Hero citizens in El Paso ran toward danger to help others l ABC News

Hero citizens in El Paso ran toward danger to help others l ABC News

Ray Garcia and Jimmy Villatoro speak exclusively to “GMA” about their decision to run toward the shooting scene at Walmart to help save lives.

READ MORE: https://gma.abc/2YIo0Kz

#ABCNews #ElPaso #Texas #Shooting #HeroCitizens #ElPasoMassShooting


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42 thoughts on “Hero citizens in El Paso ran toward danger to help others l ABC News

  1. Lol you guys taking praise from idiots who call you hero for baring false witness and deceiving the same fools that call you hero. How low can you be to accept praise for acting in a deceiving Homeland security drill. 🤦‍♂️

  2. When this happens, everyone has a mobile phone but nobody has any footage of what this is supposed to be about. Just people running around, it happens every time. ??
    I know people that have just been to Texas and the word on the street is, that this is all gang related and we are fed this single shooter theory every time….sounds familiar JFK, Lennon etc etc.

  3. if you do something bad you go to jail u loose money, job and family but when you do something good as some of this people did all they get is a thanks and maybe and interview, give this people some good money.

  4. Its really sad these people had to lose their life to someone who is mentally unstable and i think we should blame every mass shooting that doesnt involve caucasians on trump! Because we know its all his fault and ONLY HIS FAULT. You guys need to really look at the big picture and realize that its not a color war its the news system turning this country into a racially devided nation. I cant stand watching any news source bc both sides are slinging this racial crap. I blame the lack of mental health clinics in this country im not blaming politics. Do me a favor step back from the tv and look at the bigger picture!

  5. I am so sorry, I can’t imagine.
    Some context, This administration back in Feb 2017 with Paul Ryan, Moscow Mitch and this president approved HJ Res 40—Nullifying a rule pertaining to the NICS database. By doing that the FBI doesn’t get flagged that a mentally ill individual wants to purchase a fire arm. Background checks right now are worthless in regards to mentally ill folks issues because they are not flagged. Ok?

  6. We Didnt even Get this much support .when Terrorist Attack .sanbernardino😠
    San Bernardino STRONG!🙏❤

  7. Love will ALWAYS conquer hate! Hate is taught and I know until my dying day, that I will raise my daughter's the same way my mother raised me. To love everyone, good or bad. No one can be sure what went on in that young man's head, but all his hate and anger has brought, is love and unity. The fact that racism is still such a problem makes me absolutely sick. Don't let this wave of bad apples, take away your love and empathy. Stand together and you will always stand taller and stronger. Praying for every family being ripped apart by loss and heartache. 🙏🙏🙏

  8. This shooting has been classified as a hate crime and/or domestic terrorism, as it should be. Logic should dictate that white supremacist and white nationalist groups should be officially listed as terrorists organizations.

  9. – I hate gingers!!
    – the fakk, man?? you are crazy.
    – I hate this / that SKIN colour!
    – yeaah! supreme XYZ race!

    seriously, judging human beings because of skin colour is like judging them based on hair colour. insanity.
    not even cats judge eachother based on their colours

  10. According to Trump ..it's not the white nationalist with the guns .. IT'S THE VIDEO GAMES. While Fox disables the COMMENT SECTION on the issue. As the story upsets their audience.

  11. If you don’t have anything nice to say don’t comment into this just keep your comments to yourself and don’t criticize if they have those shirts or if they are heroes or not you can obviously see they cared for other citizens that were panicking and god bless them and everyone plain and simple

  12. Wake up people. This was another false flag. The demorats need a platform so now they got one. More to come before elections. Wake up. Crisis actors at there finest. False flag. I knew right away. Lol. Wakey wakey.

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