The House Judiciary Committee voted to hold Attorney General William Barr in contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over the full Mueller report.
#ABCNews #Trump #politics #MuellerReport
The House Judiciary Committee voted to hold Attorney General William Barr in contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over the full Mueller report.
#ABCNews #Trump #politics #MuellerReport
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He and Kushner lied
Maybe you should go defend your country in the middle east, boy instead of threatening respectful senators even if I don't agree of what they're doing right now. You're a nobody, boy.
Hahaha bring those criminal scum to justice the whole family is corrupt criminals!!!! Russian puppets
Just wondering why Clinton, Obama and many more lib law breakers do not have to face their treasonous acts.
Do they all really think we all believe them ..
To jr. Republicans to
Scared to stand up
To your criminal daddy.
25 45 now. Denial ain't
A river in Egypt .!!!
Next, call Hunter Biden to testify. You asked for it.
LOCK Jr. up, too!!
Get them Nancy, I get a supeona I show or go to jail. July 04th, 2019 Demonstration in D.C. say bullies like the Trump clan.
Give it up u snowflakes u lost in 2016 so get over it u think this contempt of Barr is a big deal no it isn't Republicans held Attorney General Holder for this and there still awaiting for the documents Muller already said Don Jr lied about nothing and he had all the resources available to him no collusion was there . now they say oh Trump lost Billions which was a known fact he did a book on it and an interview so wht he has a multi billion dollar company how many billions has GM lost or Ford or even the United States Post Office big companies lose money thats the nature of the game but oh no Trump is lying because he lost so much money, look u want to win in 2020 Dems bring ur ideas and wht u will do for the country to the next election and we will see who will win your hatred of Trump will get u no where and if u want to impeach then go for it best of luck in 2020……
The United States of America can only be pissed on So Long by the Trump family first they get his son Donald jr.! Then they'll get Rush Limbaugh cuz everybody knows that he was telling everybody not to vote in 2016 because there was something going to come out about Hillary so he obviously was on the inside getting his information from either Russia or a trump associate. Trump may not go down because he's the president but everyone around him will! Justice will be served! God Bless America
Ur not fucking intelligent Stfu who are tryna judge the life style that I crawl
By BL – The disgusting Rhinos and Demonic-rats are making a clear path of victory for President Trump to win in 2020. The American people see the true COLORs of the Demonic-rats and Rhinos.
Win, Win for President Trump, God the Father is with him.
Besides The Sopranos, who has a family like this???
If the FBI did nothing wrong why did they seal the documents for 25 years if i was Don Jr i tell them come arrest me and then you would see something in this country!!!
I hope the scummy remnants of ISIS make their last stand in GOP offices. And, this is sn obvious ploy by the GOP to 'appear' like distinguished politicians, when in reality, Jr. will be tossed easy questions for 3 minutes, then excused.
Careful Donald. Learn from whats going on. You don't NEED to be guilty of anything they will manufacture something because they just need your dad out of the race. IMO it will be the fried chicken, ben franklin guy who puts the hit on your old man when he wins 2020
I see a credit for the US law effectiveness where all are equal under the Justice.
A KINGDOM divided amongst itself is SURE to FALL!! A quote from "JESUS CHRIST" ALMIGHTY!!!
Trump is a pig.
He already has testified over 20 hours. Wtf is new that they are going to ask him? – Waste of my tax dollars.
Dems have lost their minds without question. Trumps son is the one the FBI was trying to set up for this hoax but it backfired on them now. Barr we are going to enjoy your show and IG results on leaker corrupted Comey. The green mile is open for business again folks.