Greta Thunberg and a ballerina: World in Photos, Oct. 3

Greta Thunberg and a ballerina: World in Photos, Oct. 3

A look at the top photos from around the globe.


49 thoughts on “Greta Thunberg and a ballerina: World in Photos, Oct. 3

  1. earths not dyin  stop your lyin    search tony heller to see why greta doesnt know

  2. Well its time gretha visits Iraq I just have see there the demonstrations , she should have to explain to the demonstrator's that burning the tire is not good for our climate.

  3. This Greta girl scares me. This smells like a communist, Chinese, Soviet, hippie plot I tell you. First they're gonna make you wear seat belts for your "safety", then their gonna try to take away your cigarettes – you're not gonna be allowed to smoke in hospitals even! They're gonna let girls and ladies run around in pants, like BOYS. Men are gonna be wearing aprons and baking cookies while ladies go out and play sports and have careers. This is a foreign plot to take away your way of life as you know it!!!! America!!! Flag!!! Football!!!

  4. Glllleta is a sedish Alexandria Ocasio Cortez – flash in the pan because she's a cute girl with adult ideas…..well, AOC's are childish, so maybe AOC is on equal level as Gllleta.

  5. People of the world 🌎 need to unite and make there word heard.

  6. Trump is right, what a happy looking little girl 👧🏻😂😂😂

  7. Bill Gates would benefit himself as a person that’s part of the collective if he’d just vigorously defend and support Greta

  8. Trump 2020 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸✌️🙂❤️💕

  9. Puppet master! 😂🤣😂

  10. Wait did I just see thunberg in a home during the day with an light on lmfao she’s so serious about climate change lmfao

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