George Floyds brother speaks at Derek Chauvin’s trial

George Floyds brother speaks at Derek Chauvin’s trial

Philonise Floyd is questioned by the prosecution about the character of his brother.


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47 thoughts on “George Floyds brother speaks at Derek Chauvin’s trial

  1. CBS, CNN, ABC, MSN, MSNBC, CNBC, NBC, Washington Post, and big tech are liars and need to be prosecuted for conspiracy and spreading false propaganda, racism, and hate on the American people.

    Communists Bastards Simpletons

  2. Inform society-
    Police of peace employed to kill and harass for profit. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE BECOMES TO DANGEROUS AGAINST CIVILIANS.
    Policing with lethal arms around civilian must be discussed in Congress if that is alright. Glock 17 and teaser x266p against civilian? Traffic ticket abuses must end anyway it is unconstitutional people can be victims of these criminals in term of peace , communities can take care of themselves, they don't need army…

  3. Imagine being the woman George held at gunpoint and now you see he is an american hero for dying from fentanyl overdose and sparked looting and terrorist riots. horrible

  4. "Strike that", jurors you didn't hear this brother say that Big George Floyd liked being tall and big. Apparently that's why it took three police officers to hold him down. Not what the prosecutors wanted to hear from their own witness. We'll see if this has any bearing on a jurors decision of Derek C.

  5. Omg his brother is handsome!!!!!!! Stop killing black men!!!!!!!

    I’ve never been sooooo ashamed to be white!!!!!! Thank god I’m part Native American so I can understand what it’s like to be a minority

  6. I pray that justice is served and Chauvin goes to jail. Doesn’t matter how long they put him in there, his life will be ruined. No more police badge, lack of job opportunities, and anyone that does employ him will suffer loss of business because the majority of people stand up for Floyd! He will carry a dark cloud everywhere he goes. OH WELLLLL! That’s what you GET! For abusing your power of authority! You deserve to go to jail and get someone’s knee in yours. Pathetic!

  7. Wtf does any of this have to do with the trial. States case was garbage.!!! I believe the officer is innocent of all charges. Anyone with 2 brain cells can see this watching this whole trial.

  8. Being a kid.. this all about money not love. . I feel they should never got money until the trial was completely solved this is something my family would do love me love me for the money that was all.. now they'll move to White neighborhood and be with the white rich people you watch

  9. Hey I recommended everyone in America to watch videos titled American reaction to London gang violence. The reason being it shows how much more restraint police in England have compared to America!. In London the gangs attack people & police with, guns, knifes, samurai swords, machetes, daggers, axes, meat cleavers and the police here are not armed so they have to deal with highly dangerous individuals with only pepper pray a baton and some officers carry tasers!. A very small number of specialist officers carry guns/firearms… but what you will see is in these YouTube reaction videos is for police in Great Britain using a firearm is absolutely the last resort and when they do, they aim to stop and wound not kill. For instance one guy who was mentally ill had a hand gun, was in a taxi wouldn’t drop the gun, police said I don’t want to shoot you…. the individual went to lift the gun thus the officer had to shoot him…. however he shot him in the ARM!!! Another a suicidal man was holding a sword moving around with it, the police shot him…. with a rubber bullet non lethal! I’m pretty sure in both cases if that was in America both men would have been shot dead by police!. American police need total retraining, and bigger deterrents for using deadly force I.e extremely severe prison sentences!.

  10. Well it’s a shame but the kid should have complied. The guy had expired tags, so they pulled him over. Well when they ran his information he had 2 outstanding Warrants, so he tried to run. Think about this, why do you not hear anything about Black Officers harassing white people? I spoke with 2 black State Troopers regarding this, and they both stated that 98% of whites people comply. This is the truth but the more freedom blacks get the worse they make it on themselves, Ive seen this from the 70’s to present day. You must sit back and really think about it. What about blacks killing blacks? Where are the protests for that? You sent this email to the wrong person. This G. Floyd crap that Cop did not hv his knee on Floyd’s throat, his knee was on the side of Floyd’s neck. If you notice real close you will see that Dereck has his weight on his right knee just look at his body posture. His left knee was simply balancing himself. Oh and Floyd’s friends and Family on the witness stand is a joke. Not one of these people had not a tear in their eyes. They had tissue but no red teary eyes, most wore sunglasses that was a put on if I ever seen one.

  11. R.I.P. George you “witty online comedians” don’t know how to put yourself in someone else’s shoes. Had it been your family member murdered you wouldn’t want their name torn apart when you’re trying to get justice for them. You have done things that are frowned upon as well as your dearest family members. Does that mean someone could kill them and get away with it? no. Let him testify that his brother was human like you. That he has a story and he wasn’t all bad like the defendants attorney is trying to paint him as. He is someone worth fighting for. Y’all need a reality check because y’all are far too desensitized.

  12. Why didn't they ask him about his brother's drug habits and criminal record? Unless he didn't really care about his brother commiting all those criminal acts. Did he ever reach out to his brother to try and help him overcome his drug addictions?
    Seems like he had a lot of stories from when they were kids but not one from them enjoying each other's company as grown men!?! Oh pry because as he's gotten older and more wise he knew he had to keep his family away from his pos brother.
    Let's see the current family photos….Nah they can't. Don't want you to see him as he was, a criminal and a drug addict…so…They'll show you him as a child to elicit and emotional response from the remedial people.

  13. Yeah Craig gotta have a little money to live out here , gotta have it . Now I know what you are thinking but unc you were the one back in the day always talking about I love the hood I love the ghetto and that I wasn’t the kind of “ N “to make a little money and run to the suburbs, yeah you right that’s what I said but as soon as I got my check “ I was gone !” paid 1.4 million dollars cash for this house……hahahaha

  14. The fallout from that trial is going to be nasty as hell, because I'm almost positive he won't get more than 5 years in prison if he is even convicted. People are going to be furious. I'd definitely stay out of Minnesota around that time.

  15. Blood Pressure can elevate wildly in a stressed situation, such as an arrest. BP is not a stable reading like temperature, commonly 98.6 unless ill with a fever. Can we hear more intelligent arguments from the defense? Not the tired old the victim is at fault because he had a health record! Mr. George Floyd's Soul is in the Great Cloud of Witnesses cheering us on in these troubled times. He loves Jesus. Me too. God Bless his Family.

  16. I think I have seen enough of these cases in America to know that, once the jury which is made up of mostly white jurors and paying of Mr Floyd's family, that there will be an aquital. White people are not capable of making rational decisions when it comes to black and white, how much more a white cop and a black man. I know the outcome even before its finish. NOT Guilty.



  19. They defense just proofed may 6, 2019. About Minneapolis police they will shoot you George Floyd just told the officer don’t shoot me. The lady police officer just shot the 20 year old a couple days ago. That’s what George Floyd was saying.

  20. Come on really? What chance does this police officer have of a fair trial?
    The jury and politicians have already found him guilty just on the avoiding riots. The innocent will be found guilty at any cost

  21. It's funny how in the virtual simulation presented to the court they showed Mr. CHAUVIN with a complete bald head but kept his glasses. 😂

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