Heroes seen wielding unconventional weapons in terror takedown | ABC News

Heroes seen wielding unconventional weapons in terror takedown | ABC News

Brave bystanders who helped stop a terror attack in London used fire extinguishers, chairs and a narwhal tusk ripped off a wall in the heat of the moment.

#ABCNews #London #LondonBridge #TerrorAttack


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27 thoughts on “Heroes seen wielding unconventional weapons in terror takedown | ABC News

  1. I love that this horrible but incredible moment have been full with memes is awesome,but that men remember he's polish and use hes wing hussars blood to take down that guy

  2. If this happened in Muslim world, people would make fun of it.
    Does this guy walk around with his Narwhal tusk? WTF? 😂😂😂

  3. Narwhal Bridge Warrior Set :
    – Narwhal Tusk
    – Water Sprayer

    +20 Damage
    +10 Attack range
    +5 Courage
    -5 Movement speed

    Use sprayer while wielding tusk to have special buff

    Special buff : Blinds enemy while attacking

  4. This would've been less disastrous if citizens in the UK could conceal carry

    The amount of people the in comment section that would gladly give up their right to defend themselves and rely on the police despite response times is laughable at best and concerning at worst

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