ABC News’ Maggie Rulli reports on how climate change has impacted the deadly floods in Germany that wrecked infrastructure and livelihoods in some of the worst damage Germany has faced since WWII.

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#ABCNLPrime #Germany #Flooding


By carmodpros


44 thoughts on “Germany devastated after flooding, as scientists predict more extreme weather”
  1. Seems like old infrastructure that was not updated for a long time. Climate change is an all to convienient cop out for a lack of preparedness. I hope they improve their flood control measures and i hope they can restore some of those historic buildings.

  2. Plünderungen bei Flutkatastrophe

    Das große Schweigen

    Wer? Wann? Wo? Was? Die vier klassischen „W“ des Journalismus zählen nicht mehr. Heute huldigt man statt dessen den vier „V“: Verbiegen! Verdrängen! Vertuschen! Verschweigen!
    Jüngstes Beispiel: Die Plünderungen nach dem Hochwasser in NRW. Eine Anfrage der AfD-Fraktion im Landtag brachte ans Licht, was der journalistische Multikulti-Betrieb des Westdeutschen Rundfunks wohl gerne unter der Decke gehalten hätte: Mindestens achtzig Prozent der 145 ermittelten Tatverdächtigen sind Ausländer, allen voran rumänische Staatsbürger. Unter 22 (!) weiteren Staatsangehörigkeiten finden sich Syrer, Marokkaner, Iraner, Iraker oder Libanesen.

    Erinnerungen an die Silvesternacht 2015

    Das Ganze erinnert an die Silvesternacht 2015, als der WDR tagelang ignorierte, was auf der Kölner Domplatte geschah. Und wie damals wurden nun wieder Bürger, die in den sozialen Medien früh auf die Herkunft der Täter verwiesen, als Rassisten und Hetzer gebrandmarkt. Auch über das Wochenende blieb die großflächige Berichterstattung in den Medien über das Thema aus.
    Was die journalistischen Volkserzieher ebenfalls perfekt beherrschen, zeigte sich vor einem Jahr. Als Chats nordrhein-westfälischer Polizisten in die Schlagzeilen gerieten, konnte der WDR gar nicht schnell genug über „rechtsextreme Netzwerke“ und die „Unterwanderung“ der Polizei spekulieren. Nach zwölf Monaten intensiver Ermittlung fand der Sonderbeauftragte des Innenministers dafür nun allerdings keinen einzigen Beleg.

    Quelle: Junge Freiheit

  3. 🔝 We need to unite in the "Creative Society"! Living conditions on the planet are deteriorating… People are already uniting! #creativesociety🔝🔝

  4. DELUSIONAL B!TCH !! so called "poor countries" were YOUR SURVIVAL!!

    Germany is Rich because of the Rap!ng, Pillaging and THEFT of all of the AfriKan Continent's Resources and Slave Labor.

    The Creator has come back for his Vengeance against Germany and the WHOLE of Europe !!!!

  5. Climate change BS
    GLOBALISTS are creating a food shortage globally to starve people to death and the media whores are calling it climate change

  6. We as individuals should stop eating meat right now. 20% of total green house gases emissions are from animal agriculture. Watch cowspiracy and seaspiracy in netflix. We can not cry because climate disasters at the same time we have meat in our tables. Let's stop being hypocrites.

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  8. Praying for you Germany 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 with love from US

  9. It will get worse then this before we take environment serious . The world is very small in size its just like a fish tank with too many fish . Space we need to colonize before it's too late .

  10. 【ドイツ大洪水】かえふみの予言が大当たり!!今後も大惨事被害死者続出!?台風、洪水が起きます。 @YouTubeより

  11. West always expects this kind of devastation happens in Third World countries but Nature spares no one… 🙄

  12. Whilst in Germany, I couldn't count how many times mostly German women referred mockingly to the low life expectancy of "poor" Africans. What they didn't know was the fact that their economic policies and racially discriminatory economic agenda are what is keeping black Africa poor. Now they know that God is no respecter of persons. There is more to come.

