Historic flooding – Car Mod Pros Portal

The record-breaking storms swamping Texas have trapped hundreds in rushing floodwaters, killing at least one person.


By carmodpros


28 thoughts on “Historic flooding”
  1. It is the people of these regions that have been voting for political representatives who have been voting against legislation to fight climate change. They don't believe in climate change. They don't want to stop using fossil fuels. Green energy is a joke to them. They refuse to act or even support taking action. They will learn. It will get worse every year.

  2. .#zZz#.⚡⬆️⬇️💀☢☣…⚡😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣😂⚫⚫⚫⚫💀💀💀💀⚡⚡⚡

  3. Move to Chicago and stop living/building in deserts and flood prone coasts. We have nice balanced climate and all that fresh water you see in my profile picture. Its the worlds largest source of fresh water. Everything is green naturally and everything grows. I'm growing a healthy imported Japanese Yoshino Cherry blossom in my front yard. Yes that's the Chicago skyline and Lake Michigan in my profile pic. Btw we have 40 percent of the worlds fresh water and no its not exportable. Not even our suburbs get our water

  4. She didn't knit what to do, so instead of thinking she made a video recording herself panicking🤣😂

  5. The poor lady panicking in her apartment, get outside and go up the stairs hun, all you can do, get to higher ground. In a massive flood don't expect help is coming in a timely manner.

  6. Earth is a bitch. Massive droughts in some area's of the states, massive flooding in others. Be nice if those massive floods filled the lakes facing drought !

  7. Salvation prayer
    Dear God, I know I am a sinner.  I believe You sent your son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for my sins, and the sins of the whole world.  I believe He was buried and rose from the dead 3 days later.  I confess with my mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in my heart that You rose Him from the dead.  Today, i repent for my sins known and unknown, and accept Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior.  In Jesus' name I pray, amen

  8. TX is not only experiencing endless political disasters but abortion, immigrant, electrical power, natural disasters, and etc.‼️ Time for change to a new govt. and a new governor who can handle the job‼️

  9. Just remember those idiots who brought a snowball to the congress saying there's no climate warming. All lies in last 50 years have led to the current extremes that are worsening fast.

    1 in 1000 years… Megadrought. Massive yearly wildfires. Coral reefs dead in Florida. Floods that are becoming a yearly event. Sunny day floods in Miami. Nearing cat6 hurricanes. And these are just few picks out from the USA alone.

    All who said climate change is not real, endorsed fossil firms or were working with those firms should be taken to the court for killing citizens and for the crimes against humanity. There should be laws that would take them to the jail for crimes against the nature.

    Whole economical, political and industrial system should alter to take account all harms that it does to the nature. Costs of not doing so is kust way too high. Not making neccessary action, starting with banning all burning, is going to take toll on lives, nature, infrastructure and if worst comes, then whole mankind goes extinct. That's where we are heading now.

    This situation is only getting worse. We are at 1,1C and it is already clear that we are going over 2C. And that trend says it is going to be much, much worse.

    We are not even avoiding 4C, because China is not negotiating about climate. Russia is on war. China and India are stockpiling fossil fuels ensuring future emissions. Global emissions are still rising, so nothing that really matters have not been done in last 50 years. Our consumption levels are way too high and that leads to massive emissions around the globe. (Current IPCC NDC's leads toward 3,2C, but adding current events, politcal and economical structure, ecosystems changed to carbon emitters, etc. leads up to 4C or more.)

    This is just a single event, but if you see the global situation of drought and floods, then you find out that the situation has worsened dramatically already.

    In this situation single life lost is bad, but on the balance is the survival of the entire planetary ecosystem and the survival of the human race.

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