Harvey Weinstein reaches civil settlement with accusers – Car Mod Pros Portal

Weinstein and the board of the bankrupt Weinstein Company have reached a tentative agreement with more than 30 actresses and women worth $31 million after legal fees.




#WorldNewsTonight #DavidMuir #HarveyWeinstein


By carmodpros


42 thoughts on “Harvey Weinstein reaches civil settlement with accusers”
  1. I dont have sympathy for these women who are after the money not the punishment of Weinstein! how could they cry while they were silent and have worked for him the whole time? he is not some dictator they could have always called the police why after all these years?

  2. All that ME TOO shyt just for them to settle for money no jail time, so this shows they wanted money, and not for him to be charged as a serial rapist……. the movement was a waste of time

  3. Don’t settle! Make him pay his time! It’s not about the money. If you settle you let him off the hook for money! Don’t sell your soul through a settlement. He deserves big time behind bars.

  4. Real Hollywood Federal Court will bring anyone to court with evidence because the police department and CIA were not following the wright s of humanity Some FBI Involved as well Proff matter s not Word s

  5. It seem's as if only the super rich knew that you can actually get insurance for being a sexual predator. Lots of people struggle to get insurance for something as basic as their homes or cars, based on where they live.The world has gone mad.

  6. Why didn't they just say no to him and the job/role?

    Obviously if he did rape that woman he's a piece of shit. Hopefully the courts will find the truth, if possible.

  7. Just unbelievable….the absolute arrogance of guilty predators like Weinstein suddenly becoming 'broken down and crippled' when accused of heinous crimes, obviously believing that this proposterous act will garner sympathy for his sorry a$$. Seems to be a habit especially among left wingers…..Cosby comes to mind, and my favorite was Ted Kennedy showing up at that press conference wearing a neck brace ("I'm the real victim here") after he got drunk and drove off a bridge in 1969 and drowned Mary Jo Kopechne. Hey, the left really is the party of women it seems.

  8. weinstein is reinacting what brothas are going to do his sweet tender ass in prison when he does go. Keep practicing weinstein your going to want to pull an epstein.

  9. Bill Cosby is in his 80's and didn't walk into court acting like a crippled! BILL COSBY NEEDS TO BE EXONERATED!!!!!!

  10. This is they way of the world…the rich gets to break the law and have someone else pay for it… This man is disgusting in all forms, he should be under the jail.

  11. That's BS! Granted it's the civil suit so he doesn't have to say what he's done but I think that 47mil settlement speaks to his guilt. He should have to go before a judge and tell of what he did and he should have to pay out of pocket. I'd like to know what Studio Insurance covers RAPE and sexual harassment?
    He's as much of a creep at Epstein. Sadly not enough higher power people were involved for Weinstein to "kill himself" like Epstein supposedly did. Ps #Epsteindidntkillhimslef
    I hope that the judge throws the book at him for going out of bounds of his ankle bracelet. Or how ever the charge is made. He doesn't deserve to be walking around freely. If he was a regular Joe Schmoe he'd of been in prison with NO BAIL, no ankle bracelet and in gen pop.

  12. people who use sexual favors for personal enrichment typically are referred to as hookers not victims, i still dont get this story, did he not make them A list celebs? was there some sort of fraud on his part

  13. You only pay $25million settlement if you are guilty, because why pay if you are innocent. If I were to be accused of stealing in a shop & I know I am innocent, I would defend myself fully & wouldn't pay a single dime just to exonerate myself from prosecution for a crime I didn't commit.

  14. Those women deserved justice not token gesture compensation. It doesn't undo the emotional scars the traumas of the past. Weinstein, I have written you a poem and it's perfect as it captures the real you. Mr Weinstein

    Despicable Me is my name,

    It's my only claim to fame.

    I've handled, (raise your eyebrows)

    famous A-list Hollywood Stars,

    With palaces, mansions and exotic cars.

    But I am greedy, seedy and very very needy.

