Gun violence: An American epidemic? l ABC News

Gun violence: An American epidemic? l ABC News

Using research and statistics, experts examine America’s history with guns, the real-life impacts of gun violence and what can be done going forward to mitigate the problem.


#ABCNews #GunViolence


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49 thoughts on “Gun violence: An American epidemic? l ABC News

  1. it is not gun violence, it is criminal violence, gang violence and mental health violence. The gun is a tool and can not do anything without a person pulling the trigger, just ask Alec Baldwin. A gun does not think, walk, talk, shoot by it's self or has a political opinion, it is an object that can be used for good or bad, it depends on the person holding it. What about the 500,000 to 3 million times a year (according to the CDC) it is used to protect human life. When the government does not do it's job, the government will blame something else so you don't criticize them and you mindless robots fall for it every time.

  2. It's not an American epidemic. If Americans didn't have guns, we wouldn't be citizens. WE would be subjects. Look at the problems in Australia, they took all the guns, now the "police" do whatever the hell they want, like breaking into people's homes, blocking off highways, and causing nothing but misery. ABC is a community company

  3. Democrats: there's a gun violence epidemic. We need to crack down on your rights, even though you've never broken the law.
    Same democrats: Dear Taliban and Al Queda, here's 85 billion dollars worth of guns and weaponry for you to use however you want. You're welcome. Love, the democrats

  4. Alcohol related deaths tower over gun related deaths, yet there is never an outcry about it. So many things kill more people than guns. They attack guns because it's the only thing we have to protect ourselves. They want us weak.

  5. Something MUST be done to counteract Americas epidemic of GUN VIOLENCE. Watch any TV newscast in AMERICA today and the first 20 minutes will be about guns violence and gun deaths. The NRA lobby and the GOP are to blame. Immature children wanting fame and notoriety of serial killers will continue and get worse.

  6. I don,t live in America. My country has gun laws. My country has las than 10% of the gun violence that the US does as per population. As long as you keep voting for republicans you will continue to kill each other at this rate. It is a simple fact, if you have more guns than people, then people will use the great equalizer rather than use their fists or try to talk it out. My country has very little guns so we have to use other means to settle our problems. The problem has a simple solution, which you refuse to see.

  7. As i see it about "public debate" on firearms and regulations, there is the matter of proof of value of making a statement.
    The Australian and British press feel that their words and gathered statistics that are not the work of trusted USA citizens are what to listen to about gun violence gun ban and the solution.
    However, most of such information is delivered to anyone through a monarchies press media.
    A media that is checked for it to be pro government policies and not undermine the status quo of there reports and statements of success, and has strict rules to not devalue or undermine the wishes and policies of the monarchy and its appointed governments.
    If anyone wants firearms removed from the average law abiding citizen it is the monarchies and dictatorship governments around the world whoms statistical evidence of firearms ban does not mention or properly show the statistics of brain damage and serious injury that are the side effects of not using a firearm, and i mean that in a context of there being no difference to death as the result of attack.
    Australias press media does not honestly headline serious incidents , neither by policing policy are these allowed proper report of for the first 24 hours.
    One mass killing occurrence in Australia was a fight (a brawl) broke out in Melbourne Victoria between a group of white people and a group of Chinese Australians near the River Yarra in the middle of the city, at least three people were killed from machete wounds and others with knives and various other implements, while one was suspected of drowning from being in the river injured.
    It was many years after the incident when i was researching for articles that i found an event in which at least four people were killed that did not involve people whom knew each other and and was in a public place.
    All Britain and Australias media is existent to do is to tell you for its governing authorities by their policy , is , to believe and advocate firearms ban is successful and that their action of preventing people from defending themselves rightfully by removing both the physical equipment and "removing the effective right to self defense by no laws declaring any action possible be pre empted or pre granted under a specification to simply ordinary citizens of good repute(for lack of better expression)" (meaning there is no place or reason automatically granted to use defensive force by a citizen, it all must be proven and decided after an occurrence of such a problem).
    You can see the erratic self subservient presented value of ethics by British and Australian media from these two articles.
    The first warns you about "the terror" or as one movie can be quoted "the horror…the horror…the horror" of seeing the article which incidentally is about underage pregnancy and birth in the 3rd world by girls whom are between 10 and 14 (for most 14) and the other is an article about something Australia and Britains forces did in history that made many more than simply the one in the article by their own hands, but no warning or any other form of article viewer assistance of "AKA the power" of the topic.
    "Paraguay’s child pregnancy epidemic exposed in Amnesty report" 2021
    "The 'napalm girl' image that haunted the world turns 40" 2012
    Long before 2012 and in fact as far back as television-tv-video being the only source of moving picture public communication or entertainment i have seen news casts in that time in the 1990s that contained warnings of livestock such as cattle being bulldozed into mass grave pits.
    You cannot miss these details, you can only have a purpose for the wowzering.
    Too there is something to be said for doing and having the results of gods procreational activity as defense, but there is nothing wrong with burning a child alive.