  13. Thumbs down for your 'climate change' BS.

    The northern geomagnetic pole is flying, the field strength is plummeting, and both began exactly from the Carrington Event. This is a geomagnetic excursion, and it's right on time. They say 'climate change! give us trillions of dollars!'

  14. The volume of rain now I would say is too much. Its more than our drains could handle. Even if we survive many infrastructures will be destroyed. Here where Im at it rained for 2 weeks continously.
    Occurence like this can be compared to Noah's time where it rained for 40days. When I first read the Noah story I thought its not possible, well Im having second thoughts now.

  15. Hey! International Online Conference 24.07.2021. "Global Crisis. This Already Affects Everyone" – allatra tv

    (p.s. everything is organized by volunteers)

  16. What did she mean 😑 she expects this only in poor country's ?

    There are those ruining the Earth 🌍 but God will bring them to their ruin.

    It is good, to repent and pray for Salvation.

  17. Actually labour pains water broke And you know what’s next..?…?💯💯💯👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿

  18. STOP Nuclear testing all over the world. This causes the climate to change and earthquakes. GOD is not forsaking us or punishing us. This is our own doing. The NUCLEAR TESTS affects the climate, its not the pollution as we always blame or say. Stop Nuclear tests now, we can still save the planet.

  19. @ABCNEWS I am very disappointed with the editing on this video. The comment of the lady that has triggered many people here in the comments, is taken out of context and makes people believe Germans are arrogant and "deserved this" (found in multiple comments).
    Now I have two questions:

    A. Why did you choose to edit the video like this? Her statement was badly taken out of context. When watching the whole interview she elaborates on her point and says that Germans pay a lot of taxes for a lot of expensive infrastructure that is required by bureaucrats and regulations, but is useless in times of crisis.
    This misrepresentation is negatively effecting the opinion of people over all Germans, as can be seen in the comments here.

    B. Why are comments that taunt the innocent people that have lost everything in the flood not deleted?

  20. An event of global scale will happen July 24, 2021 at 15:00GMT – the international online conference "Global Crisis. This Already Affects Everyone". We have the right to know the truth! We have a chance, uniting our efforts, to overcome the collapse of humankind together and enter the era of prosperity by building the Creative Society! On Allatra TV International Youtube Channel.

  21. Meanwhile in China during henan enormous flood:

    All the other provinces in China started transporting living resources, and rescue within 2 hrs, most arrived within 1 day despite the horrific storm.

    People from nearby provinces risk their own lives to send food, save lives, make sure none of the sewers are blocked, and provide mental support.

    Donation all over media and social organisations, some Chinese companies that have lost billions in profit in the past few years donated millions of euros at risk of bankruptcy, low-key yet still found out by a few people, then the word spread and people rushed to buy their products and send money to the company, and insist on things like "Paid, you can just send me an empty box I'll be happier."

    Shops, schools, some military sites, anywhere not yet flooded in henan are open to the public and people living in tall buildings host as many smelly strangers as possible at their own homes.

    Scientific survival tips and real time information all over on the Internet, mouth-by-mouth so that people can help themselves and others, spread faster than ever.

    Similar things during any disaster in China I've heard. Every time I feel so astonished by how selfless and united humans can be and what amazing results it can lead to (just imagine that happening across the globe, we could save the world). Unfortunately, you can't yet name any other place like this, only in China.

  22. You build in a flood plain you can always be devastate by a flood plain. This is common sense. Doesn’t matter if it’s been 500 years since a flood. A flood doesn’t care. Build beside water valleys or streams you’re asking for it. Same reason where I’m from land is cheap beside streams or in flood valleys. You’re poking the bull of nature. America isn’t poor and we still got dummies building in flood plains and tearing up natural marshes/overflow areas for streams and are dumbfounded when the water comes.

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