Heidi Heitkamp, Dusty Johnson discuss Donald Trump’s 2nd impeachment – Car Mod Pros Portal

Former Democratic Sen. Heidi Heitkamp assesses the prospects of the upcoming Senate trial. Plus, Rep. Dusty Johnson, R-S.D., gives perspective from the House floor.


By carmodpros


32 thoughts on “Heidi Heitkamp, Dusty Johnson discuss Donald Trump’s 2nd impeachment”
  1. By definition impeachment is a political statement! I think he should have also been impeached for his phone calls to Georgia election officials! He threatened them and demanded that they find 11,780 votes or else! In fact, he should have been convicted during his first impeachment! Republicans admitted that he was guilty but refused to convict him! The only way this country will become united is when Republicans tell their constituents the truth! The election was free and fair (except for republicans disenfranchising hundreds of thousands before the election) and that Trump lost by seven million votes!

  2. It will be hard for Republicans to recover from this bc they have enabled every corrupt and cruel action and rhetoric from Donald Trump.

  3. He has not indeed been impeached. Again you stupid people don't understand how it works. The house recommends impeachment the senate decides if he is impeached. In fact he has never been impeached and never will be. Dumbasses.

  4. 4/28/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
    The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
    For The Lord’s Watchmen, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

    Thus says The Lord to those who are faithful and hold fast to the line… To those whose hearts remain close to The Holy Covenant, whose minds are set upon The Goal; those whose thoughts grab hold of the vision with countenances unchanged, adamant stones who can not be moved from My purpose, rocks of offense set in the midst of this most rebellious generation; servants who remain in My love,[1] who long for justice to run down like water and for righteousness to flow like a mighty stream,[2] for the zeal of The Lord of Hosts dwells within them…

    My sons, in the midst of you I have placed a measuring line. Even amidst many stones of stumbling have I stretched it out, that you may follow it, that you may go straight forward. And though you yet stumble, I have indeed stretched it out before you, lest you should fall and be unable to rise up again. For the weight of this revelation is indeed very heavy and shall be met with much resistance. Persecution and slander shall come forth to bar your way, many voices condemning you for your actions, many accusations brought forth falsely on account of My words. Lo, it has come forth already, and shall continue and increase by measure.
    Yet do not be at all dismayed by this people, nor be taken aback by their words; do not listen to their slander. And when they draw close to abuse you in word or by deed, do not turn and run. For I shall be with you and dwell in you like a flame of fire. Behold, I shall make you as a fortified city, with high and thick walls, built with strong and tempered mortar, which no man can scale nor shall the enemy break through. For no weapon forged against Me shall by any means prosper. I AM THE LORD.
    Therefore, My sons, hear the Word of My mouth and so do; heed all My commands and do not hesitate when the decree is sent down. Go forth in My name and do not relent, nor be turned aside, for the mouth of The Living God has spoken! Trumpet My fierce rebuke and make My indignation known, without ceasing!

    Share My words and declare My wrath
    In every corner of your reach, by all manner
    Of speaking and devices!…

    Speak My words aloud, and blow the Trumpet
    Against this nation and against the churches of men!…

    Yea, sound to the four corners,
    Blow the Trumpet in all the earth!…

    Says The Lord God.

    My watchmen, pick up the Trumpet and turn toward the churches of men and declare the Word of My mouth, that the sound of My voice may humble them. Yet if they will by no means be humbled upon hearing the Word of The Lord, behold, on a day they do not know and at an hour they do not expect, I will come forth from My place and strip them naked and pour out all their riches upon the ground. Lo, I will sift them and bring forth a remnant, even from the midst of them, and they shall be left all alone in bewilderment and tears.
    Therefore, again I say to you, blow the Trumpet, My sons. For the time of The Lord’s Rebuke has come and the warning must be given. Go, hesitate not! Go forth and make enemies of all peoples and nations! Cause a great division,[3] even within the churches of men! For I have not come forth to give them peace, that they may sit at ease in all their fornications, or to sit idly by as iniquity overtakes them; no, I have not come forth to make peace, but war, a great division!

    For this is the sword I bring,[4]
    Even to the slaying of every heart,
    To the breaking up of every false foundation…

    Behold, I am come forth to divide asunder,
    To cut in pieces, until all this enmity is torn down…

    Says The Lord.

  5. Hector Fernandez
    Trump's tweet in 2017 is just as applicable to recent events: "Loser terrorists must be dealt with in a much tougher manner. The internet is their main recruitment tool which we must cut off & use better!" Trump organized a rally in his own backyard and continued to propagate outright lies concerning election fraud. . . looks at the crowd and sees Combat helmets, tactical gear, and baseball bats . . .Tells them to "Fight" over 20 times, and tells them to fight harder or their freedom will be compromised, and 1 hour later that same crowd attacks an entire branch of government. Some might say "those are fighting words" . . .I think it is safe to say he had a key role in inspiring an insurrection and sedition and clearly violates Section 3 of the 14th amendment. SCOTUS ruling in Brandenburg V Ohio clearly does not protect speech that calls for imminent sedition and insurrection. If such acts do not meet the standards of impeachment. . . .What does? If nothing is done, what deterrence exists to prevent a future president from doing so (and possibly being more successful in secession) without chance of penalty?

  6. This was the most bipartisan impeachment in American history. I thought getting three republicans to vote for impeachment wouldve been an accomplishment, but TEN?!!! In todays republican party? WOW!!!

  7. Even U.S. Constitution expert, Harvard Emeritus Prof. Alan Dershowitz, a Democrat, is AGAINST BOTH IMPEACHMENTS! People around the world are watching and laughing at the brainless and dangerous clowns in Congress pushing for a second impeachment. If I had the power, I would fire them all immediately!

  8. dusty johnson just can't get his "head around impeachment". 'what's the point?'. This is how republicans think. dusty johnson is shameful. If you don't understand the impeachment process than find out, read up! Your answer is lazy.

  9. Yes, the relationship between Dems and Reps. is strained. But then to which party does Trump belong? Which party blocked his first impeachment? Actually this isn't a second impeachment it's work being done to finish the first one. 7 days no, it's been stewing since Feb. 5th 2020 when republicans failed to uphold a just action a year ago.

  10. Why don’t they go for a third article and impeach three times a charm.

  11. A couple was vilified for only brandishing a weapon in defense of their property and lives. Those in government think nothing of murdering an unarmed female 14-year veteran and using thousands of armed military to make them simply "feel" safe.

  12. The executive branch ignored the judicial branch’s rulings and attacked the legislative power. If that is not what impeachment is for, then what? I couldn’t make up something more serious if I used my imagination freely.

  13. Dusty John, hahahaha… I am laughing at you and your crazy explanation about the impeachment. Even if it is the last day of Trump's presidency, he needs to be impeached. Wrong is wrong no matter how much or little time left.

  14. There are gonna be fake trump supporters (antifa in diguise) causing trouble at the state capitols this weekend. Please spread the word! Do NOT show up! It is also a trap!

  15. Very happy 😍💋 💝💖♥️❤️

  16. We must bankrupt Fox News, bankrupt Newsmax, … we must the propaganda lie networks that feed the radical extremists with the Big Lie.

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