High-end complex in Nairobi under ‘attack,’ police say

High-end complex in Nairobi under ‘attack,’ police say

The complex includes an upscale hotel.


23 thoughts on “High-end complex in Nairobi under ‘attack,’ police say

  1. Oh no it’s always the innocent that get hurt 😞.. I pray for these people 🙏

  2. First my heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of those who died /wounded in this coward attack, we * somali people * stand with our kenyan brothers and sisters and Alshabaab doesn't represent or belong to somali people, they are terrorist group and they kill innocent somali people everyday.

  3. Love how people assume god saved them yet dont consider that everyone who died god either at best didnt save for whatever fukin reason or at worst killed them. Either way all this shit must be gods will eh.

  4. Who gives a shit I mean really who cares 🗽🇺🇸

  5. If you blame God for this your a dumb. God has nothing to do with people wanting to kill others. He dose not control anyone he gave us free will to do what we either follow Jesus Christ or be destroyed in the lake of fire.

    Also we live in a fallen world ther is going be death and suffering because sin .

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