Georgia election official on baseless fraud claims: They continue to lie

Georgia election official on baseless fraud claims: They continue to lie

Gabriel Sterling, a Republican, tells Linsey Davis, eventually, they’re gonna whip somebody into a frenzy…someone’s going to get hurt, shot and/or killed.

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28 thoughts on “Georgia election official on baseless fraud claims: They continue to lie

  1. The most deaths and assaults came from the dems riots. Biden could never get enough votes, he's a moron and these last six weeks prove it. They won't even let him speak unless they tell him what to say. Now the border crisis, no plan for anything and no preparation. We will never forget this epic ballot fraud, never. Trump won.

  2. One of the most Forthright, Honest and Heartening speeches placed at the foot of man! Gabriel Sterling's speech will be read in a movie as Screaming from a Mountaintop! 🇺🇲

  3. ‘Baseless’ they say? It’s on fucking video. Do they think we’re just stupid?

  4. To put this into perspective: has this amount of controversy in any US presidential election ever happened before? Quick answer: NO! I have now accumulated roughly 50 reported cases of voter fraud in this election, with very convenient, sometimes illogical, debunking. But that's not the point: when you have that many instances of voting "irregularities" to outright fraud (like decimal outputs for voting machine results), you gotta figure certainly at least one to a few to maybe many are legitimate instances of election fraud. But nobody seems to care or wanna listen. Don't worry, Dems, KARMA is just around the corner!

  5. This man's bank account needs to be checked I guarantee you got hundreds of thousands of dollars in Dominion that were deposited in that I'm sure over a few weeks

  6. Gabriel Sterling and had to stop before the election even started you're a complete absolute fraud and a criminal it's already been proven by metadata especially Trump having negative votes I'd like to see explain that one

  7. The video doesn’t lie. What a dummy.

  8. Baseless, huh? How about the Russian investigation that you idiots pushed and got nothing out of? You are so full of crud, ABC. You and the rest of the mainstream media can go screw yourselves

  9. The claims are far from baseless, this goof lied
    to Americans just a week or two ago, saying there was no evidence of fraud at all. All the while he was standing right in the middle of rampant corruption, of which he was fully aware. I do not believe one single word out his minion says.

  10. Have we not learned that this guy is a liar and his lack of being able to run an election has been the cause of all the problems in Georgia. If Trump overturns this it will be all this mans fault for letting all these problems happen!

  11. He is such a lair !!!! Shame on him!!! You step up and do what’s right

  12. This guy is lying through his teeth on all those numbers and he knows it. Goodbye you are going to prison you nerdy little crook!!😎 And speaking of people getting hurt shot or killed you better be looking over your shoulder pal!!!

  13. I live in GA and believe me this Sterling guy is crooked as a damn rattlesnake!! Obvious he is on the take and knows Trump is on to him!!!! Dude is a liar and a cheat and I hope goes to prison for treason!!😎

  14. Listen to this lying fool, all breathless, saying, "it has to stop". I'll tell you what has to stop, it's the lying and cheating that he and the democrat party are perpetrating! Treason!!!

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