Police have yet to confirm whether the remains found at Chad Daybells home belong to stepkids Tylee Ryan, 17, and her brother J.J. Vallow, 7, who have been missing since September.
#WorldNewsTonight #ChadDaybell #LoriVallow
They are not the grandparents of Tylee.
They are not very smart. At least wait a year before getting married to avoid suspicion. Also, hiding dead bodies in your own property is really stupid idea. Anyway, glad they are stupid and enjoy their new cement cell home.
Death penalty monster.
Why wasn’t his property search first ?
Poor kids. What they went through 😡ðŸ˜ÂÂÂÂ
I can't believe she would do that to her own children and then go off on vacations to Hawaii. Living it up while her children were underground dead. I just pray they don't get away with it.
Glad they were foundðŸ˜â€ÂÂÂðŸ˜â€ÂÂÂmay their pure souls rest in peace,poor babies:/
This is horrible! ðŸ™ÂÂÂÂðŸ™ÂÂÂÂ
Justice for JJ and Taylor they didn't deserve this, those stupid goddamm parents with there stupid cult beliefs it makes no sense at all. Why are there people like this, it is just monstrous to kill your own kid cuz u thought u were told too. It's Messed up and pathetic. RIP JJ and Taylee.
This POS doesn't even deserve to be called a "mother".
You can't make this stuff up.. crazy
They are with the lord now, prayers for the family hope they find peacd
Dont put the criminals on death row.TORTURE THEM INSTEAD!
Killed by the people that you should be able to thrust the most. Hope they get the death penalty, with those kids gone, they serve no purpose anymore in this world.
Everyone normal around krept saying it wasn't good because if they were alive why would you not produce the kids and run. Because they were not. Prayers for the kids, now they are 👼 in heaven. Better then their psycho incubator
R.I.P The Vallow kids prayers from Malaysia
And kids trust their parents the most…
Knew it. Evil!!!!! RIP kids. Can't be hurt anymore xxxxxxxx
sooo….they didn't bother to check this fool's property in the first place? ðŸ¤â€ÂÂÂ
I really had hope they were alive!!! Dammit. Rest in peace JJ and tylee!! Momsters. Fry them!!!!
I just can't imagine these 2 wonderful children being murdered by their own family. This case is unGodly, it's pure evil.
This is just such a tragedy those poor children
Black people don’t even get a bill when they have a trey five of weed this system is bullshit LET MY UNCLE OUT BITCH ASS RACIST SYSTEM
I was wondering if anyone else thinks, that of Lori Vallow hadn’t met Chad daybell then Charles, Tammy, Tylee, and JJ would still be alive today? It’s just convenient that all these people died after Lori met Chad. I’m convinced he’s behind every death. Now I’m not saying Lori or Alex are any less culpable, if they’re stupid/brainwashed, enough to believe anything and everything that Chad Daybell said, and then commit murder because he said so, then stupidity is no excuse. But Chad daybell took advantage of them and convinced them to commit murder in my opinion. And if he hadn’t met Lori then I’m convinced all of these deaths could have been avoided, and maybe Lori Vallow would be getting help with her delusions, because I think Charles vallow would have been alive and committed enough to get her help, He tried it once, and he possibly could have convinced others enough to have gotten her sectioned. As I say I don’t have any sympathy for or believe that Lori Vallow is any less responsible and hope she feels the full weight of the law and justice is served.
Crazy they were right there in his yard and later there for months without being found. Why wasn’t his yard searched sooner man. I hope these babies mom is beat up eveyday
Damn I thought Chris watts was the most hated man in America
Anyone have verification that the bodies were those of the kids???
Can we bring back public execution for sick people like this
Animals do everything to protect their young yet we as humans always use the label “animal†in the derogatory sense. We wish Lori Vallow was an animal who protected her children like animals would.
Just because grandparents say they are the kids bodies does not mean they are. Since he was a grave digger at one time. I think he dug up the remains of two other kids bodies. And buried Tylee and jj bodies in somebody else's graves. I do not think they are the remains of Tylee and jj. He is not worried because the bones are somebody else's bones.
What's with the ear splitting sounds at the end? Got an idiot in the control room?