High school girl forced to cut braids during softball game

High school girl forced to cut braids during softball game

Officials claimed the 16-year-old girl violated rules, while the teen and her family counter that the rules are discriminatory.


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29 thoughts on “High school girl forced to cut braids during softball game

  1. The coach shouldn’t have allowed her to cut anything. They should have packed up and left mid game before it got to that point.

  2. I don't see a safety issue. Maybe a potential mess issue if they break which might be a issue. Maybe each team should get one warning for things like this. The hair cutting was out of line.

  3. This is why black girls slowly stop playing the sport 😅 but I wore my hair how ever is Mississippi 😅

  4. This story is some bullshit. She was told either remove the beads or sit out the game. At no point did the umpire tell her to cut her hair… She cut her hair by choice. No one forced her to do anything. Running around with beads in your hair during sport is a safety hazard. The news makes it seem like this big racist conspiracy that this white umpire forced this little black girl to cut her hair in front of everyone. That is so far from the truth, and just bullshit!!!

  5. Looks like all these puppets on this channel didn’t listen that she didn’t have to cut her hair… English, take out the braids or sit on the bench? You fucking pigeons , she choose to cut her own hair.

  6. Forced ??? This is why news is fake. She was not forced to cut her hair. She could have choose to sit out or take the beads out. Nothing racist about it. It’s a rule in the rule book and just like every youth sport it is inconsistent. Quit making everything about race

  7. Let’s continue to boycott ABC, CBS, CNN, CNBC, FoxNews, MSNBC, NYT, USA Today, NBC, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Bloomberg, Newsweek, Time, The Guardian, HBO, TMZ, HuffPost, Facebook and Coca Cola, Disney, Hollywood, Gillette, Burger King etc. Go to Aussie TV to get the truth.

  8. It's astonishing to run into people on social media who don't understand the resentment this community feels when non-black women are praised and collect online "clout" for wearing traditional African braided styles while black Americans are still penalized and subject to public punishments for embracing their own cultural hairstyles 400 years later.

  9. It’s not the braids though.. it’s the beads 🥴

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