    My Ego is up there in lights, so Big, so Bold, so I'm told

    Starlets, wannabees, they come flocking to me!

    Power is the game,

    My aftershave is called "I reek of fame!

    I want more, I want more

    Like Caesar! to be adored

    The collisium is my home

    HollyWood is the New Rome!

    It's taken time to reach the sublime

    The thought just leaves me dizzy

    Like champagne in a glass or up your arse

    It's fussy and so fizzy

    From days of stalking without the talking

    My little black book has grown.

    Harassment is far from what you think

    Relax, this is HollyWood my Dear!

    Not many make it here! You know!

    But with a little help, you could

    I can see your destiny, it's so clear.

    What you need is a photoshoot,

    Luckily, I have the perfect man.

    He's an expert on the casting couch,

    Click, click, click down to bra and pants

    Click, click click then the lights go out.

    I put you in the guest room last night

    Breakfast, I smile, with a telling face

    Last night you say you can't recall, ( hmm. )

    You say you remember the photoshoot,

    Nothing more, at all. (Innocence)

    However as I unravel what I recall

    Tears come flooding from your face, (Hmm)


    Now filled with guilt and shame

    I'll laugh it off, as clearly, I'm not too blame.

    Like a serpent and a snake,

    This is the Jungle and you're the bait

    I say you need a good manager,

    But be aware!

    There are some terrible ones out there (smirk)

    Now feeling dirty and abused

    I kindly offer you my services,

    If.. you'll be my muse.

    Yes I'm busy, I say. But that's what makes me the best!

    I always play my hand close to my chest.

    Trap is set, rules are laid

    It's a Wonderful Life, at the Top

    It's just a pity that one day it has to STOP.

    In return you'll learn the ropes (smiling)

    In time, I will re-build all your hopes.

    I've taught you, everything has it's price (squint your eyes)

    Now that you've learnt not everyone's… nice.

    You now can act, and that is a fact

    So you act for them all.

    Movie Mogul's, the inner circle,

    The Club Elite you never knew.

    They want you

    Private parties, Masquerade Balls

    Soiree's you attend them All.

    Drugs, Sex, and Rock'n'Roll,

    Hollywood is the fantastical New "Rome"

    The entrance price is one's earthly soul.

    There was a time, you felt in charge

    But now your phone list has grown so large.

    Seasoned, over the years gone bye

    Time has changed, I wonder why

    Hollywood can no longer be

    Full of creepy monsters feeding off thee

    Always in search of new fresh blood

    Your name to me is nothing but mud

    This is where the story takes a twist

    The tide has turned so what becomes of this

    The searchlight has finally focussed on me!

    Singled out, named and shamed!

    Friends scamper away like "Rats on sinking Ship"

    It's not the ending.. I expected

    A life's long work and much invested

    Like sand spilling through my hand

    Still too, I've had so much Fun

    I will always be immortally remembered as " The One "

    Rome is Falling

    The cracks are showing

    Glittering Stars

    Get to have their say

    A new Era, A new day.

    But the truth is Monsters never really go away.

    They will hide just like me and you.

    We live forever is what we do! Ha, Ha, Haa.

    Curtain goes down.

    Protected by Copyright 2018 Written by Denis Brown 28.01.2018

    My works of art be it abstract, mixed media and poetry, including text and images, is protected by copyright and is the interlectual property of Denis Brown. It may not be copied, reproduced, republished, downloaded, posted, broadcast or transmitted in any way except for your own personal, non-commercial use. Prior written consent of the copyright holder must be obtained for any other use of material.

  15. Justice in America is bias: While I am okay that this conconstituent is finally being brought to justice, mean while, the president of the United States stands immune from sexual assault and alledged sex trafficking of minors.

  16. That's one ugly beat up dude. He will die getting a blumkin from a hooker… What's a blumkin you ask? While your going #2 a girl or dude….u know.. just look it up yourself

  17. released when financing is possible free turbo man

    old stuff. Money attracts women

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