Mary Jo Buttafuoco said her “dreams were fulfilled” when she lived in Long Island, New York, with her husband Joey and their two children. Their daughter, Jessie, called it “an ideal way to grow up.”
#ABCNews #ABC2020 #Documentary #TrueCrime #GrowingUpButtafuoco
So nice to see the daughter. Lovely story. I didn't realize your ame meant firethower.
Unfortunately the Buttafuoco name will always only be known for this incident…That and Amy Fischers disgusting porno
Sounds all like picket fence but he still wanted to be party boy guy drugs, affairs, she was being the responsible mom. There was problems in the marriage on its own Amy was well the obsssive teen he had an affair with so Joey just as responsible for what happened.
01:40 that fake a** hug? come on, now…
Assassinated??? No, an assassination is a political killing.
We know….. he liked playing with kids. … we know….
Did he really have the nerve to say she was gentle…. back then?? What a creep
When Pam smart is still on jail Joey got a slap on the wrist for being just as bad. Jail him.
Mary Jo lived through it yet it was the same crime.
I've never known an "assassinated" person be able to talk about it.
1:54 most cliche thing ive ever heard
If you will receive Jesus as Lord and Savior, please pray this prayer right now. "God I come to you now to receive Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I believe that Jesus died for my sin and has been raised from the dead and is alive in heaven. I receive Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I am now born again and have a new spirit. You are my Heavenly Father. Thank you for saving me and giving me eternal life, in Jesus name. Amen 💕💓💞
Prayer for Salvation of OthersðŸ›ÂÂÂ
Heavenly Father, I thank you that it is Your will for "all men to be saved and to come into the knowledge of the truth" (1 Tim 2:4). I also thank you that you are long suffering to us-ward not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance" ( 2 Peter 3:9). I bind and tie up Satan and all evil spirits in man (Put a name here if for specific individual) in the name of Jesus (Mt 16:19; Mt 12:29).
I loose and untie Satan's blinders which have " blinded the minds of them which do not believe" and I command the light of the glorious gospel of Christ to shine into to them to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ (2 Cor 4:4,6; Isaiah 45:12). I thank You as I am praying with strong desire out of urgent need that you send forth laborers into Your harvest (Mt 9:38) to preach the gospel (Rom 10:13-15).
I thank you that "the entrance of Your word gives light bringing understanding to those hearing the gospel (Psalm 119:130). I thank you that the Holy Spirit is convicting them "of the sin of not believing on Jesus as Lord and Savior" (John 16:19). I thank you for sending angels to continually minister to them and bring laborers across their path continually until they receive Jesus as Lord and be born again. ( Mt 26:53; Heb 1:14) I thank you for the Salvation if the multitudes and the great harvest if souls that are being born again these last days, in Jesus name, Amen 💕💓💞
For f*$# sake woman, respect your Italian name, it's not BuRafucco, it's Buttafucco with double tt.
With all Due respect.
Mary Jo was nieve and clueless.
I’m sure he was running around for years before he even met Amy.
I love her
Joey is selfish and a energy sucker !!! I wouldn’t want him near me !!! Thank God his daughter doesn’t want to have any children !!!
The way they pronounce buttafuoco really triggers me
I miss Massapequa!
She looks exactly like him!
Why did my family give me the name Amy with this last name hahaha
After all these years , he is still a pompous a@#. Describing Mary Jo that '' back then'' and emphasizing that back then she was gentle .Well she is older and wiser and still gentle but assertive these days. What is so wrong with that? She was and still is a gentle soul unlike his cheap hooker mistress that went out to kill her. I am still not convinced that he was not behind this attempted murder. For the love of God, what a trashy couple that Joey and Amy!
They met in summer school because they both flunked social studies. Major red flags going off regarding both of them.