Grand Canyon, Horseshoe Bend, other national parks overwhelmed by Insta-crowds I Nightline

Grand Canyon, Horseshoe Bend, other national parks overwhelmed by Insta-crowds I Nightline

Picturesque public lands that used to host a few thousand visitors each year might now see that many in a single day in part because of geotagged social media posts.

#Nightline #Grand Canyon #nationalparks #Crowds #Selfie #Travel




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32 thoughts on “Grand Canyon, Horseshoe Bend, other national parks overwhelmed by Insta-crowds I Nightline

  1. Wow, no real person really actually say OMG out loud! Weird! 🙄🤣🤣🤣

  2. Oh shut up… You complain and take tax money from people saying you need tourism and you need the money and now people show up in thousands and you want them not to be there…

  3. An American right… wow white folks stay talking about ownership over land they stolen. No one should be on this land ruining it

  4. Lol so is this really a problem aren't you all getting good revenue? I feel as long as they aren't littering and destroying the place they should be fine. Hire more rangers. They're use to not doing much work and not many visitors, like the lady said it was nothing like that in 2012

  5. I live in Roslyn in cascade mts.every weekend tourist crowd in to walk 2 blocks.the mt.bikers are great,they get out up to the vast forest but the rest liter,get drunk in the bars and yell and hollar when bars close,block driveways,park anywhere they want,walk their dogs and 0 pick up of poop.they have 0 respect for the locals.they invade our tiny safeway to stock up for camping instead of bringing supplies,steal flowers and plants from our cemeteries to decorate their vacation home for the weekend.its sick

  6. I visited the grand canyon recently. I was so awe inspired by the landscape I forgot my phone in the car. Without it I noticed all these people being obsessed with themselves… I also noticed something else they didn't. THE FRIGGIN GRAND CANYON!

  7. Talk about completely missing the point. I’m a photographer & one of the first things I learned was the importance of being present & that some sunsets & spectacular moments are meant to be enjoyed with your eyes & not through a viewfinder or phone. Even just taking one shot & then taking in your surroundings. I lived in Yosemite for years & it’s sad how beautiful places can get destroyed due to our avarice for attention & likes rather than our gracious acknowledgment of the beautiful planet we’ve been given.

  8. Wether I live near or across the country I have EVERY right to use PUBLIC property just like the next guy, whether I want to post it to social media or not is irrelevant.

  9. so "instagrammers" are shallow for promoting national parks which exist to protect nature? i dont understand what is so shallow or wrong about wanting to take pictures of places you travel to. i love hiking and being outdoors. what's wrong with taking my phone out a few times along the hike to get a good picture so i can always remember it? how is that related to harming nature or overcrowding parks? people without phones can do just as much damage. there's no correlation. it's up to the parks themselves to decide how many visitors is considered too harmful and to enforce limits and rules.

  10. We need to stress leave no trace principles to the general public, especially since after covid these parks are seeing more traffic by people who think the world is their trashcan

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