Health care workers in areas with low vaccination rates speak out – Car Mod Pros Portal

Doctors and nurses in Missouri, Nevada and Alabama share their thoughts on the rise in cases.


By carmodpros


41 thoughts on “Health care workers in areas with low vaccination rates speak out”
  1. We don't need "vaccines." Use Ivermectin. It's totally effective, super safe, and costs hardly anything. It even won a Nobel Peace Prize in the 70s.

  2. Funny how I know several nurses and none of them will take the vaccine. They all say that the rates are exaggerated, and they all say that none of them had the crowding in hospitals like was claimed.

  3. This is so stupid. Get a vaccine if you want then STFU. Your husband and kids are of absolutely no concern to me. Keep them in a bubble if they cant stand any infection at all.

  4. Signing up for a career in healthcare doesn't mean you want to be in a freaking MASH unit. I can't believe they Still have to deal with surges after this long

  5. (click man's picture at bottom that's pro-vaccer Michael Yeadon ex Pfizer CEO doing a Q&A he also has an hour long video on the internet too they have been trying to hush it
    "it's not bad it's evil" "I am not a conspiracist and never have been I am a normal person."

    Doctor explains how to say no.

    Help with eternal life: ONE person found 1000 people who had seen Jesus Heaven Hell Angels or demons after dying and being brought back to life. YouTube "Heaven hell testimony" Looking back I wish someone told something like this to me.

    call on Jesus Christ now "Lord Jesus help me forgive me wash my sins away in your Blood, fill me with Holy Spirit, and make me a righteous holy saint with You forever in Heaven. In Jesus Name amen."
    "My Father My Father help me I've been lost I know You love me that You sent your Son Jesus for me. My Father arise and rewrite my destiny to be with You forever in Heaven washed by the Blood of Jesus in Jesus Name amen."

  6. In this day and age (especially in Korea and the United States), media reform does not exist.

    Only the enforcement and punishment of the law based on ethics and morality is necessary.

    It is also necessary to compensate for the damage done by the criminals for it.

    Inevitably, there must be retaliation for the crime and cruel punishment for the crime.

    Also, thorough compensation for damage is required. by Prophet Yi July 7, 2021

    Tornado rips through Chicago after Claudette devastates the South

    States with low COVID-19 vaccine rates see cases rise as variants spread

    주민들은 집에 숨었습니다! 놀라운 폭풍이 스페인 베르게 다를 강타하다

    NBC News NOW Full Broadcast – June 21st, 2021

    Because of the Mangwons, the killers of America and South korea,

    South korean killers (males and females) on US and South korean stations. Since 1994, they have been committing crimes of murder, massacre, and abuse on a 24-hour shift. (tortures of abuse, extortion and destruction, as well as in vivo experiments, etc.)

    @ The purpose of their crime is ;

    1. to cover up their crimes

    2. Broadcasting of lies and manipulation of the crime

    3. For the sake of their crimes, the victims are banned from social activities.

    4. Extortion and destruction for their own benefit

    (All social policies, ideas, products of ideas, destruction of personal property and businesses, destruction of homes and family , etc.)

    5. Used in their crimes

    6. They commit crimes for their money and career.

    7. Falsely fabricating the Bible to conceal their crimes and commit crimes

    (They hide from people the calamities of punishment that are happening for their crimes, and use the Bible in their crimes.)

    8. They find out the meaning of the words of the Bible by extorting them, hide their crimes, and later make it look like they know the words of the Bible and use them in their own crimes.

    9. Ideas for programs of stations and used to increase viewership.

    10. Others, etc.


    Among the evidence for the collapse of South korea and the United States,

    한국과 미국의 멸망에 대한 근거자료들 중에서 (South korea Entertainment 코리아 엔터테인먼트)

    Again, I warning you <the management and staff of Twitter>

    Bring back my Twitter homepage.


    This is the reality.

    Delta-plus COVID-19 variant found now in 10 countries

    Vietnam discovers new Covid-19 strain, hybrid of Indian and British vari…


    ● Check the date of news ….. ;

    "Trump reelection probability 4%", Economist's US presidential election D-2 analysis. 2020.11.01. news /

    Corona virus 19 will not go away until these things are released. Murderers of South korean and American must be disclosed. Also, must be brutally and openly punish all crimes of them. Naturally all families of them, too. by Prophet Yi /


    America has to fight for her.

    She's nothing but a person like you. And you have to fight for someone better than you. She is you and the face to your country.


    #CNNTapes: Jeff Zucker Labels Donald Trump A Bigger Threat To National Security Than Voter Fraud (2020. 12. 2)

    Kayleigh McEnany


    Amen or (Women) Umen which one is right?!

    South korean and American murderers who are the trash of Satan and the devil, Dare not to use the name of Jesus evilly. It cruelly kills you and your family.


    This is the reality.

    Delta-plus COVID-19 variant found now in 10 countries

    Vietnam discovers new Covid-19 strain, hybrid of Indian and British vari…


    Cruelly, abuse, kill, extortion and destruction of the abominable antichrist's South korean and American murderers and their families. Nothing compares to Satan and the offspring of the devil committing evil crimes.

    This is a commandment of the law of Jesus and a commandment of righteousness. Also, this is a commandment of the Scriptures.

    They will no longer be able to use the love of Jesus in their wicked offenses.


    Let a satanic criminal like you who speaks of reproof to Jesus beg to tear to pieces in hell for a more cruel punishment and die in pain.


    Again and again……..

    Jews (self-proclaimed Israel) and Americans commit crimes for their own power and money.

    Bill Clinton and Hillary, Obama and Biden, and Democrats in the United States have committed the same crimes with Jews.

