Gun rights advocate discusses testimony on Capitol Hill

Gun rights advocate discusses testimony on Capitol Hill

Lucretia Hughes, from the DC Project and Women for Gun Rights, discusses her testimony at Wednesdays hearing on gun law reform and what actions lawmakers should take.

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42 thoughts on “Gun rights advocate discusses testimony on Capitol Hill

  1. 👀an who is the audience for this exactly

  2. Retired Sheriffs K9 Sgt, I liiiiikee this lady!!!! Everything coming out of her mouth is the pure hard cold truth, but the liberal warm and fuzzy do gooders and crooked politicians can’t or won’t do what it takes to stop the CRIMINAL VIOLENCE!!!!!! You stop the criminals you stop the so called gun violence. Also something has to be done with the loonies, the mental health association keeps the loonies information OFF background checks because they don’t want their wittle feelings hurt, so the loonies can slip through the cracks and are able to buy a gun. Build as damn many prisons and asylums as it takes to get the trash off the streets so that innocent people will be safer. This catch and release DOES NOT work, I know I lived it for 20 years of working my ass off to catch the trash just to see lazy ass prosecutors and judges turned them right back out to continue stealing and hurting. Enough is enough. A gun in the hand is worth more than a whole Police dept on the phone because when you have seconds to live the cops are only minutes away!!!!!!!!!

  3. Hey im going to take a bunch of this and turn it into a commercial against democratic controlled cities and states.
    And then throw in stats proving her right..
    30 seconds should be long enuff to prove my point..
    Thank you lucretia hughes

  4. We have to protect our own.
    “Cops” just showed they’re not there to act quickly….
    They(cops) love to trample over everyone’s rights.
    Wake up people…they want power and control over us.

  5. What’s sad is that some of these “lawmakers” as you can see in the testimony couldn’t even be bothered to look up and give their attention as she spoke.

  6. Yeah the guns come from states with LAX gun laws, but many of those states don't have the persecution of law abiding citizens like NY where those NYers are defenseless against criminals. If I were a criminal with a gun I would want to be one in NY, because I know that chances are that I would go unopposed by the common citizen. Carjacking does not happen in Florida like it does in NY.

  7. I like this lady 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


  9. Ms. Hughes, is a powerful speaker. I felt what she was saying. The strength and truth to her words ring true, the places where gun violence is worst are the places the left has ruled the longest. She is also right that many gun laws were steeped in racism.

  10. I instantly subscribed to this channel, because of your coverage of this woman. If you're going to start showing me anti gun propaganda, I will unsubscribe, just as rapidly.

  11. I love her speeches both in Congress and on ABC.  Unfortunately, she didn't directly answer some of the questions from the anchor.  Dems claim 60-70% of the illegal guns in New York, DC and Chicago are from states with fewer gun restrictions.  To use their logic, those states should have far more crimes than the big cities, but the opposite is true.  Obviously, gun is not the problem; people are.  There are indeed laws to be made to help reduce violent crimes, e.g. funding-not defunding–the police, providing for better training of the police and school staff, allowing–but not requiring- the school staff to be armed, and abolishing gun-free zones, etc

  12. Lucretia…Lucretia. We are white and educated so we know what’s best for you, Lucretia. Please stick to our script, Lucretia. We have never stepped a foot into a black community therefore we know what is best for the black community, Lucretia. If you don’t think like we tell you, Lucretia, then you ain’t black, Lucretia. Lucretia, don’t make us call you a white supremacist because we will, Lucretia. Lucretia…Lucretia. Stop thinking for yourself, Lucretia…

  13. That's my sister Lucretia!! You did a great interview!! Im glad that I know you personally 😌 you are a strong woman!! But I would've cussed that woman out🤣

  14. Lady actually has a point. If the police can't protect, government is powerless to enforce, you have every right to protect yourself. If criminals have machine guns, so should you. However, making it harder for crazy evil person from getting guns, I am all for.

  15. I notice this comment section isn't full of Russian and Chinese bots like all of ABC news other comment sections speaking about gun control. YouTube needs to release their information on bot accounts, &if not we can get Elon to make them do it.

  16. Lucretia Hughes is my new hero! The host is disgusting! She doesn't understand. The host talked able legal guns being used in Uvalde. It was not legal for the killer to have a gun on the school campus. It was not legal for the killer to shoot anyone. The laws dont stop criminals. The only legal gun belonged to an honest citzen, a barber, who loaned it to another honest citizen who ultimately stopped the shooter. The host should do her homework and use some common sense… just disgusting.

  17. Hey ABC reporter when you go home and find someone who isn’t supposed to be there what are you going to do especially if they are going to hurt you???

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