Greta Thunberg, COVID-19 and Metropolitan Opera: World in Photos, Sept. 28 – Car Mod Pros Portal

A look at the top photos from around the globe.


By carmodpros


31 thoughts on “Greta Thunberg, COVID-19 and Metropolitan Opera: World in Photos, Sept. 28”
  1. How does Greta stand wearing a mask? I have Asperger's myself and I absolutely HATE wearing masks because they are extremely uncomfortable and cause my gag reflex to act up. You couldn't pay me to wear an N95

  2. Climate change action plan will not save the earth. If Heaven's Warnings Go Unheeded—…. cities full of transgression, and sinful in the extreme, will be destroyed by earthquakes, by fire, by flood. All the world will be warned that there is a God who will display His authority as God. His unseen agencies will cause destruction, devastation, and death. All the accumulated riches will be as nothingness…. Evangelism, p. 27.2

  3. 🌎IF we really needed to save the planet 🌎, THEY top government officials & CEO/Directors of green companies would AVOID travel by air ✈️🚗, 🛤️🚝🚅🚆, USE Virtual meetings.

    Also Biden, Unions, Green companies, Environmental groups should telecommute/work from home thereby decreasing vehicle transportation, avoid idle vehicles on the road in hours traffic.

  4. Parliamo di 9 anni fa
    Cos'è questa roba??? anime sveglia…… la vita non è loro ma ci è stata donata dal nostro creatore

  5. Ma la smettiamo di dire cazzate facciamo finita tutti bravi a comportarci come bisognerebbe fare ma mai come bisogna fare. Avete rotto il cazzo di queste stronzate quand'è che le persone di sveglaino al posto di applaudire. Facciamo pena siamo dei mostri amiamo noi stessi e non i nostri figli. Ci dobbiamo vergognare per tutte le steonzate che ogni giorno raccontiamo al mondo.. pensate di avere il potere per fare ciò che volete ma non è così. È impossibile far credere a tutta l'umanità ciò che volete perché non è la cosa giusta. Siete sbagliati e alla fine di tutto lo vedrete ma non potrete tornare indietro

  6. Greta the best puppet ….
    GLOBALISTS all those soros organisations and lobbies behind you GRETA are burning the forests around the world
    people behind you who put you on stage and the spotlights , while you give your blabla bla speech , they are burning all the forests around the world
    to increase the temperature volontary ….and they use you as a puppet to bring attention to children …because if they target the children they will bring the parents.

  7. Rich Overly privileged people telling us how to live. I don’t care if she’s a wetard we don’t have to comply.

  8. Manmade climate change, unnatural extinction, ecosystem collapse,
    destruction of rainforests, destruction of coral reefs and greater
    oceans, wildlife threats, pollution, resource depletion, wars over
    resources and territory, mass migration, mass human starvation,
    increasing crime/poverty, unemployment, inflation, factory farming,
    social inequality, pandemics, etc. are ALL A DIRECT RESULT OF TOO MANY
    HUMANS competing for survival, with growing tech and transportation
    needs, on a finite world.

  9. Manmade climate change, unnatural extinction, ecosystem collapse,
    destruction of rainforests, destruction of coral reefs and greater
    oceans, wildlife threats, pollution, resource depletion, wars over
    resources and territory, mass migration, mass human starvation,
    increasing crime/poverty, unemployment, inflation, factory farming,
    social inequality, pandemics, etc. are ALL A DIRECT RESULT OF TOO MANY
    HUMANS competing for survival, with growing tech and transportation
    needs, on a finite world.

  10. Selfish People Can’t Produce Unselfish Solutions

    In Europe and elsewhere, governments are paying colossal sums to big corporations to help them avert bankruptcy. Whether they call it a “rescue package” or “quantitative easing,” in the end it’s all the same: the government pays companies to stay operative.
    I don’t think it will work in the long run. It may keep companies afloat for another six months or a year, but as a rule, a government, any government, cannot sustain companies that cannot sustain themselves. In the end, the situation will blow up in a blast that will be worse than what it would have happened had the government let them fall naturally.
    There is more to it than that. I don’t believe that a government can do anything good for its people. Civil servants, ministers, and deputy ministers always pull their own way and have their own interests in mind. Since everyone is inherently selfish, everyone has an ulterior motive that is not for the benefit of the public.
    We cannot expect selfish people to do unselfish acts; it is like asking a tiger to become vegetarian. If it goes against nature and it won’t work. Therefore, asking people whose only focus is their own career to focus on other people’s well-being is unwise, unrealistic, and will invariably fail.
    Socialists, capitalists, far right, or far left, they are all immersed in egoism. It is not their fault; it is human nature, and we should adjust our expectation from our leaders.
    If we want a real and lasting positive change, we must transform human nature. Since our nature is selfish to the core, changing it is the only way out of the crises that the world is falling into nowadays. We will fall deeper and deeper until we realize that the problem is not the fuel we burn, the forests we cut, the water we pollute, or the people we kill. The problem is the cause of all those harms we are inflicting on nature and on each other: our inherent self-absorption. When we start working on changing ourselves rather than demanding everything and everyone else to change, we might be able to save ourselves before it is too late.

  11. Don't you just love how the media turn comments off and on depending on the subject. The reason it's on with this story is because they are planning on bringing greta videos back so they want to see the response. So calculating.

  12. Why it it that whenever Greta makes an important speech, all of the silly and sad Trumpeteers come out of the woodwork and make stupid remarks? Why is that? Could it be that they're desperate and they have a natural tendency to pick on someone who they see as vulnerable — in the same way that Agent Orange did. Trump's mento, btw, was Roy Cohn, and for those of you who don't know who Roy Cohn is, you really need to educate yourselves.

  13. Just wait until she gets older. Holy smokes!

    Greta, it might be a good idea for you not to travel by plane, and try not to eat at the same place too often, or have the same schedule everyday. Keep your daily schedule private, and mix up your daily routine each day so that your behavior cannot be predicted … because that is another thing that the blah blah blah countries are doing. If you push them too hard, they have the capability of rigging the world around you to make sure that you fail in your goals or to marginalize you as much as possible. I hope you aware of this.

  14. Tells you how randomly a kid can become insta-popular w/no value, qualities or whatsoever in this world, these are the people we live around. Randomly chosen or simple inheritance; but is there any actual substance… you people these days follow/worship anything & everything 🤨

  15. What Greta actually said was "“Build back better. Blah, blah, blah." It was a critique of Joe Biden rather than "world leaders". But your not supposed to know that.

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