    They have been committing crimes repeatedly for the money and power of their crimes and to conceal them. There is no peace.

    Peace cannot come to the Arab country because the Democratic Party of the United States, subordinates receiving bribes from Jews, exists.

    Jew, self-proclaimed Israel.

    Satan and the devil were also angels at first.


    Who is David and who are the descendants of JESUS?

    Who is David? And Jesus came into the world from his descendants

    ( Psalms 110 ) Who is David? And JESUS came to the world from whose descendants? (by grace of Yahweh) David said "my Lord" to who? when David prayed.


    All truth must be revealed for the righteousness and law of GOD who lives and works alone.

    I am working for the complete fulfillment of the words of the righteous law of JEHOVAH ( Yahweh ) , JESUS Christ, the only GOD living and working alone.

    It is for the righteous word and law of JEHOVAH ( Yahweh ) , JESUS and also for love and glory. Only when the words of GOD's righteous law are fulfilled can love be perfect. by Prophet Yi ( David of JESUS )


    How will side effects and mutations in the Corona Virus 19 experiment be resolved ?

    Also, who is responsible ?

    Can you handle it ?! /…/status/1284154350617624576/photo/1 The University Central Hospital “Nënë Tereza” in #Tirana is now ready to open a new lab which will test for #COVID__19 all patients admitted in hospital /

    The vaccine for'Corona Virus 19' ;

    Murderers of South korean and American must be disclosed. Also, must be brutally and openly punish all crimes of them. Naturally all families of them, too. by Prophet Yi /

    NBC and ABC and TBN stations, the dens of the murderers. /


    Park Ji-won, the head of the National Intelligence Service, is a criminal in the abuse of torture and murder in South Korea. TV and radio stations were committed to committing falsehoods and manipulations, and President Kim Dae-jung was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. The murderer Park Ji-won repeats the torture of murder and abuse in a 24-hour turn commit to GOD's servant, Prophet Yi and his family. Self-proclaimed 'Mang-Won' criminals are committing torture and crimes on TV and radio stations, They doing crime 24-hour shift'. These crimes are the cause of GOD's punishment.

    Therefore, 'corona viruses 19' and 'mutations' that transcend imagination, The punishment of GOD ( JESUS ) are spreading rapidly in South korea, the United States, and all countries.

    New international law must be put to punish South Korean murderers more than the death penalty. The new law is like this. South korean criminals deliberately commit crimes to the Prophet Yi's family and home by torture of murder, robbery, and torture in a 24-hour shift over the past 28 years. And they doing crimes of abuse by the National Security Law. Compared to this, it is to be brutally killed and brutally killed. This is a divine law and a code. The crimes of South Korean self-proclaimed 'Mang-Won' plans have been documented in the Blue House in South korea, the White House in the United States, and the National Intelligence Service and the CIA. And it is owned by broadcasters and organizations of the Christian (Anti-Christian).


    Corona virus 19 will not go away until these things are released.

    Murderers of South korean and American must be disclosed.

    Also, must be brutally and openly punish all crimes of them.

    Naturally all families of them, too. by Prophet Yi /

    Cause of the disaster, Murderers in South korea and the United States are deliberately committing a crime beyond imagination to JESUS and his servant Prophet Yi and his family by abusing the National Security Law and abuse of authority. For their crime concealment, the power and money of the crime. For over 28 years, they have been committing crimes with a 24-hour shift. (Criminals, Mang-Won) What can you do in this situation? by Prophet Yi Jung-Yon ( David of JESUS )

    Not only South Korea and the United States, but also the criminals of all countries who have been committed to committing crimes even though they know the truth are also destroyed in cruel pains and abused to die.

  7. 11 months after New Zealand's last Covid death, looking at American media is like stepping back in time.


  8. China has sent vaccines to over 90 countries. – Sen.Kennedy

    US has sent expiring J&J vaccines refused by Americans, to Mexico.

    Thank you to all the Antivaxxers in America. The people of the world would not have these vaccines if it wasn't

    for your commitment to believing what the dumbest guy in medical school had written on Facebook. – T.Noah.

  9. NEW ZEALAND FOLLOWED THE WHO SIMPLE 3 POINT PLAN resulting in 26 Covid deaths; the last in August 2020.

    US left the WHO and mocked it's simple 3 point plan resulting in 621,873 Covid deaths with 300 more each day.

    In late 2020 an independent international WHO investigation confirmed to the world that COVID WAS NOT MAN-MADE.

    China wants thorough investigations into US Covid origins. Justifiable as the US has the Earth's worst mismanagement.

  10. Lots of ignorant comments here. As retired RN,glad I don't have to take care of fools who didn't mask, didn't vaccinate, didn't listen to international news, don't honor the 600,000 who died because they didn't personally see them. False Christians ,not even a Thomas. Do you but don't go to the hospital no matter what happens, make sure you have life insurance. Learn or die

  11. The Covid vaccines are still considered experimental treatments under the FDA’s emergency use authorization. Why ABC News, has the vaccine not been cleared for full use?

  12. The number of low-IQ, ass-holic comments here is just astounding. As a vaccinated, black RN .. sadly say .. when selfish ignorance gets you sick .. find a Q-Anon cultist to take care of you as you gasp your last breath 👩🏾‍🦳👊🏾💥

  13. Well the bribes, free beer, free joints, lotto and peer pressure didn't work so it's back to the FEAR FACTOR.
    Safer to stay home. I mean with the Omega Variant already being talked about, once….Chuck Todd let it slip out a few days ago. In time for Fall Booster Shots. yea?

  14. Republicans 🙄🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

  15. Hi stranger. Just wanted to let you know that Jesus loves you and so do I ❤✝️🥰

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