  8. Ok im not even 2 minuets in. The 2a was not written into the constitution expressly for "hunting and masculinity". The second amendment protects all the other rights. The 2a ensures a good government. The 2a ensures i have the tools i need if someone were to break into my house. And last but most important the 2a keeps the government in check

  9. The REAL cause of so-called gun violence is VIOLENT PEOPLE, so it's really violent people violence with the gun being their instrument of choice. And the woman talking about correlations from observational research (5:50) about more guns equals more gun violence also knows but leaves unsaid that correlations are not causation. They also don't look at the problem in the reverse direction, that is that out of the millions of gun owners most are not engaged in gun violence. It is still the small minority, the violent people that are committing violent acts against other people, whether they use a gun, or a knife, or a baseball bat, or a brick, etc.. Defunding law enforcement, not keeping violent offenders behind bars (or executing them) are some of the causes. Economics involving good paying jobs with decent retirement and health benefits is also another cause. It is a complicate problem and these anti-gun people resort to the same lame excuse of blaming access to an inanimate object called a gun as only cause. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

  10. This is straight bs propaganda people always owned guns for self defense and to make sure the gov didn't got out of hand with power grabs this lady that speaks in the beginning is 100% wrong y'all are taking anyone's guns period all of you in this video should be ashamed of yourself

  11. There is no such thing as gun violence. It is called, “violence”. Until everyone acknowledges this and stops with the agenda bullshit…problems will keep rising….unchecked.

  12. Guns dont kill people, people kill people, get it right, over 80% of all gun deaths are suicide and 80% of the next 100% is gang violence, leaving about 4000 death from actual gun violence pretty paltry numbers compared to the 200,000 malpractice deaths every year or the 40,000 car deaths and the list goes on and on but guns are not the problem the lefty media is the problem…

  13. Criminals commit gun crime, eliminate the criminal not the gun. The gun is not the problem the person with the gun is the problem. Who is committing these crimes? Fix that and gun crime will go away

  14. I have three Smart Tech invention to help US. One is gun violence but people are scared to make changes. Too much money 💰 in it. My idea won’t change how your gun looks and feels. To add it works with any firearm no need to ban any. But your President and Big Corporate don’t want to know. Creating jobs and saving lives and deterring gun violence. I’ve been trying to sell my idea for three years but need help as I haven’t fully opened up on the idea until I know my name is on the patent.

  15. Kids die every day from accidentally grabbing a gun from they'r daddy drawer because is not locked away ,thats the parents fault and should go to prison for it, this country is bad

  16. The research is so flawed, particularly regarding background checks. For one, "Universal Background Checks". I have witnessed a background check done at an FFL on two separate occasions work to keep individuals prohibited from owning a firearm from making purchases. Form 4473 is working just fine and any FFL that allows someone to purchase a firearm without completing one should have their license pulled.

  17. In other countries. Cities that have low crime rate have dedicated special units for organize crime. For example Special Tactical Intelligence Narcotics Group (STING), Special Task Force for Anti-Vice, Gaming and Gangsterism (Stagg), and the Special Task Force on Organized Crime (Stafoc). USA police are seriously outdated ad moving towards militarism counter insurgent mind set, which is not suitable for policing civilians. To make thing worst, the racism of the police force make them target people of color. This cause distrust among the community and the police.

  18. In New Zealand after the mass shooting of 51 deaths the politicians put in place the removal of semi automatic rifles and hand guns including buy back system.
    Over a year thousands were handed in.
    No more mass shootings have occurred so far.

  19. That old guy seems like he owns a firearm. Those 3 laws, welcome to California! Where they make your your firearm “featureless” cause it won’t look as “scary and dangerous”
    Also more guns meant more deaths she said, but never mention if they were legally owned or illegally owned or stolen. Also where’s the number of gun deaths where the criminal was breaking in to a house and the home owner shot them?

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