Hate speech and social media burnout

Hate speech and social media burnout

Common Sense Media said that over 60% of all 14-to-22-year olds are exposed to some sort of hate speech while they browse social media.


34 thoughts on “Hate speech and social media burnout

  1. I'm 47, not a stranger to tech and I chose to leave devices alone so I could be a parent.
    My first smart phone was purchased in January 2020, only because I had NO CHOICE if I wanted to participate out in the world.
    No choice, none and even GOD don't do that.
    If its so great, if so needed then why force threw subversive tactics ?
    I also ran face first into covert nine teen.
    Funny, I was watching 2015 edition utopia on Amazon and they in your face say
    "covert will be bailed out"
    Something so big takes a lot of participation, still don't make it right or mean they'll win.

    Usually this is where I warn if I catch my comment deleted, usually are I will spend days replastering it plus more and since winters here ill have lots of indoor boring time to "fiddle with it"
    "I got a debt to be paid"


  2. First off, I'm a primi survivor, born dead diseased,
    CANT BREATHE and disfunctional for life. Burdened with the cost of health care by someone else's CHOICES I've managed on my own.
    I helped build and maintain this country with real American men, blood, sweat and spit.
    I will shed more of it all and have been out since January 2020.
    25000 miles threw all the locked out and dope downed zones.
    Where fentanyl and the threat of violence rules,
    Where godless perverts, sex and socially medized folks think they can rule from keyboards with lies lawlessness.

    I understand the world will go its way but, I don't have too and won't.
    After decades of work, yes even my sick ass worked and loved it.
    Unfortunately I work too hard, learned too much and made healthy folks look bad so red tagged out of service for me.
    Honest, I just did my job, showed up and sober even. Worked my way up and outa the way only to be stung by covert nine teen on mistake.
    Meaning, I wasn't in the know on this one and the whole toilet paper market scam was my wakening after a 12 year slumber.
    I knew better then to trust media, knew we're under attack by subversionists simply subverting millions because idiots let them.

    I keep a copy of the Constitution🇺🇸, use it with much authority and am validated threw blood too self under it.

    We checked many hospitals, asked and spoke to people in real towns.
    New Mexico
    5 loops in all, started with my sick dying ass @ the Grand Canyon for clean dry sunny air.

    Bad timing or right on the mark, I wasn't involved in nothing but kids and illness.

    No masks, ever once and if you approach me I warn ! your preforming a hostile attack and will defend with force.
    I'm freaking sick, suffer already and I remember

  3. Put it down, step outside and smell the fresh Autumn air! Then go for a peaceful, quiet stroll without your phone! Look for a good bench to sit and watch and listen to the wind in the trees. So much better than arguing at grouped symbols you chose to read and interpret. Just say no more.

  4. In my humble opinion, Social Media platforms are a subtle form of psychological conditioning. The algorithm is designed to incentivize the creation and spread of harmful content and misinformation in an attempt to chip away at our self-esteem and self-worth.

  5. Too many parents let computers babysit their kids. Do they not know that sexual predators flock to social media platforms? Young adults need to love themselves instead of seeking validation online. Bullies, hateful people and deranged trolls flock to all social media platforms to spread their vitriol because they're not face-to-face with their victims.

  6. Don’t say anything offensive, the liberal pussies will have ya flagged

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