Gov. Jay Inslee, D-Wash., joins “This Week” to discuss his presidential campaign’s focus on climate change.
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Gov. Jay Inslee, D-Wash., joins “This Week” to discuss his presidential campaign’s focus on climate change.
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I live in WA and this fake the snake governor has ruined WA! If climate change is so important to you clean up all the trash encampments in WA. This state is disgusting!!! I CANT STAND THIS MAN !!!! Thank you LORD this man had no chance being president!!!! Horrible man!!!
Jay Inslee is known as the Soylent Green governor!
All of the little communists attacking the Constitution. Congratulations Inslee, your "tax everything" "anti gun" policies have guaranteed you will never be President. As if your stupidity didn't already.
Inslee has taken the lead on this issue and has favorable government executive experience. He is probably one of the most qualified candidates, and does not have the baggage Biden and Sanders do. Tulsi Gabbard would be great, too. Inslee/Gabbard in 2020!
Inslee is responsible for almost NONE of the 'clean' energy in Washington. The hydro projects were built in the 1930s – 60s, he actually wants to tear down some of them. He is a TAXAHOLIC big governmnet flunky, with a FAT ego – trying to be Al Gore II
Put some respeck on inslee’s name
Hey INSLEE – Greta Thunberg (the pope just told her 'go on' [with your mission]) says it's mostly up to those WITH the platform to be listened to, reaching may – so in YOUR day of wanting to fix global warming for your kids — step it up3 times! wear yourself out in the saving the vast many's environment !!!————— WE the world WILL FOLLOW YOU.
I'm from Washington State, he's the worst Governor this states ever had.
Washington Resident Here!!!! Jay is Frickin Awesome! It only costs $10 to drive 5 or 6 miles on the fast lanes on the highway….You get up to 45mph about 50-60% of the time. Only an hour and a half to go 26 miles to work in the …..not so fast lanes If you don't have a driver license or a checkbook, you can park your windowless, engineless RV pretty much anywhere you want and it's OK to poop and pee in the street, or out your doorless RV or you may choose to assault whomever you care to, Property taxes are only $1,400 a month on the shack we live in, they so low because our sales tax is only 10%, Our gas taxes are near the top as well. Re: the Religious of the State….Climate Change Folk…..Hate to burst your bubble…..I've been keeping my 20 year old Suburban running day and night for the past 15 years. Windows down with the AC running if it is too hot…..(that's AC not AOC) Heater on Full blast with the windows down if it is a bit too nippy. I've been able to completely change the weather in just a few days……..nearly every time. Sorry about February of this year I left town for a couple of weeks because I heard that the streets in Great Falls, Montana didn't smell like poop/pee as they do in Seattle and I wanted to see it for myself. Only two options for Sleepy Jay…….Your basic NO……or Hell No!
hey jay…………. there isnt anybody here that really still believes in man made climate change is there ?
And Inslee is in favor single payer health care, he has signed America's first Net neutrality bill, he supports Daca, and he has spoken out against Trump's wall and separating children at the borders. This is the guy I want for President.
Total idiot..
I'm sure Democrats love him
Not a snowballs chance in Hell. Pure arrogance and political suicide. Washington state nominated Bernie by 72%.
Fourth issue is "pretty far down there"? 15% and the top is only 31%? George, you try hard to act like an idiotic Republican.
We The People of Washington Sate Love our Governor and we feel very proud of our Evergreen State.
Less government is good government! we are at 23 trillion in debt. SHED THE FED can't keep it up or they win! and freeze government spending…+ + +
This Dixy lee ray wantabe clone, can't even clean up Washington! much less run on climate. it's a fear tactic to scare youth into voting dem, their 2030 agenda is just away to take us down, you put us in the work force to build an economy , buy homes, car's, invest, tax the crap out of us and fight your wars, then say it's unsustainable and want to take it all away. go clean up hanford first and not dump it in the sea. your elites and seattle sodomite comrades might back you, but it's our tax money.
I am from WA & yes please run for Prez governor we need another 4 years of Trump type politics to make America great again
For all those feeling outnumbered by the conspiracy theorists, I'll just throw out that I believe climate change is happening in a big way.
