indoors. HIV didn’t put a mask on everyone’s faces and strike fear into the hearts of all men, women, and children (who aren’t Trump supporters). Please, stop crying until you come to me with a real problem, such as a cough and a sore throat and symptoms of fever or common cold. Pussies.

  2. How can anyone doubt Dr Fauci when it comes to the Covid 19 Virus??? The man has been around for decades and has been in the forefront of the AIDS epidemic, in other words this is not the first time in the rodeo for Dr Fauci !!!!!

  3. I have the privilege of working with these patients everyday. They are some of the most grateful and kind individuals I’ve had the pleasure of caring for. It’s an honor to serve this community after the absolute hell they’ve endured due to stigma surrounding their diagnoses. They’re really some of the strongest people I’ve ever met.

  4. Finally I have been cured of Herpes after suffering from the virus for over 10years with several outbreaks, thank you @dr_oahimere_herbal herbal remedies1 for curing me of Herpes for this I'm going to continue sharing so other people can be cured too, He also has medicine, HIV, DIA- BETES, LUPUS, INFERTILITY, CANCER, PTSD, ANXIETY, and many more which I can't mention,
    Whatsapp for more information

  5. I am from Maggie Taxes, US you can write to me on WhatsApp with this number +(815)570 3923 I have been surfing from HIV Disease for the past 2 years now, the experience was really bad, I was going through a lot of hard times.. some of my symptoms where anxiety or apathy and fatigue, dizziness, poor balance, one day I was searching through the INTERNET for natural remedies for HIV Disease, I saw several post about this Doctor called “DR OMAN '' cure for HIV Disease, and some Disease, so I was very convinced and ready to be cured with their natural remedies, so I contacted him and I purchased some herbal medicine for the cure, after few weeks of usage about 6 week I was free completely of the symptoms and went for a text and I can say now I am free from HIV Disease totally…. indeed their remedies are super effective… contact him today on his email: OR
    or WhatsApp or call him on +2348023357986 good luck.

  6. Doctor said Herpes virus do not have medical cure because the virus is capable of hiding within the human cells, it remains protected from your immune system. Herpes isn’t a special virus – your immune system has the tools to fight it back. But because it is able to lay dormant in protected cells, your immune system is unable to remove it from your body,But with strong reactive herbal medication is capable of getting rid of the virus gradually and totally from your body without damaging any of your cells,natural herbs kills the virus totally not just reducing the out break. Get natural herbs cure from dr akhigbe reach him through WhatsApp +2348110603882

  7. Living with a virus for eternity is something you need to sit down and think. There is a cure for any type of virus and diseases. So why listen to people who will discourage you and not give you cure. Alternative cure for any type of virus, diseases and STDS available.
    1; HSV1 and HSV2
    2; Lupus diseases
    3; Cancer
    4; Human Papilloma virus (HPV)
    5; Crohn's diseases
    6; Diabetes
    7; Sickle Cell Arnamia
    8; Herpes
    9; HIV
    10; Neratitis
    11; Diabetes
    12; Pile
    for any health issues Contact Doctor EBEMEN for help in ridding out your problem. WhatsApp

  8. Because of the doctors in my country I never believer that there is a cure for HIV disease again, My brother and sister over the world there is a cure for HIV disease but today many people still not believe that there is a cure for HIV disease, It can be cured through Dr. Oman with Africans root and herbs, If you want to know more about doctor Oman you can write me on WhatsApp number +447782961177 and there our great doctors have finally found the cure for HIV many have got cured with the help of a great herbal doctor and herbalist known as Dr. Oman, he is the one of the great Herbal doctors in Africa and he has the cure for this disease HIV. last month he share is Herbal medicine in some medical hospital and now he is well recognize as one of the best herbal Doctor in Africa, you don’t have to be sad any more or share your tears any more on this disease when the cure have already be found, so if you want to get in touch with him in private contact him WhatsApp him on +2348023357986 or email address;

  9. Doctor said Herpes virus do not have medical cure because the virus is capable of hiding within the human cells, it remains protected from your immune system. Herpes isn’t a special virus – your immune system has the tools to fight it back. But because it is able to lay dormant in protected cells, your immune system is unable to remove it from your body,But with strong reactive herbal medication is capable of getting rid of the virus gradually and totally from your body without damaging any of your cells,natural herbs kills the virus totally not just reducing the out break. Get natural herbs cure from dr akhigbe reach him through WhatsApp +2348110603882

