Government shutdown looms as lawmakers scramble l GMA

Government shutdown looms as lawmakers scramble l GMA

A small group of Republican senators say they wont vote to keep the government funded unless Congress blocks funding for the presidents vaccine mandates for businesses.

#ABCNews #GovernmentShutdown #VaccineMandates #GOP


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48 thoughts on “Government shutdown looms as lawmakers scramble l GMA

  1. Wahhhhhh. Boohoo.

    In all previous "shut downs," less than 20% of the government actually "shut down." They just put "non-essential" employees on admin leave. And then everyone got back pay for their time off.

    Meanwhile, the government has had no problem with shutting down private businesses for most of 2020 and part of 2021.

    How many thousands, tens of thousands of small business owners have lost their life's savings and have had to shut their doors forever because of the government?

  2. Run out of money?!!?!They spend more than they take. 32+ trillion in debt and counting! What a load. They also have the mint at their disposal. Take all the bullion and mint silver coins with $30+ face value. Have mines contribute their silver for mintage, not that hard. Liquidate assets to the American people for money. What other unique ways can the federal government make money?

  3. Like the Republicans have not put enough lives in danger of covid? I have rights to and I want this crap to end or at least make it so I can go out of my home and not have to worry about coming into contact with someone that has covid.

  4. Funny you are basically saying the Republicans are to blame when the President can just as easily withdraw mandates that go against our constitutional rights so that the government doesn’t shut down. And if he doesn’t and ppl can’t travel for the holidays so what nothing is worth giving up our rights and “Our” President should not make Americans choose. If he was “Our” President we would not be having all this turmoil but he is the banks and corporations and Big Pharmaceutical companies President.

  5. Shut it down— it’s all smoke and mirrors anyway— it’s always a ploy to get something financed that maybe wouldn’t normally pass

  6. Shut it down— it’s all smoke and mirrors anyway— it’s always a ploy to get something financed that maybe wouldn’t normally pass

  7. Shut it down— it’s all smoke and mirrors anyway— it’s always a ploy to get something financed that maybe wouldn’t normally pass

  8. Shut it down— it’s all smoke and mirrors anyway— it’s always a ploy to get something financed that maybe wouldn’t normally pass

  9. Shut it down— it’s all smoke and mirrors anyway— it’s always a ploy to get something financed that maybe wouldn’t normally pass

  10. Thier is a new covid circulating called Biden aimed at infecting every citizen to lockdowns and mandates to rule our nation we must immediately find a cure and I think I found it, costs nothing for me finding it and the absolute cure is impeach Biden commander in chief for not providing us safety foreign and domestically that continues to cause inexcusable deaths. This is our real covid

  11. For every day we’re shut down the members of congress should be fined 10,000 a piece. The republicans holding things up should lose their offices.

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