Heres what you need to know to make your best money moves

Heres what you need to know to make your best money moves

With businesses closing and unemployment growing, personal financial expert Farnoosh Torabi says this is not the time to panic. Here are some things you can do to help keep your finances afloat.

#FinancialExpert #FarnooshTorabi #Economics #MoneyManagement


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28 thoughts on “Heres what you need to know to make your best money moves

  1. Have a baby on the way… we are Legal taxpaying non-citizens. hubby just got put on 3 month unpaid leave.. we don't get assistance from the government, even though we pay taxes…

  2. “Talk is cheap”Reality is Tough!

  3. Japan is worse than italy. All Japanese hospitals and clinics are posted at entrance door saying go home if you have any symptoms of coughing, fever or shortness of breath. Just take a medicine from over the counter. That's crazy l. Wonder why their numbers are low. Japan is worse than italy.

  4. People should have started preparing 2 months ago. Remember when many of us were saying this thing was going to get crazy and FOX and Trump and his Cult were saying it was a nothing burger?

  5. Now that we socialists have your attention…we will tell you what to do..stay home..get canned goods..wash your self on Tuesdays…lmoa…you freaking idiots..lmao..

  6. even if this virus doesn’t kill us, the financial disaster to follow will be horrible

  7. I really like Amy Rohrbach, but the other lady is an entitled idiot. Credit card and utility companies dont care about the virus. She needs to shut her mouth and stay at home.

  8. I actually gave notice 28 February, and was supposed to be out 30 march,but do to wires crossed that now I and management change notice 12march and be out 12 April,I just paid partial rent for April ( 1-12).which now I have 10 bucks for my move.

  9. 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻

  10. 钱留着买口罩难道不好吗?

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