‘He did his job that day, he acted presidential’: Rep. Pete Aguilar on Mike Pence | ABCNL – Car Mod Pros Portal

ABC News’ Linsey Davis speaks with Rep. Pete Aguilar about the Jan. 6 committee hearing focused on the pressure campaign former Vice President Mike Pence faced to overturn the election results.

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#jan6hearing #trump #pence #reppeteaguilar


By carmodpros


20 thoughts on “‘He did his job that day, he acted presidential’: Rep. Pete Aguilar on Mike Pence | ABCNL”
  1. Pence is a two-faced coward and a big lier trumpie is the worst lier in history of a president you are a wimp can't stand up against the one of biggest evil person on earth get a pair of b***s and quit flip flopping and be a man and start telling the truth. WIMPY

  2. This kid Davis is a leftist ideologue, not a journalist. As Dem Van Jones, pointed out, what Pence could have done was remand disputed electors to state legislatures per the Consitution, but of course he did not. ABC "News" ought to recover from its Trump hate and begin to cover senile Joe's many failures.

  3. Consequences matter, Trump need to be held accountable. This should never ever happen again. They need to be held accountable for threatening those who have testify.. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!


    Most of the time as a politician stands up

    Along with the truth, their brain sits down.

    Promising anything and everything to anyone

    While posing to the public, to be on common ground.

    The higher the office the greater the corruption

    As candidates compete for those dead presidents of green.

    While we're taxed to death to fund their pork

    Our cost for everything has become obscene.

    Thank God there are some better than most

    Not squeaky clean, but more honest than others.

    Regardless of party, they deserve our vote

    For they share our thoughts like sisters and brothers.

    Politicians who wish to be revered by history

    Must earn their fame by living the truth.

    Any who continue to mislead and deceive

    Must be shunned by the voter at the booth.

    It’s not a priest that gives us our freedom of religion

    It’s not a reporter that gives us our freedom of voice.

    It’s not any judge, lawyer, politician, preacher or teacher

    But the blood of a soldier that has sacrificed by choice.

    By Kansas City Poet Tom Zart

    Google = Most Published Poet

    Tom’s 1,650 Poems Are Free To Share!

    Google = George Bush Tom Zart

  5. Pence is NOT a hero!! It is a proven FACT, that Pence literally TRIED to find out IF he could do exactly what Trump was demanding he do. Pence would have sent the elector selectin back to states if he could have but he found out that he had no authority to do that, so he didn't. Think about that for a second. Mike Pence would have aided with overturning the election if he could have!! That sneaky snake is no f*cking hero.

  6. I'm sorry trumps troopers didn't get that SOB.And left him dangling at the Gallows they set up. Don't think trumps Corrupt Republican party would fell any different than they do now.

  7. What would our forfathers have done think about it some where i think they would have held trump responsible no telling after if the the trial would have him guilty and hung

  8. WOW…what a lead in…..gotta love those dramatic sponges….setting up a liars field day!

  9. Mike is the reason we are in this slow moving coup and who vote for Trump again, if asked.Mike is the reason we are in this slow moving coup and would vote for Trump again, if asked.

  10. i despise Pence as a person, but respect his actions of that day, when told by the secret service that they wanted to evacuate him from the capitol building, he refused for the very real and VERY nessicerry "not let the country see the Vice President flee Congress" its the same principal behind the military having the flag backwards, never retreat… he showed his personal and true patriotism.. i will always despise him for being part and parcel of the trump administration, but that day he earned my respect

  11. If you mean certifying a CORRUPT election 100 percent fraud and violating my 14th Amendment as presidential go live in Russia!

  12. Pence did a very good job, he did what the constitution mandates.
    Trump he will go in history as the worse of the worst.

  13. President Biden voters murder more people in America, than any other people and that does not include Abortions.
    A County not founded on a great philosophy we end up being some type of Tyrannical Government.
    God is the creator. Christianity is Gods' Divine Philosophy for humanity. In God America Trust.
    Gods' rule is not a Dictatorship. Righteous American Freedom in America, does not support (Abortion) killing innocent humans as they grow.
    If your scared of COVID, your scared of the Flu. I have always been scared of the Flu. Propaganda made the fear worse. The lie is known now. I still fear the Flu.

    Authentic Republican leaders are a must. Identify traitors by their policies, votes and ideological stance, and fire them fast as possible.

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