Hillary Clinton speaks out on Monica Lewinsky

Hillary Clinton speaks out on Monica Lewinsky

The former first lady defended her husband saying his affair with then-intern Monica Lewinsky “wasn’t abuse of power.”


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21 thoughts on “Hillary Clinton speaks out on Monica Lewinsky

  1. Hillary is a bully. Bill Clinton totally abused his power. Shame on her for not acknowledging that. If Chelsea made a mistake at 22 she would chuck it to, she’s a kid. But Monica is an adult, yea ok. Also, the projection is amazing! Her husbands abuse of power has nothing to do with Trump. Also, why as Clinton on Epstein’s island again? Hmmmm…. I’ll wait….

  2. Hillary Clinton has an answer for everything. Of course she would’ve said “absolutely not” so then she does what every liberal sheep does best the Pivot game when you’re losing! She’s pathetic just like her husband! The fact that the Obamas even associate themselves with the Clintons says everything I need to know. Smh pathetic to the core!

  3. 1.Clearly we still do not understand how workplace harassment works and what "taking advantage of your position and power" means. Young intern spending some unchecked time in close proximity with the president, by then a known cheater and womanizer. She was young, naive and wasn't aware of the potential repercussions of the whole thing.
    2. People who call Monica a "home wrecker", FYI, people IN the marriage wreck their own marriages, not third parties. How do we know Bill and Hilary's marriage was not already over before Monica even came into the picture? How do we know Bill did not make it seem like his marriage was an open marriage to Monica? Its sad that the world convinced her to apologise to Hilary…Monica did not need to apologise to ANYONE.
    3. Monica Lewinsky was made to sign contracts to not share her side of the story for a decade which was basically Clinton's abuse of power, denied jobs in her field everywhere in USA…shamed for her entire life, bullied, harassed, trashed, eventually she moved to London and studied social psychology at LSE to understand what happened to her..she tried to share her story now to help others who have been victim of shaming and bullying survive the pain.

  4. People who call Monica a "home wrecker", FYI, people IN the marriage wreck their own marriages, not third parties. How do we know Bill and Hilary's marriage was not already over before Monica even came into the picture? How do we know Bill did not make it seem like his marriage was an open marriage to Monica? Its sad that the world convinced her to apologise to Hilary…Monica did not need to apologise to ANYONE.
    Monica Lewinsky was made to sign contracts to not share her side of the story for a decade which was basically Clinton's abuse of power, denied jobs in her field everywhere in USA…shamed for her entire life, bullied, harassed, trashed, eventually she moved to London and studied social psychology at LSE to understand what happened to her..

  5. Monica Lewinsky was made to sign contracts to not share her side of the story for a decade which was basically Clinton's abuse of power, denied jobs in her field everywhere in USA…shamed for her entire life, bullied, harassed, trashed, eventually she moved to London and studied social psychology at LSE to understand what happened to her..
    And most importantly, for people who call Monica a "home wrecker", FYI, people IN the marriage wreck their own marriages, not third parties. How do we know Bill and Hilary's marriage was not already over before Monica even came into the picture? How do we know Bill did not make it seem like his marriage was an open marriage to Monica? Its sad that the world convinced her to apologise to Hilary…Monica did not need to apologise to ANYONE.

  6. Monica was a victim. Bill hit on a bunch of women. Bill had state employees who were assigned to work his security detail when he was governor ask women to go to his motel room. Monica was very much a victim. Remember Bill was impeached by the Congress not for having sex but he was impeached because he lied under oath. Hillary also lied under oath, she destroyed government documents that were under supeona, she destroyed government property, (remember the acid washing of certain computer parts and then hammering the parts into scrap metal) destroyed government property.

  7. Umm to say he raped her or all these other allegations in the comments are almost laughable yes men can abuse their power but this was a simple open & shut case a consensual affair in which Monica admits several times she initiated she strategically went after him purposely wearing g-strings & bending over in front of him flirting with him publicly listen to the her 90 tapes but even now she admits it and she knew his wife personally and not only that it was public knowledge he was married , Both parties share blame Clinton owed his wife loyalty and his family loyalty & Monica was unapologetically playing with fire and she knew it went it all came to light she didn’t want to be called out for being “that girl” but its the reality and even till this day she keeps the same story she initiated it and it was very much consensual and she feels terrible till this day about it but she owes the world nothing people make mistakes but our leader at the time our president we were definitely disappointed in .. but in the end Hilary stayed anyways so i dont see why this is even still relevant ..

  8. Let’s just hope Clinton somehow doesn’t hurt Mrs Lewinsky after all of this..You know,you could expect everything from the man who killed more than 10 000 people WITHOUT ANY FUCKING REASON!!!CLINTON IS MONSTER,JUST AS HILLARY!!!

  9. Hey little coffee boy George Stephanopoulos here are some facts : 🆘 Bill and Hillary Clinton were the most disgusting and dishonest people to live in the White House. Bill lied about having sex with Monica and Hillary lied about her email server, Benghazi, destroying all her cell phones and blackberries; As well as bleach bitting her hard drives. The Clinton foundation was nothing but a $money$ laundering charity that funded all their lavish travel. So need I say more. They both belong in jail. Thank God crooked Hillary Clinton lost.

  10. That she is, lol. HRC is a lying piece of 💩. Most of what they did was lie and coverup. Dems and rhinos =weak USA.

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