Georgia congressman John Lewis dead at 80

Georgia congressman John Lewis dead at 80

Lewis was a driving force of courage and determination in the civil rights movement.


41 thoughts on “Georgia congressman John Lewis dead at 80

  1. 👏 👏

  2. If usa join millty fighting with russia They want this for trump i m have to approve this for trump name .
    All my words n all my comment in yutup for protedter all they will took for use n win for this .
    So we russia did not need usa millty fighting with us only 1 jet .
    Thank you .

  3. He did nothing for the black community how can you push for welfare to help a single black woman and not allow the father of the children to live with her so they both can come out of poverty within only 2 or 3 years of financial help. Instead you agreed with removing the black father from his children destroying the black family which leads to abortion, gangs, robbery no discipline no respect for authority school drop outs and low self esteem etc…

  4. Goodbye don’t let the casket door hit you in the ass on your way out this guy was a vicious radical Democrat just like Nancy Pelosi

  5. Sorry man😤😥😓😰😱🥵

  6. More coal for the fires of HELL. He wasnt fit to tie MLK's shoes. WHY are we mourning the death of a TRUE RACIST..who was a KNOWN HATE PEDDLER? John Lewis was one of the most HATEFUL PEOPLE and RADICAL POLICY MAKERS within the democrat party. I could write down a LIST here of all the RADICAL..HATEFUL RACIST things this man said and did in his long term as a US congressman. Yet we are celebrating him. Its as bad as celebrating John Mc Cain or George Bush sr. Who were BOTH TRAITORS to our nation and key to birthing this "new world order" we are all being forced into now. John Lewis was a HORRIBLE man. Im sorry. But i wont participate in LIES. TRUTH IS TRUTH.

  7. What A Profound Loss. Melancholy lndeed. Our Sincere Condolences To His loved Ones. During This Difficult Time. Then Again. We Feel Their Pain. Shared Their Grief. R.l.P

  8. John Lewis was the Black El Cid – He was last of the magnificent six whose blood stained the streets of Selma. As El Cid once said "To Conquer without risk is to triumph without glory". RIP Black El Cid

  9. Im sure Cummins and John Lewis are looking UP in support of these Rioters and Looters. If hatred had a spokes person John Lewis is it.
    Good Ridden..

  10. I hope that Martin Luther King Jr meets him at the pearly gates to tell him uh no sir, your not coming in, you sold me out to Johnson and the democrats so you could get in congress all these years. so go enjoy the hell you created for yourself

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