Hillary Clinton endorses Joe Biden

Hillary Clinton endorses Joe Biden

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton endorsed former Vice President Joe Biden when she appeared as the “special guest at his virtual town hall Tuesday afternoon focused on the impacts of COVID-19 on women. READ MORE: https://abcn.ws/2Yee7aJ

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37 thoughts on “Hillary Clinton endorses Joe Biden

  1. Wtf? Trump had America getting strong! These guys are destroying my country, Trillion!?? At 1 dollar ever second, not minutes, 10 thousand years to get a Trillion. No joke. College assignment

  2. Lol I hope all of you 45 supporters are excited and ready for president Biden to place Hillary in the Biden administration 😁😂😂😂

  3. Congratulations to the new POTUS and VPOTUS Biden and Harris for a well-earned victory. To Trump and his supporters, I offer the following
    request: Please accept the loss graciously and do not take your hatred, bigotry and vitriol out on others. Don't resort to violence like you did when your pro-Trump trucks tried to ram a Biden bus off the road in Texas yesterday. Remember, "''tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all".

  4. @Drak biden a 40-year career politician who's almost done nothing except for himself stop Harris who is a far-left leaning senator from California yikes people anyone who does not see-through Biden and Harris BS is not paying attention they will take our country so far left that we will not recognize it and we will be a socialist country stop I say victory at Trump 2020.com!🙂🙂 just s a y i n! 🙂

  5. Will she ever go away. I get angry just seeing and hearing her. EVIL MORAL LESS DEMONIC SELF SERVING POS! Seth Rich! Benghazi, emails, Haiti, Clinton Foundation, Vince Foster and the list goes on. SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE HILLARY JUST GO AWAY!!! NO BODY LIKES YOU YOU HAVE NO SOUL EVIL TO THE CORE DELUSIONAL

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