Gun violence on the rise as states reopen – Car Mod Pros Portal

Police departments point to gangs, growing poverty, weak gun laws and budget cuts as reasons for the surge.


By carmodpros


49 thoughts on “Gun violence on the rise as states reopen”
  1. Gun crime stats, UK and other Eurpoean countries who have very strict access to guns (require a liscence eg farmers) almost no gun violence, maybe a couple per year. The US, easy access to guns, more than 1 gun crime per day, and you think guns make you safe, absolute bullshit, what are they teaching you in schools over there, absolutely nothing about anything outside of your own country we all know that much, and its the reason the rest of the world looks down on you with distain (the country as a whole, not the individual that is, there a lot of nice Americans, just none with any power to change things for the better).
    The great American experiment has gone very very wrong.

  2. Infatuated With Violence

    THE world today is infatuated with violence. To be sure, violence has always been featured in entertainment. However, “in recent years,” says the Media Awareness Network, “something about media violence has changed. For one thing, there’s more of it.” For another, it is “much more graphic, much more sexual, and much more sadistic.” Consider the following.

    Music: Songs featuring increasingly violent lyrics “have moved into the mainstream of the music industry,” says the above source. Using filthy language, some songs glorify murder and rape, even of wives and mothers.

    Video Games: “The uncomfortable fact is, videogames have an unhealthy obsession with bloodshed,” stated a British magazine for video-game enthusiasts. It added: “To some degree, a love of videogames demands a love of violence.” For example, one popular game enables players to simulate beating women to death with baseball bats. Some authorities believe that video games, being interactive, may have a more powerful negative influence on children than TV does.

    Movies: Studies show that violence, sex, and profanity have increased significantly in movies, and ratings may not be a reliable guide. Moreover, it is not just the “bad guys” who are violent. Nearly half the violence depicted on TV, in movies, and in music videos is committed by the “good guys,” according to one study.

    News: “If it bleeds, it leads” is the guiding principle for many TV-news producers. News is big business, and newsmen know that violence attracts viewers and that high viewer ratings attract advertisers, who finance TV programming in many lands.

    Web Sites: Both virtual and real-life images of torture, dismemberment, mutilation, and murder are available on the Internet. Many children visit these sites.

    Can Media Violence Influence You?

    Does violence in television, movies, books, music, and other forms of entertainment influence people? Granted, those profiting from media violence often argue that their products do no harm. But consider this: To influence people’s thinking, the business world pays billions of dollars for commercials, each of which may be just 30 seconds in length. Is it reasonable, then, to assume that a 90-minute movie, the heroes of which may be immoral and violent, will have little or no effect, especially on the impressionable minds of children?

    Our Creator, Jehovah God, knows human nature far better than we do. What has he told us about associating with violent people​—including, in principle, those who entertain us through the popular media? Consider the following Bible texts:

    ● “Jehovah himself examines the righteous one as well as the wicked one, and anyone loving violence His soul certainly hates.”​—Psalm 11:5.

    ● “Do not have companionship with anyone given to anger; and with a man having fits of rage you must not enter in, that you may not get familiar with his paths and certainly take a snare for your soul.”​—Proverbs 22:24, 25.

    Of course, we cannot cut ourselves off from exposure to all bad influences. But we can choose our entertainment and the people with whom we socialize. So ask yourself, ‘What sort of person do I want to be?’ Then associate with people like that, people who have the same values and goals that you want to have.​—Proverbs 13:20.

    While our choice of associates and entertainment may influence our attitude toward violence, other factors may also influence us. What might these be?

  3. I live in New York where as people are saying the police Union, plain clothed officers and politics are behind the uptick in gun violence… It’s a common practice used to support an increase in the police massive budget & to create more unjust laws & tactics. Local news make mass-incarceration police look like heroes, and depicted victims to seem like predators while trying to sound intelligent while looking stupid in the face at the same time.

  4. When there's a healthy middle class then civil unrest calms. When people don't have ways of taking care of their families then civil unrest heightens. People are desperate out there. Desperation makes people do things they wouldn't normally do. If everyone had a home, food and access to health care they would stop feeling so desperate. We need an administration that will pump money into restoring the middle class economy. Jobs and interest in inner cities would be a great start.

  5. How about trying to reestablish Yahweh's covenant ? What we are seeing is all the curses Yahweh said we would receive when our forefathers broke his covenant .

  6. how long has killing been glorified in America ? since the early days of television.. even radio has been concentrating on getting people hardened up to killing and then we give them violent video games too,, and folks do not bring their children up in the admonishment of the Lord..he is the protector of the righteous and the stayer of the evil one.. so then guns are everywhere amongst people.. and there is no law of God to obey..since the people will not acknowledge Him so satan moves right in.. we must repent and return to our God.. that is really the bottom line..

  7. You guys lost all credibility when you didnt cover the gun violence or just violence by BLM towards innocent bystanders.
    You also forgot report all the hate crimes that have been happening to small white children…

    Im black by the way your npc programming doesn't kick in and call me racist.

  8. You brought in 3 gun control advocates and no representation of the pro-2A argument. Nice fair and balanced reporting there, ABC. There were well over 350 million guns in the U.S. pre-2019; suggesting that gun violence rose because there are a lot of guns is a specious argument that fails to account for the minute change in overall guns in circulation. Additionally, time to crime on any given criminal use firearm averages close to a decade, the suggestion that elevated legal gun sales in the past 18 months are the cause of criminal and gangland gun violence is inconsistent with the data.

    Your model of gun control is outdated and assumes that all police, DAs and judges act in good faith consistent with the law; increasingly Americans are realizing those sworn to "protect and serve" end up perpetuating the cycle of violence, injustice and corruption. Cash bail reform implemented way too quickly and activist judges releasing habitual violent offenders en masse are more to blame than lawful gun owners. The sad truth is that when seconds count, police are minutes away, and many have realized that calling 911 risks making a bad situation worse. Post 1/6 terrorist attack, the ascendancy of the fascist right, and dems failing to forcefully denounce looting and lawlessness, and in some cases encouraging it, the opposition of the current admin to gun rights, and the impotence of congress are all damn good reasons for every American to reconsider their views in light of current events.

    Moral high ground is great and all, but at the end of the day not owning a gun puts you at the mercy of anyone who does. (For reference, I'm a far left leaning 27 y/o, and if anything the younger generation isn't buying into the party line on this issue anymore; the right to effective self defense is an inherent and pre-existing right of all people- the 2A doesn't grant Americans their rights, it recognizes those rights which are natural and inherent and constrains government infringement on those rights)

  9. “Who are the victims?” I’m more concerned about who are the gunmen

  10. "Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them put to death; men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.”

    (1 Samuel 15:3)

  11. “Gun violence” is the MOST STUPID over used phrase next to “surging covid numbers”. ABC you manipulative lying bastards all need to be takin out into the streets and let some “gun violence” take your pathetic asses out of your misery. And while your at it bring all your commie friends from over at CNN and MSNBC too.

  12. Let's see, Wyoming, the Dakotas, or Nebraska? I'm personally for South Dakota. I wanna see Rushmore before I croak……..what do yall say? Yee haw here we come?

  13. This is why we can't have nice things. No civilized society arms its citizens.
    There are so many non-lethal ways to protect yourself. A dog has better hearing and reflexes. A tazer rarely kills but will stop someone. Hell an aluminum baseball bat or golf club. Only soldiers and extremely well-trained cops have the situational awareness to handle school shooters. We should be evolved by now, not resorting to lethal force at every opportunity!

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