Harris vs. Pence on the issues – Car Mod Pros Portal

An overview of the vice presidential candidates’ positions on various issues.

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By carmodpros


32 thoughts on “Harris vs. Pence on the issues”
  1. I can't believe this, Few months back doctor told me that I was HIV positive, I lost all hope in life on one faithful day Murch 15th I came across a woman say ary good doctor and Dr omohan helped her to get rid of her HIV illness permanenbout Dr omohan I messaged the woman and she told me that Dr omohan is a vet I ask her for Dr omohan contact she sent it to me and I decided to email him and he told me that all is going to be well with me and I decided to purchased his herbal medicine and used Ups courier service to ship the herbal medicine to me and he also told me how I will used the herbal medicine and I did as he told me behold I am now negative as you awe reading this testimony and pleas whatsApp him on +2348164816038 or email address
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  2. The President of the United States who loves the American people the most!  President Trump!!!👍👍👍🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👍👍👍Trump 2020 for the future of America!!!👍👍👍🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  3. Common sense clearly indicates that with well over 212,000 Americans DEAD and 7.58 MILLION infected in the US, and 34 within Trump's OWN WHITE HOUSE, because of Trump's careless indifference and downright LYING concerning the COVID 19 pandemic crisis in our nation, FOR HIS OWN POLITICAL GAIN, Trump HAS PROVEN that he OBVIOUSLY CANNOT BE TRUSTED to honestly and effectively lead our nation through this tragic and deadly pandemic. DUH! Voting for Trump is LITERALLY THE EQUIVALENT of POTENTIALLY VOTING FOR YOUR OWN DEATH, THE DEATH OF YOUR LOVED ONES, YOUR NEIGHBORS AND FRIENDS, AND THE DEATHS OF MANY, MANY MORE OUR FELLOW AMERICAN CITIZENS!!

  4. Harris did not have real confidence. Pence was believable. I did fact check today. Pence won. Harris lied…Harris supports fracking.

  5. Pence repeatedly tried to explain how the Trump administration will support Americans with pre-existing conditions while simultaneously trying to eradicate the Obamacare plan that created those protections. He echoes his boss on vague insinuations of mail-in voter fraud. Pence said Trump respects the science on climate change when actually the president mocks it. Pence's saying that the Bennett rose garden event was following public health safety was false. Nobody was placed 6 feet apart and people were shaking hands, clapping backs and talking to each other. Few were wearing masks. Trump did not suspend all travel from China on COVID-19.

  6. She reminds me of Obama – talks, lies, arrogance, INCOMPETENCE AND CONSTANT D R A M A AND OH, SOOOO ‘EMOTIONAL’— JUST TRUST ME!! And we know exactly how she got her position in CA- Bless her heart- she did work hard……to keep that old man happy.

  7. TRUMP 2020 The People's President 4 More Years❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  8. Pamela…. shut up . That's what your boss said to the vice president of the United States, you guys are doing everything you can to stay, even betraying america's allies, especially in the Middle East.

  9. Pence kissed her snotty ass! she spent the whole time smirking and rolling her eyes at him because she had nothing of any real substance to say. She passes herself off as black but that's a lie because her father is from India and mother us Jamaican….not a drop of black blood in her. She and Biden contradict each other and changes het stories all the time. She's truly incompetent and lies too much not o mention her complete lack of experience.

  10. I didn't even notice Pence pink eye 👀👀 from the damn fly/bug on his head…. flies 💗

  11. <> ELECTION GLOSSARY — [A]-INT'L, [B]-U.S., Utube, ''in" — A1) – At the Trump-Biden Debate [Id.], Biden said ''Inshallah" — ["if God wills" or "God willing" the Quranic Command (WIKIPEDIA)] — A2) – This Arabic word has re-surfaced 2 verified records [Id.]: — A3) – At ''in'' & by the original NYT Report of June 23, 1982 ON WHAT THE NYT/OTHER SENATORS DEFINED "THE HOTTEST EVER RECORDED ATTACK ON A GUEST IN THE SENATE", CONDUCTED BY BIDEN TO ATTACK THE PM OF ISRAEL, BEGIN, JUST AFTER A PLEASANT MEETING WITH PRESIDENT REGAN. ACCORDING TO NEWS IN HEBREW, IN DEFENDING TERRORISTS ARRIVING FROM LEBANON AND MURDERING CITIZENS, "BIDEN SET-UP-A-SENATE ATTACK TO DEFEND THE TERRORISTS FROM LEBANON" AND HIS CALCULATED ATTACK INCLUDED POUNDING IN RAGE ON HIS DESK.] — A4) – Biden (Id.): – If elected, Trump-Sanctions on Iran stop, its Atom-Bomb-Development to Eliminate Israel – [a UN-State] & Its Int'l Terror, also against SA, may not be serious — B1) – Trump-Growing-Economics — B2) – His Revival of Precarious, American-Led, Culture-Civilization-Power, domestically & globally — B3) – Consistent Trump work to minimize "misinformation" aka "FAKE NEWS" — B4) – Dealing w a million ONE-LINERS-A-DAY of self-nominated experts-editors of anything [Hate too as discussed by Senator Cruz in CNN] — B5) – Mitigating BLM revenging past-SLAVERY, Blaming Racism ON THE WHITE [but voting via their skin color, against ALM, 4 'NATION OF ISLAM', or some publish die, die to the ONE THAT HONESTLY WORKS HARD TO MAKE this Precarious, American-Led, Culture, Civilization and Power, Great Again. "Va-Yaamodd Hayaam Mizaapo" ["sea ceased from her raging"; YONNAH 1;16].

  12. Don't know much about politics, but this woman is rude, interrupts others, and is a bully !!! Reminds me of someone who can only win by force upon others. My daughter , only 14 years old, " told me dad, I don't like her. I asked her why ??? , My daughter not knowing ANYTHING about politics, said " dad, I don't trust her , think she is lying." 🤣😂😁😆😁😄😄😀.

  13. Everyone said that Trump has dangerous virus in the white house. So, joe and his love girl friend should cancel their presidential now and should not go to white house anymore to get the virus in there. STUPID JOE AND KARLA

  14. Please can you think about poor people, and leave the middle class alone, just look down a bit and I promise you, you will be elected.

  15. I want pence to be here he has been here for a very long time before I was in 2nd grade so he should stay I even made a brochure about him in 5th grade

  16. American citizens, Vice President M.Pence, ask Kamala Harris: "Her abortion policy and the Democratic Party are inhumane and doomed to be the Chinese Communist Party's cunning and malice policies. do not increase the US population, indirectly weaken America !? "

  17. The Democrat, J. Biden-Kamala Harris, has eaten the bait of the Chinese Communist Party: It is the deep, sinister policy that weakens the US: The abortion policy! This policy prevents the American population from developing, and continues to weaken the US! Ships are over 1 billion 400 million people, and America has more than 330 million! Moreover abortion is inhumane, killing beings!
    This is not hard for smart Americans! So you need to know who to vote for, for which party?

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