Gone in a Flash l 20/20 l PART 5

Gone in a Flash l 20/20 l PART 5

WATCH THE FULL EPISODE OF 20/20 HERE: https://bit.ly/37Fz0g5
Also available on Hulu

Travis Alexanders friends recall finding out he had been killed
Police said Alexander was stabbed multiple times and shot in the head. They also found a camera in a washing machine that led them to their chief suspect.

#ABCNews #ABC2020 #Documentary #JodiArias #TrueCrime


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39 thoughts on “Gone in a Flash l 20/20 l PART 5

  1. Soooooo NO ONE suspected the roommate’s involvement at all? I’m sideyeing him

  2. Wait I'm confused…they said the smell was brutal when they walked in but the roomates didn't smell it? I know this actually happened but…a few days with a dead body you would smell it a bedroom away…..it's confusing to me

  3. I watched to documentaries and both of them doesn’t have endings. Most of the parts are repeated with same recap things over n over. Never ever going to click any videos form this channel.

  4. In the Lifetime movie Jodi Arias, Dirty Little Secret, she tells him right to his face, every time you see me you can't resist me, you can't! It was a great movie!!! The actress who played Jodi Arias did an outstanding job!! Both actors did great!!!

  5. Unlike and unsubscribe. Cliffhanger and not everyone is living in the US 😑

  6. Hopefully, this is the last episode and my last time to watch any video from this channel.
    I was wrong, the fucking video is not finished. Stupidity has no boundary. Some people never learn how to deal with people.

  7. I was going to say where’s part 5!! But I read the comments and that’s so messed up!

  8. I just don't understand the rationale behind not including the last segment. If anything, it pisses people off and they'll be turned away from watching further content from ABC. I know that's the case for me; what point is there in watching when it's purposefully incomplete?

  9. The roommates didn’t smell the dead body smell?? How is that even possible??? 🤔🤔🤔

  10. Let’s all dislike since they don’t want to share the whole dang thing!

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