Health experts concerned Super Bowl celebrations could be super spreader events

Health experts concerned Super Bowl celebrations could be super spreader events

As football fans across the country gathered to watch the game, the CDC is warning that the UK variant is rapidly spreading and could become the main strain in the United States by March.


26 thoughts on “Health experts concerned Super Bowl celebrations could be super spreader events

  1. Like how they are saying it’s the Super Bowl spreader but it’s literally just people celebrating AFTER the Super Bowl it’s the after parties

  2. Interesting how no “health experts” were concerned when maskless Biden supporters were celebrating in the streets? It’s almost like this is selective outage from ABC to target conservatives.

  3. The Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins, and he was buried, and he rose again the third day, and he is offering everlasting life to all who will believe in him.

  4. What we've got here is failure to communicate.

    Some men, you just can't reach.

    So you get what we had here last week — which is the way he wants it.

    Well, he gets it.

    And I don't like it anymore than you men.

  5. Football fans: We know more than the health experts!
    Health experts: You been warned! ⚠️🤣

  6. Hello ABC, did you not report on the ANTIFA demonstrations in Washington D.C. ??? Is that not news worthy??? Is the Demonstration not a super spreader. ABC is a Direct threat to the American Republic.

  7. Hopefully it stays in Florida but we know it wont😪

  8. Nobody was forcing you to be there. Hide in your basement if your scared cowards. You should probably get a treadmill though because you should be more afraid of your fat ass.

  9. Maybe corporate America should have canceled the game in order to prevent the spread. But it proves their bottom line is money. The dog and pony show with those pretending to wear masks haphazardly was embarrassing to watch.

  10. 🚫💉💦Fake Pandemic🐂💨💩

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