The Maine senator criticized the Senate majority leaders vow to work in total coordination with the White House in the presidents impeachment trial.
#GOP #SusanCollins #MitchMcConnell #Trump #Politics #ABCNews #WorldNewsTonight #Impeachment
The tribalism is the comments is astonishing and shows a complete disregard for evidence.
Reelect Senator Susan Collins////Keep Maine First////2020
Vote Straight Republican to keep out the Communist Democratic Party.
Well this didn’t age well. She proved she’s turned into nothing but a “foot soldier†of Trump and McConnells, and could care less about the people of Maine. Her constituents are those two: “Rich Mitch†and the Dotard Don. It makes no sense why unless she’s involved in some corruption?
No bleach for you, SuzyQ!
She did NOT break ranks, she was given a hall pass from McConnell. She's voted party line right from the start. Collins is now utterly corrupt.
well we know how that turned out
Not crap…you have a few Rhinos who need to be replaced. She is totally weak and will play to what will help her not her constituents. As a Republican, I give up supporting these Rhinos.
She gets scummier by the minute and if she thinks this will help her get re-elected, she's actually made it worse for herself. People aren't that stupid, she never broke with McConnel,l she would have had his permission if they were going to win anyway. She would have voted differently if she was the last vote and it was tie.
Susan plays you all like a fiddle.
202 224-3121 Please call your Republican Senators, please let them know that if trump is not removed his first chance on twitter on behind the podium he will be asking a foreign govt to help him win election. Please use the phrase 'Public Trust'. He has in fact lost the public trust. Even if you do not know the name of your Senator the automated system will help you. Please help save our country.
Needed more Progressives to board The new and slowly improving ship. Stations in Kentucky, Maine, California, Texas, South Carolina, New York…,
Oh surprise surprise. Yawn.
Susan Collins is done. Her re-election is out the window
Mr. Trump . Share the truth with us . We're adults not children . We can handle the truth . Besides it can clear your name . Don't be afraid !
Anyone who keeps the truth from us is decieving us . They are not representing our best interests and have another plan. Sticking your fingers in our ears is like saying we're too stupid to understand !
It's only right that Americans know the truth . If Trump is innocent , he'll come out of this smelling like Rose's. He says he is . It's easy to prove .
Let the witnesses prove it !
Assurances from Moscow Mitch. Suppress witnesses. Suppress testimony. Suppress documents. Sure, let Trump continue withholding records from investigators, compromising national security against Russia's cyberattacks, laundering money, bribing people, evading taxes, and so on. That's what a mock trial is for. It also makes the GOP Senate complicit in treason and sedition.
Collins is no profile in courage politician. In the end, she get line and follow the flock. I'm her phony political tricks.
Typical Rhino,,now let her get voted out liike so many more will in 2020.
Totally useless and no backbone digging her own grac grave here,let's let her !
The Divided States Of America wicked government at work.
Damn it ABC! Can't you see all these internet trolls know more than you! They know trump is innocent despite all the shit thrown at him. Jeez, you could show a video of the orange trash killing a kid and they will still know it's a lie! Your fake news!
Makauski and Collins 😂😂😂😂😂 as usual
Rinos need to vote them all out ,pandering asses out of government
Susan Collins will join McConnell, Graham, Barr, McCarthy, Scalise, Jordan, Nunes, Gaetz, Kennedy, Cruz, Ron Johnson, Pompeo, etc. in future history books as to the roles they played during the Dark Days of AMERICA
She will make a big deal about pretending to disagree with Moscow Mitch and then she will vote the party line. She is not a moderate, she does not think outside of party lines. She is the second most unpopular senator in the country, second only to Mitch McConnell. She's Mitch's B–ch.
Thought maybe Senator Collins had integrity, but after seeing her speak for this Fraudulent Impeachment makes the voters of Maine and myself reconsider her vote.
Ok well then the dems shud do what the rules call for and allow Republicans to call the ppl and witnesses they want to to
How would you like it if you were on trail and the jury said they had their minds made up before hearing any testimony?
So what. She just wants to wait and see. I love how the liberals are eating this up as if they are actually winning…..:
She is right. Mitch McConnel is stating up front that he is going to violate his oath to conduct a fair and impartial trial. . Thank God for the courage of these Senators.
We don’t believe you! Wimpy protest of impeachment. They will back down.
Collins is so full of crap. She could fill a dozen outhouses with her "criticisms."
Yea right
Miss Nosferatu, oops, Miss Collins is pandering. Only thing she is open to, is bribe cash.
Pathetic if she watched the prior trial
Vote her out 🌊.. And the other Trumpers too. Just scared to loose their jobs.
She is just playing you guys ! She is another old fart playing politics
it's amazing that that is considered breaking ranks
Collins will DOUBLE DIP LIKE she Always do.
Calling for being 'open' to witnesses doesn't mean she's critical. She's fallen into lockstep ever since Trump got elected.
it's all going to be a huge joke.the republicans are not going to allow witnesses and then say that there was no evidence and let the biggest criminal president off.if trump was a Democrat,the republicans would have impeached him in his first long will America let the republicans practice quite openly their hypocrisy?!
Vote Democrat. Get rid of the disgusting hypocritical Republicans
Same usual Rino suspects