Growing calls for ban on oil imports from Russia l GMA

Growing calls for ban on oil imports from Russia l GMA

Rebecca Jarvis reports on the economic impacts the war in Ukraine is having on U.S. energy prices.

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#ABCNews #Russia #GasPrices


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27 thoughts on “Growing calls for ban on oil imports from Russia l GMA

  1. A ban of Russian oil imports would mean higher oil prices for the US. It will mean higher inflation in the US and EU. It will also mean higher manufacturing costs, which will make US products harder to export. It will mean more income for Russia as oil prices rise worldwide. In contrast just pushing US oil E & P companies to produce/develop more oil will push oil prices down in the US especially, but all over the world including Russia. This will mean less Russian oil income. It will mean a US advantage in manufacturing costs with lower WTI prices. This should help the US economy. The extra development monies the oil E & P companies spend drilling and producing the oil should provide more jobs. If we have a recession coming on because of this war, more jobs will be good. Lower oil (and gasoline) prices will help. People want to retaliate against Russia; but they are economic idiots in their choice of tactics when it comes to banning Russian oil imports. I sincerely hope the public and the Congress get a clue before they do this disastrous strategy.

    On top of this, the US and EU need to be able to use a possible ban of oil exports to China (about 10 million bopd of imports) to discourage the Chinese from attacking Taiwan. If Russia starts shipping all of its exported oil China (about 5 million bopd) that would make any ban of export of oil to China less effective. The undesired Russia to China exports would already be in place. Putin is already uncontrollable; but Putin would not likely want to destroy all Russia's normal oil trade on a whim. A ban of Russian imports would hurt those who export oil to China currently — worsen the coming recession for them. It would also align Russia and China against most other countries. This would not likely be a good thing. I could go on; but more would probably just dilute what I have already said.

  2. HAHAHA your cars are paying all the military equipment of Russia 😅🤣😂

  3. No need to place an oil ban for Russia, the current Sanctions are doing the desired damage to the Russian economy. There is no need to hurt aur own economies beyond the inflation brought about by the Pandemic. Keep the pressure on Putin and the Oligarchs by declaring the Sanctions will be long standing.

  4. It's time to de-esculate the situation. Banning oil is unnecessary when there's all already enough sanctions as there can be without it starting to harm ourselves greatly.

  5. Lots of untapped oil in Mexico 🇲🇽

  6. Any American politician who supports buying oil from our enemies Russia Iran Vemizualia and to not allow American energy to once again make us energy independent needs to explain why they are not traitors and should not be tried as such. Hope and pray for everyone to see the light and do the right things for everyone not just themselves. My opinion

  7. the 1960s British music invasion was wonderful Beatles, Let It Be putins Ukraine invasion is terrible and sad

    Британське музичне вторгнення 1960-х років було чудовим Beatles, Let It Be вторгнення Путіна в Україну жахливе і сумне

  8. If some dummy hadn’t cancelled the Keystone pipeline and shut off the oil, we wouldn’t be in, nearly, this deep.

  9. In the last 7 years, I've spent $0.00 on gasoline. No car. I walk. Cost of walking: $0.00 per mile. The only drawback is that you get healthier with the exercise.

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