Girlfriend of missing CT moms estranged husband surrenders to police l Nightline

Girlfriend of missing CT moms estranged husband surrenders to police l Nightline

Michelle Troconis turned herself in, leading to a new tampering with evidence charge for both her and Fotis Dulos. Both previously pleaded not guilty to charges in Jennifer Dulos disappearance case.

#ABCNews #Nightline #Dulos


32 thoughts on “Girlfriend of missing CT moms estranged husband surrenders to police l Nightline

  1. His daughter broke my heart: “no daddy.” You stupid lustful monster. You killed your daughters, and their mother for nothing.

  2. What’s in the water in Colorado?!🤔 All these murders going on…?

  3. Your children are a reflection of you and their mother! How can you live with yourself harming a piece of them? You dislike her that much to rob your children of a mother🥺 hell I was having the time of my life trying to get a restraining order on a ex who was emotionally and verbally abusive which the system overlook all the time because it isn't physical. But here this woman is telling the law her worse fear and it happens🥴 I gave up in the system. It was never for victims. This is beyond sad. What excuses are they telling her love ones?

  4. He is dead. Get over his stupid ass he’s gone. Move on.

  5. Manly looking Michelle triconis knows what happened to Jennifer. Dumping garbage bags in Hartford, what millionaire does that? She will play I don’t speak English card. M/M should be prosecuted.

  6. You just know that at a certain point the gf finally realized that being part of the murder team means she's actually a threat to her boyfriend the killer. And then she recalled how he handled the last woman who was a threat to him.

  7. A lot of selfish, narcissistic husband,boyfriend lovers kill theirs wifes, girlfriends for another piece of ass.They are monsters who should be eliminated from society.
    Some of those evil man also eliminate their small children together with the wife: Chris Watts .
    They always do that bc is another almost always much less attractive women ,who want them.
    Weak man live their families, strong man stay

  8. So is no one gonna talk about how he's holding his gf coochie in the thumbnail (❍ᴥ❍ʋ)

  9. Well her husband was smirking at the cameras! He’s loving it!

  10. Michelle Traconis is just as guilty! She cheats with a married man, she and her daughter move in with him and she has no clue?? She does and I hope she serves time!

  11. MONSTERS, 😡

  12. I think the mistress was jealous of Jennifer because she looked like “Skellitor from the He-Man series” and wanted her dead.

  13. Who knows what goes through these dads minds or spouses. They no longer wanna be married or lose some of there income to legal child support to the mom or they are in such bad financial situation where they are going bankrupt and its easier deseperate escape to just murder the family or spouse in both these cases in order to be free. In the Watts case he killed his whole family in anger to be free of the burden. Shaneen loved him lots and trying to figure out whats wrong to save the marriage and he will murder her. The dolus case he just wanted revenge against the mom in the nasty divorce about power and control and she feared him it seems or he just wanted to hurt the kids but as the cops were closing in on him free on bond he took his own life to escape jail or to uh taunt her in the afterlife but they looking for her remains and he took the secret to the grave.

  14. Now he fotus is dead by suicide soooo what happens now no trail but she is still missing but i mean if those two people know something just come clean for the sake of the kids and her family.

  15. It's hard to find a body in Connecticut, body's still haven't been found in the Ted Bundy Case and some identified as early as 2013 because the Victims mother had a tooth and used it to identify her. The wooded area,he is clearly a smart guy, he knows how to put a body miles and miles out into the forest maybe 10 feet down

  16. 07:00 – put me in a room with this trash so I can bring God’s wrath upon him.

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