Highland Park parade mass shooting was planned for weeks: Police l ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

Seven people were killed in a mass shooting at a Fourth of July parade in the Chicago suburb of Highland Park, Illinois, on Monday.

#ABCNews #HighlandPark #Shooting #GunViolence


By carmodpros


40 thoughts on “Highland Park parade mass shooting was planned for weeks: Police l ABC News”
  1. The AR15 is basically a .223 round of between 55-65 grains of projectile weight( It is a .22 caliber bullet). It leaves the muzzle somewhere around 3200+ feet per second. It generally tumbles after impact. Other military weapons in the .30 caliber (not the M1 Carbine) range runs about 147+ to 170+ grains of projectile weight and leaves the muzzle of either the old M1 Garand 30-06, or M14 (7.62X51 or .308, etc), around 2700+ to 2800 feet per second. These .30 caliber bullets are much heavier and traveling almost as fast as the lighter AR15 rounds. They will do more damage than the lighter M16 or AR15 bullets. They will also penetrate far more non human material (car doors, steel desks, school doors, etc) before impacting their intended human targets. Even the old M1 Carbine round (110 grain projectile weight) leaves the 18 inch barrel of the Carbine at 1900 feet per second and has around 900+ ft pounds of energy at the muzzle. The Carbine magazines also come in 15 and 30 round magazines. At 100 yards the energy of the diminutive .30 caliber Carbine round, has more energy than a .357 Magnum pistol round (158 grain projectile weight) does at the muzzle of the pistol. My point? There are a LOT more military projectiles of heavier weight, and slower speed that will penetrate DEEPER and create more horrific wounds in a human body than these AR15 or M16 rounds will. The diminutive .30 Caliber Carbine round (110 Grain projectile weight) at 300 YARDS has more energy than the .38 caliber pistol +P round (124 grain JHP projectile weight) at the muzzle, the same recoil or less than the AR15, and is ideal for the female home defense shooter. Just be thankful that these teen age and young adult mass shooters, do not know or care about the far more powerful military firearms and ammunition out there in the civilian world and available to the public. It could be a LOT worse as far as casualties are concerned. Just FYI

  2. Ban semi auto rifles and high capacity magazines. Same reason you can’t have grenade launchers, rpg’s or even sawed off shotguns. They are too good at iINDISCRIMINATE killing.

  3. welcome to America 🇦🇺🐨👍🏼

  4. He’s pretty well financed. 🤔 The value of those weapons are not cheap. He was a “local agent”

  5. To be honest it's not really guns that are the problem. it's society. Switzerland has more gun owners per capita and yet they've only had one mass shooting in their history which was at Parliament. They never have any gun violence or anything like that anymore. However in our society people are sick, the government is sick and we honestly believe giving sick people guns is a good idea.

  6. Another scumbag loser with an assault rifle and a high capacity magazine. Good for indiscriminate killing, not much else.

  7. Just damn right sickening You big Guy's make all these Gun Laws bs 🙄 then pass them , and WE THE PEOPLE OF THE US need our Guns for our own Safety! Wtf how sad , so tragic ARE YOU BLIND TO THE MASS MURDERERS OUT HERE NOW AGAIN YESTERDAY 😢 HUH ?
    What NOW ??????
    will you keep repeating yourself And Say WE DON'T NEED GUNS TO PROTECT OURSELVES SMH

  8. Hey let's show this guy's face,reveal what guns he used,show his online activity and capitalize in how he's such a mentally ill loner living in a society,so we can embolden other nutcases out there
    Rinse and repeat media

  9. 5 guns? I can’t buy soda on sale more than 3 at a time. Store says limit 3. It’s not a software problem to run checks, raise red flags etc. How about a quick trial and then death penalty their ass. Give ‘em a whole day. F their rights. For the squeamish right to life folks build a prison. In Death Valley. Underground. Super, super max.

  10. American 🔫manufacturer also want their govt to wage meaningless war so they can get the contract and 💵💸 . And there's a guy named Drake in the comment . So Drake the manufacturer will feed u this bullshit stories so that hillbilly like u will buy guns. This is how it's done Drake or is it dork?? Heh!! my man word is that thugs in the streets are arming themselves with illegal guns ak 47. So u better buy this Semi automatic 🇺🇸 manufactured gun to protect urself. And Dork here spends much time in target practice that he has no time for his son. His son goes dad doesn't love me so I am gonna kill people. And the cats in the cradle 🎵

  11. I have a very interesting hypothesis that you should study: are all these mass murders perfectly planned acts of terrorism?
    I think the answer is: YES.
    Possibly, these actions are paid by a political enemy, such as Russia or China, to destabilize the country and generate an advantage for them.
    Do you really need gun control? In Venezuela, one of the steps to implement the current dictatorship was arms control. The unarmed population is defenseless against the repressive organs of the State, both visible and invisible.
    What is the real cause of the problem? Is gun control really the solution? How to eliminate these acts of terrorism while maintaining a country with healthy freedoms?
    Those are our questions or homework. 🙂


  13. Why would they sale somebody that looked crazy like that cause if he was black looking crazy he couldn't have purchased one and he would've been killed on site after this shooting

  14. So sad! I hope USA soon will see that guns should not be sold this easily.
    Sadly, they’ve learned nothing from history ….

  15. Get your sh*t together America. How school and mass shootings is it gonna take till you realize enough's enough?

  16. If the cops are there in Sept 2019 after a family member reported that he had said he was going to kill everyone, and they take 16 knives out of the house, then why is his dad sponsoring a firearm owner's identification (FOID) permit for the kid three months later in Dec 2019???? Some serious garbage parenting going on there.

  17. Crazy how mass shootings happen non-stop when gun control is the agenda and stop when it's not. Obama's america was mass shooting one after another and then 4 years of calling trump a racist to cause blm riots only to be back to Biden with mass shootings back to back. The news channels only push bs

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