Let's all burn a quart of 10-30wt. motor oil in our BBQ's on Earth Day.
All praise to Dino……….
He is a total idiot I live in eastern Washington he doesn’t even know that eastern Washington is here. We didn’t vote for him. He fits in with the rest of the democrat wackos.
the weather today is cause of geo engineering the weather…the military already stated that they will own the weather in 2020…really…if you stop jacking with the weather and let nature do its own thing everything will balance back out…
how to fight climate change…ummm that is easy….stop geo engineering the weather…stop spraying that crap in the air..i have a boat load of pictures of them spraying in my area…those who say…what , they aren't spraying..those of you that say that are ignorant. you need to pay more attention to the skies. it is odd to me that it can be a gorgeous day out…no clouds in the sky…..they start spraying that stuff in the air then next thing you know its cloudy and stinking rains for 3 or 4 days..come on man stop spraying….all that stuff is coming down in the form of rain so its getting in our water, wild life is getting effected by it, we are getting effected by it. my god why wont they stop.
climate change is natural. why would you want to defeat it? the planet is doing just fine. it's been around for a lot longer than us.
Even when presented with poling results that rank “climate change†in 6th place, this dillweed’s answer is “I did MY poles that ranked it #1â€ÂÂÂ. Someone needs to lay off the mushrooms for awhile……
Jay Inslee all this talk about all these good things yet we middle class and lower class people have to suffer. Just look at the high taxes in King County. Shitty roads that never get done, property taxes almost 5 grand a year and I TOP of that the renew license tab that cost more than $1000 a year. Fuck you Jay your not helping WA you are choking the money out of Washingtonians.
I do not support this Presidential candidate strictly for personal reasons.
Climate changes it what it does morons
Your not the sharpest TOOL IN THE SHED BUDDY! You can't even be sharpened AGAIN!!!
You fool, CHILDREN are starving in America,,,, we have a staggering number of American homelessness, climate! Our teens are being attacked by the drug cartels! FUCK HEAD CLIMATE CHANGE!!!!! Your in lalalalala LAND…
Rocks tend to be witty!!!!!!
The Arctic ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from Consulafft, at Bergen, Norway.
Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone. Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes. Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the gulf stream still very warm. Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones, the report continued, while at many points well known glaciers have entirely disappeared.
Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic, while vast shoals of herring and smelts which have never before ventured so far north, are being encountered in the old seal fishing grounds.
I apologize, I neglected to mention that this report was from November 2, 1922. As reported by the AP and published in The Washington Post  88 years ago!
Inslee is the worst thing that has happened to our state it would be a nightmare if he became president
31,000 scientists say it’s Faulty Computer models that have caused the alarm but computers don’t make mistakes do they. Crap in Crap out.
INSLEE LOL Flies back and forth to Morocco to a vacation home ! Listen to him but he is special and has to fly. How many losers can the left find ? He’s a HYPOCRITE !
This guy is a muppet. The forest burnt down because of people lighting fires. Also the problem was exacerbated with bad forest management policies. It baffles me that our government has never done anything right and we keep giving politicians more power.
Goon to the mon required a bunch of fuel
This guy in full of crap.
Inslee, you are missing the boat. The most powerful greenhouse gas in the world is dihydro monoxide. The oceans are full of dihydro monoxide as well. Even the Columbia hydro-electric projects use dihydro monoxide. Be the first politician to save the world from the most powerful greenhouse gas of them all – dihydro monoxide.
What a joke what we need is to protect unicorns the science is settled especially unicorns with brown or black eye's because people don't love them as much as blue eyed unicorns we must tax now or these innocent creatures will die within 12 years ðŸ¤â€â€ÂðŸ¤â€â€ÂðŸ¤â€â€Â😎😎😎ðŸ¤â€ÂÂ😥ðŸ¤â€ÂÂ
92 trillion debt…
If Bruce Lee were still alive he would kick that orange swamp thing right in the fucking mouth….Trump is driftwood from the dingelberry bush.