Growing concerns over Delta variant

Growing concerns over Delta variant

Plus, Madison Square Garden welcomes a fully vaccinated crowd for the first full-capacity concert in NYC since the start of pandemic restrictions.


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36 thoughts on “Growing concerns over Delta variant

  1. ##【新真相3】## "武漢肺炎"的變種病毒(例如Delta)當然是【【人造的】】,所以"變種病毒"更具傳染力且毒性更強。也因此,Dr. Fauci 不停地拿Delta病毒來恐嚇民眾來「迫使民眾打疫苗」(Dr. Fauci 藉此來幫助〈司法妖魔集團〉斂"更多的"大財)。當然,〈司法妖魔集團〉的合作夥伴們也可拿"變種病毒"來毒殺更多的民眾來斂大財。

    ##【新】## Dr. Fauci emails 的內容,以及"不斷地"調查(及報導)【武漢實驗室「洩漏病毒」】,(上述)這些"動作"都是用來遮掩「事實」(遮掩〈司法妖魔集團〉【暗中派人放毒】的事實)。(註:Dr. Fauci 是美國的〈司法妖魔集團〉的重要成員!)

    ##【新】## 〈北農群聚感染〉、〈(士林)護理之家群聚感染〉、等等"很顯然"都是被人放毒。(註:「無症狀確診者」(有可能)也是"放毒者",新北市有很多「無症狀確診者」。)

    ##【新】## "侯友宜"是台灣的〈司法妖魔集團〉的領導階層人物,因此,"侯友宜"必定也「暗中」派人放毒〈放"武漢肺炎"病毒〉。"侯友宜"一直表現出【非常關心及急著救難】的樣子,這是因為〈〈表現出【非常關心及急著救難】的樣子〉〉可以用來遮掩"侯友宜"【暗中"屠殺民眾"斂大財】的真面目。(註一:"侯友宜"得知成功製造4月2日的【太魯閣號重大車禍】時,"侯友宜"歡喜到「流出眼淚」。)(註二:因此,只有蠢人才會【繼續】支持"侯友宜"。)

    ### daichs 2021-06-23 09:05 PM, 2021-06-21 04:10 AM (Taiwan time)

  2. The literacy level in America is about the 5th grade. We don’t know, don’t want to know and don’t understand what’s in front of us. Our institutions and leaders support and reflect this level of ignorance. The few that don’t are considered radical leftist. Ignorance and stupidity go hand in hand. This will ultimately kill all of us.

  3. New contagious variant = more Republicans gonna die 🤷‍♀️

  4. "Growing concerns over Delta variant" motivate us, the people of America, to redouble our efforts to rapidly find out at any given moment, including even while On-Line, who among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e. pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic) in order to #ConvinceItForward for them to call their doctor and to self-quarantine per CDC guidelines in hopes of stopping this pandemic instead of having more #MourningInAmerica. Thus, we're hoping for the best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the Alpha lineage mutations and others like the Gamma, Beta, Epsilon, Iota, & Delta lineage mutations combining to form hybrids that render current COVID vaccines no longer effective.

  5. Since the start of 2021, China has sent vaccines to over 100 countries.

    Six months into 2021, the US is only now sending expiring J&J vaccines that Americans refused; to Mexico.

    "Thank you to all the Antivaxxers in America. The people of the world would not have these vaccines if it wasn't

    for your commitment to believing what the dumbest guy in medical school had written on Facebook." – T.Noah.

  6. New Zealand followed the WHO simple 3 point plan resulting in 26 Covid deaths; the last in August 2020.

    US mocked the WHO simple 3 point plan resulting in 617,307 Covid deaths with 400 more each day.

    The WHO confirmed to the world that Covid was NOT made in a lab. STOP BLAMING CHINA.

  7. You are SAVED by BELIEVING in JESUS CHRIST who DIED for ALL sin to SAVE ALL who BELIEVE in HIM. PROMISED ETERNAL LIFE by BELIEVING in HIM. He DID ascend to Heaven on the third day. HE IS at the right hand of God. He is preparing a place for ALL who BELIEVE. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is for all. Know the truth. Know who IS your Savior. Know that he suffered for ALL. To SAVE ALL. This life is clearly temporary and when you know why then it will confirm the truth even more! SEARCH FOR THE TRUTH. FEAR GOD. NOT MAN. PREACH THE GOSPEL. ITS WHAT JESUS DID! All Glory to God. Look at the world! WATCH!!

  8. They said vaccine it will be okay they said…. Yet all the country that has vaccinated got delta out of nowhere at the same time 🤔

  9. Although I know the virus is real and have lost some friends to this virus. I cannot but think that some people don't want life to return back to normal. I have heard of the UK variant, Brazilian variant, even Indian variant. Now am hearing of Delta variant. Hope we will not hear of Foxtrot, Whisky and Zulu variants?

  10. What another quack??? 😂😂😂😂

  11. Those refusing to get vaccinated are cowards. You can claim any excuse you want but no matter what your excuse is…..your a coward and don't give a damn about getting our country back to normalcy. What a small contribution to helping our country get back on track and you can't even do that !!!!!

  12. My comment to America: Quit showing pictures of people getting vaccinated. Those needles look a yard long. I and my daughter have a fear of needles, as do many people. We both got vaccinated and the needle was no longer than what a diabetic uses. The adage: TV adds 10 lbs, so does the image of those needles !

  13. I’m not scared at all. This is going to be a yearly thing snd I refuse to get vaccinated for any of this…

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