‘Heroic’ nuclear plant operators working under ‘grave duress’: Nuclear expert – Car Mod Pros Portal

ABC News’ Trevor Ault speaks with former acting Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy Edward McGinnis about the dangers in Ukraine as nuclear facilities fall under control of Russia.


By carmodpros


47 thoughts on “‘Heroic’ nuclear plant operators working under ‘grave duress’: Nuclear expert”
  1. It certainly doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why the US is publicly admitting how terrified they are of Russia getting their hands on the research from the bio-labs in Ukraine that supposedly didn't exist last week.

  2. This guy knows his sh-t. Safety is premium they had better not bomb safety cooling systems. Shows how loving an attentive Putin's invader mentality is. Yet, as he says, he wants to bring the Russian family back together. How sweet?

  3. Ukraine is suffering because of fake promises from Biden and NATO, now Zelensky is saying that these things happened because of NATO, because Biden wants to create war so that America can sell arms.

  4. All this because of woke uneducated,uniformed cheating sheep voted for incompetent, 48 years of failure, misogynistic, racist, incompetent, inept, puppet, swamp creature, child hair sniffer Biden.

  5. From what I've been able to tell, the most important aspect of the Russian/Ukrainian war is the CCP wins both ways. Why does this feel so off? Oh wait, maybe it's because, the China Commumnist State is, almost entirely, funding Russia's invasion!

  6. 3:34 & 4:24
    The anchor and "guest" talk about the nuclear power plant being "attacked" and "bombed" by Russians; what evidence is that based on, they do not say. If the plant was "bombed", then it would have exploded, given the highly volatile spent fuel. There is no evidence of such an "explosion" that I am aware of.

    Anchor asks if there is a difference between nuclear weapons and nuclear power plants, counting on the presumed ignorance of the viewers.

    For one, nuclear weapons are…well, weapons, while nuclear power plants generate electricity for cities. Why then would Russia need to seize the nuclear power plant, if they already have nuclear weapons? Nuclear power in Russian hands gives them the ability to control the supply of electricity, which can be turned on and off at their disposal. I hope I don't need to elaborate on why the Russians would find that useful.

    PS: Noticed the "western standards are better than eastern standards" implicit in the guest's comment?

  7. This action should show Russian citizens Putin does not care about their safety only his own ego. He will be safe in a fallout shelter while they die.

  8. Should have caused all reactors to melt down.. And let it rain right on top of russia. Whatever the wind picks up would blow it right into canada… They're already idiots so radiation wouldnt even effect their dna. Hell my 2 cents.. Canadas embraced covid because it effected their dna. Look at the prime minister.. Dudes going after truckers pets..

  9. What kind of propaganda do you have in the news…. And people do believe. The station was still captured on February 29. And the fucking Ukrainian nationalists made a provocation on purpose.
    At the moment, people in the city of Mariupol are being used as a human shield, they are not being released, although they have a corridor.People complain that they are not released. And right now they have blown up a residential building and 200 civilians under the rubble. Let me remind you that there is a corridor, and tomorrow they will try to blame Russia for this. Don't get fooled by fake news!!!!

  10. Ukraine urgently needs anti-aircraft missile systems to effectively shoot down Russian missiles and planes! They bomb and disperse the civilian population: adults, old people, and children! This is absolutely unacceptable! Putin and his army are war criminals! Your help will greatly accelerate the destruction of the occupiers and the expulsion of their remnants back home! We understand that NATO does not want to become a belligerent. Therefore, please, as soon as possible, provide Ukraine with anti-aircraft missile systems so that Ukrainians themselves destroy the enemy as quickly as possible and return peace to their home! Ukraine thanks you for the help already provided! Thank you very much!

  11. ABC doing some "heroic" propaganda 😂😂😂

  12. Putin doesn’t care at all about the Ukrainian people, nor does he care about the Russians that live under him. He’d let them all die for his pride. He’s an evil sociopath.

  13. You think our new drug dealing California Governor really gives a F about any of this ? Don’t kid yourself, he knows what he’s doing is against Federal Law and Joe Biden has just sold out to Big Pharma and Big Oil. Maybe it really is time to take all of these traitors that have been funding this dictatorship over there in Eukraine back to the Stone Age…

  14. FAKE NEWS! This NPP is under control of the Russian and Ukrainian Forces since Feb, 2. No any damage to NPP was detected, even Pentagon announced that yesterday. Training Centre building, located far of the NPP, was attacked by UKRAINIAN ultra-nationalistic terrorists in order to prevent peace negotiations. They tried to put the building on fire, but Russians come and extinguished fire before it spread to the roof. Refer the official announcement by the Russian Ministry of Defense. This FAKE NEWS are spread by those who makes money of war, thus escalates the war and prevent peace negotiations!

  15. The half life of uranium is 5000 years. Most people dont understand the consequence of that fact. If there is a massive failure then the time to fix the issue is some order of magnitude of that, lets say 50000 years . Nuclear plants should never been built.

  16. Humanity catastrophe yet the Western world looks on and clap for Ukrainians 🇺🇦 bravery. So painful to watch this tragedies unfolding and no one is willing to intervene because it has not come to our doorstep. We keep on saying "never again" but we're watching another holocaust in a slow motion

  17. Everybody please don't let this moment pass please make the best decision of your life right now by allowing our God in heaven to come into your life by you praying to God everyday for his help in every decision of your life everyday and in every situation of your life everyday for I guarantee if you do this everyday then your life will get better, you will have more peace, you will be more successful, you will have more happiness, and all your dreams will come true that’s because when you pray to God then God will make all good things possible for you and you must not forget to read the “Holy Bible” everyday and a great place for you to start in the holy Bible is (Psalms 1) and everyday after that read a chapter in Psalms till you finish all the chapters in Psalms then after that start on (Proverbs 1) then everyday after that read a chapter in Proverbs till you finish all the chapters in Proverbs and after that read every chapter of the Holy Bible until you finish it for it will change your life in the most amazing way

  18. Ed McGinnis was misleading here, and quite honestly, he’s biased being in the industry.

    These were built before the Chernobyl reactor 4 disaster—they were not built for war. These are mostly VVER-1000 units, which are classified as generation 2, same as the RBMK-1000, used at Chernobyl until 2000.

    They’re above ground. Modern generation 3 plants are not built like these were, and with good reason. It is reassuring to hear they were later reinforced, but you’re not being upfront, Mr. McGinnis.

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