George Floyds brother testifies at Derek Chauvins trial

George Floyds brother testifies at Derek Chauvins trial

Philonise Floyd, George Floyds younger brother, took the witness stand on Monday and recalled family memories in an emotional testimony. The prosecution is expected to wrap up its case soon.


21 thoughts on “George Floyds brother testifies at Derek Chauvins trial

  1. This victory was for all of the unarmed african americans taken out by white cops. 🙌🏿

  2. I also like to state humanizing a person was done by his brother is not a crime yet here you are bitching over that when chauvin was clearly using excessive force and misconduct which led to george floyd death which is a crime. Furthermore not only that refusing to give the necessary to provide life and keep life. All misconducts of and relating to his job, failure to follow the policy of his job. I am sorry but if you can make note of and argue of something so trival as humanizing a person ( which is basically making ppl see george was a human like any one of us ) but cant talk about the excessive force that is not apart of any police policy, the misconduct that did happen and the failure to give life that also did happen , all the things derek chauvin is trained to do and chose not to do then perhaps you might ask yourself why your arguing over something that changes nothing vs over not arguing what was factual and changes everything Biased opinions ? maybe even, racist ones ? could be since your making silly arguments and not looking at the most honest and accurate points in the case …might want to remember several police officers all testified it was misconduct a use of excessive force and all was apart of his training yrs of it and it not like you forget because they have to retake all that training over and over again updated classes of it. these officers who testified against him did so because they had the same training the same policies and procedures to follow they know what is considered to be accurate and right and what was wrong

  3. Or you can ask why Maya Santamaria wasn't there to state how george and chauvin worked together but that chauvin had temper and race issues ..or take ot form another of the their coworkers restating the same thing …..or the fact he had 18 reports of complaints against him in similar circumstances….. repetitive patterns of behavioral and honestly idc if george floyd had a drug issue that does not constitute murder or excessive force ….. even all other police officers hos boss for god sake chief of police stated it was excessive force and unconstitutional

  4. This is the equivalent to a mother reacting to her thug son arrested of murder “my baby boy wouldn’t hurt a fly” lol why in the world is this guy testifying.

  5. Inform society-
    Police of peace employed to kill and harass for profit. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE BECOMES TO DANGEROUS AGAINST CIVILIANS.
    Policing with lethal arms around civilian must be discussed in Congress if that is alright. Glock 17 and teaser x266p against civilian? Traffic ticket abuses must end anyway it is unconstitutional people can be victims of these criminals in term of peace , communities can take care of themselves, they don't need army…

  6. Until I hear from George Floyd’s imaginary friend from when he was young I can’t come to a verdict. Farted

  7. Several counts of felonies of drug use, theft, larceny and trespassing as well as assault and battery, even pistolwhipped a woman with a child for drug money.

    Yeah he definitely treated people with respect and he was a total angel. He surely didn't deserve overdosing from all the drugs he took that day, and that cop is a devil for doing everything right in protocol despite evidence showing otherwise, like when Floyd was saying he couldn't breathe when he was being cuffed, not on the ground, and how he said he was shot, probably on high doses of drug. Bad cop. Sarcasm

  8. If the officer wouldn’t have been filmed perhaps he would be alive. The filming deflected the officer. He officer still did something wrong but you there are reasons. Nobody knows if it was because of his race.

  9. Great testimony from the brother. Hope you and your family get the justice you deserve. RIP George🙏🏾

  10. Anyone that seriously believes that you should die for passing a counterfeit 20 dollar bill.. be careful with your words! Fake money is passed around a lot and you just might be at the receiving end of it one day, so good luck 👍

  11. I would never question George’s love for his mother. I question his love for fellow mankind. Like the pregnant lady he robbed at gun point

  12. Dont call the police, call social workers.. if I was a police officer.. I'd refuse to interact period with black people.. let them do what ever they want.. police have a really hard job.. and they put their lives on the line.. I I support the blue

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