Government ‘corrupted by corporate money’: Tom Steyer

Government ‘corrupted by corporate money’: Tom Steyer

Billionaire progressive activist Tom Steyer discusses his newly launched 2020 presidential campaign on “This Week.” READ MORE:

#ABCThisWeek #2020Candidates #Steyer #Politics


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40 thoughts on “Government ‘corrupted by corporate money’: Tom Steyer

  1. “Corrupted by money”….POS liar personally spends (wastes) 20 million to impeach Trump 🤣🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️

  2. Even the gullible SJWs hate this billionaire, "Walnut Sauce" slurping ex-pen pal of John Podesta the Molesta. The directors running the Trump reality TV show couldn't of hired a better villain. Even the slowest, feeble minded boomers, middle aged NPCs and clueless cccomunity college idiots can follow the plot.

  3. Too many big billfolds in government, are the goddamned problem.
    We addictively empower these big billfolds to govern life and law when they know absolutely nothing beyond the greedy wants of their own goddamned selfish existence.
    How can we even expect these people to justly govern when their own moral compass points to nothing, but themselves and their interest.
    A government full of wealthy corporate sluts and socialism whores sucking Liberty’s tits dry at the expense of all, but their own are exactly what run this country into ruin in the first place. This is what killed America’s greatness and they did it all with the absolute finest stupidity and laws of ignorance that money can fucking buy.
    The democratic and republican parties, are a goddamned disease and the very epitome of a corrupt democratic system pimping the illusion of false choice to secure its own power.
    America’s governing system is being held hostage, but the entire nation’s so goddamned addicted to its own political demagoguery to see it.

  4. Please please please will these people stop calling our country a democracy and they are going to save it the UNITED STATES of AMERICA is not a democracy it is a REPUBLIC and that is what the founding fathers wanted a democracy is what we have now mob rule!

  5. So now is he satanic because is billionaire? All right interviewer if you don't like him we got it, is clear, but at least let the man expose his point which seems to have all of them common sense by the way!!!

  6. So this is the guy that paid his way through the polls 🤣 Not only that but he stole voter data to get information on the demographics of where he should campaign. Sir you are a cheater..and a con ✌🏾

  7. I made a contribution so Steyer can be on the stage. I'm a lifelong
    Democrat descended from FDR and JFK Democrats, received a doctorate at
    22. I don't work for Steyer's campaign, but wonder if I should call
    them up. Steyer is okay. He may be exactly what the Democratic Party
    needs. Did anybody who wrote negatively bother to watch this whole
    video before writing something negative? I doubt it. His policies
    sound and look great. FDR was rich and the Kennedys mega rich (maybe
    slipped some now). Their own money was necessary to buy them into
    office and they did not disappoint. They were independent from the
    corporations, Military Industrial Complex, etc. Every Democratic
    President since has been a disappointment for many reasons: LBJ Vietnam
    and corruption (and maybe involvement in the Kennedy demise), Carter
    inexplicably massively increased military expenditures and inexplicably
    fought against the only remaining Kennedy brother on Health Care — Ted
    wanted Universal Health Care with the insurance companies out, but
    Carter who was long backed with insurance money wanted to keep the
    insurance companies in, Wild Bill Clinton — NAFTA, deregulating Wall
    Street, Racist SuperPredator and Drug Policies, Welfare "Reform", making
    student loans nondischargable in BK (that's right, before Clinton
    student loans were dischargable in BK like other debts, but after 7
    years), so much more from the DLC Candidate who got
    to the right of the Republicans on so many issues, Obama let "W"'s
    handlers write the bail out, never ended the war (lied to us), Centrist
    — As it turns out the BEST Democratic Presidents — the only "real"
    Democrats fighting for the people, have been rich — FDR, JFK, RFK —
    Steyer is in good company, and in his case he made the money himself
    which is even better than FDR, JFK, RFK. Give the man a chance.

  8. You wanna know how he's even able to run its cause he ran those impeach ads as a hoax to get money and peoples information to use as campaign contributions and votes. Fucking bought his way thats what he did

  9. He doesn’t care about the payoffs to the Democrats? No. Not at all. Is this the guy who wanted money to impeach trump? If he is, he claimed that trump violated a certain number of laws. But Trump didn’t do that! I want to know what happened to the money?

  10. Donald Trump is the best & greatest President ever who did the visible proof for humanity as being exactly the very 1st one.
    DemocRats never did any good for USA but betrayers, liers parasites as there was nothing good and never will be by them.
    What good do DemocRats think they do. ??
    DemocRats are Evil all over the places leaving the people as slaves in the hands of Evil illuminati's NewWorldOrder's DeepState Cabal/Kabal PizzaGating's Leaders Rothschilds ; Rockefellers ; George Soros etc. to suffocate the humanity plotting the depopulation of 90% of people on Earth.
    DemocRats are deadly snakes who turned us in .
    DemocRats will be removed away from the map for sure by Donald Trump's Lead Power and God superbless him . I pray for him to remove the dangerous DemocRats from the map.

  11. Amazingly if you go to his YouTube channel he has a whopping 8.5k subscribers. Unsurprisingly he shows his lack of courage to stand up to conflicting ideas by disabling his comments. That's all I need to know if he can't handle dissenting opinions he must be a socialist, he also calls the US a democracy not a republic. I would call it a corporation. No truth.

  12. He’s a billionaire in charge of a hedge fund. he’s the devil in the eyes of democrats😂 he invested in fossils fuels. WHAT IS HE DOING.

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