  10. I was once an HIV/AIDS patient. I contacted the virus about 6 years ago. There is this doctor i met online, this doctor has set a great turn around in my life which i will always live to remember. words can't explain the joy and happiness i have been having since i tested negative because, from the onset, i never believed the deadly virus has a cure. Well, i got some herbal medications from him which i used as he instructed, just about two weeks after then, i went for a test and i was HIV negative. Indeed, I got cured with the herbal medication. You can contact dr cozon on whatsapp or call on +13192094060 if you need him

  11. This Guy so called Faucy he has to go to jail, he is the owner of hiv mafia with doctor gallo, tell me how come a bottle of a medication that supposedly need it to survive cost 1000 Usd per bottle, tell me if someone that needs for example insulin cost so much money, that is why they do not find the cure of was found by a Dutch scientist was killed in a flight to Singapore airlines in flight from Amsterdam to Melbourne to the aids conference to present the cure the plane exploded in the air of course they shoot it because was so much money involved, I repeat again this shameless of Faucy in collaboration with Dr Gallo that made this lab virus made need to go to jail forever!

  12. I acquired HIV from unprotected casual anal sex like most people with this illness. It's not a death sentence anymore. I manage it with medication and still continue to have regular anal sex with my partner(s) who are often HIV positive. We lost many along the way, but things are changing. We are the face of progressive values and ideals and we no longer need to be silent. It's 2021 and AIDS is beautiful

  13. My name is Sunli gandhi, Dr. Harvey is the only herbal doctor who could Ever get my HIV cured with his herbal products. I have tried almost everything but I couldn’t find any Solution for the virus, despite all these happening to me, I always spend a lot of money to buy HIV drugs and other supplements to keep me healthy and taking several medications. Until one day I was just surfing through YouTube when I came across a great post from Anita, who said that she was diagnosed with HIV and was healed through the help of this great herbal supplements of Dr Harvey, Sometimes I really wonder why people call him the great Dr.Harvey, I never knew it was all because of the great and perfect work that he has been doing. So I quickly contacted him and told him everything happening to me, and he asked me a few questions and he said something I will never forget, that anyone who contacts him is always getting his/her cure within a few weeks after doing all he asks them to do. So I was amazed all the time I heard that from him, so I did everything he said only to see that at the very day which he said I will be cured and should go for a test to confirm my status, I went to hospital for the final test and the doctor after running the test said I'm HIV Negative wow. I'm very amazed and happy about this cure i have really gone through so much pain and tears for this Dr.Harvey cured me with the help of his natural herbs.If you Have anybody going through this same Situation or any kind of cancers or Diseases at all contact Dr Harvey today he cures them all save a life today. You can contact Dr.Harvey EMAIl::[]
    WHATSAPP:‪+1 (516) 468‑3210‬

  14. I was a teenager. I remember listening to this and being so scared. There were people in my neighborhood looking sick and passing. I was thinking it sounded like AIDS. As they had no idea what was really going on yet. Then it was AIDS. People in NYC were scared. We weren’t sure how this virus spread. We were desperate to save lives. I remember the FDA would not approve AZT. We were desperate for some hope. It was a horrible time. I turned on the tv in Brooklyn,NY the Brownsville section to be exact. The group Act Up were protesting. Never saw anything like it. They started climbing buildings. No was not a choice. I learned the power of the people. I knew in my community the common denominator was drug use. My brother was already a heroine addict. I feared that this would be my brother’s demise. I was assured he didn’t share anything. That false sense of security that was. I started to hear he was infected. I honestly didn’t believe that. We were so close. I knew he would never lie to me like this. It was what was supposed to be my first day at college. My sister lied repeatedly but chose that morning to tell me. She called me that late August morning and she confirmed my fears. I was out of my mind. I left to school. Crying all the way there. It was a lab class that wasn’t starting till the following week. I confronted my brother and them…

  15. Fauci, you own the patent on this virus. I've seen the proof . Anyone who has the desire to actually know can do the research, the truth is right there.

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