General Motors announce major layoffs, plants shutdown – Car Mod Pros Portal

GM is laying off 15 percent of its salaried workers and shuttering five plants in North America, the Detroit automaker announced on Monday.




By carmodpros


47 thoughts on “General Motors announce major layoffs, plants shutdown”
  1. They need to scrap the whole company. GM doesn't get it. If someone wants a smaller compact sedan they buy a Toyota Camery or Honda Accord. No body goes out looking for an Impala or Malibu. If they are looking for a small compact SUV its a Rav 4 or Honda CRV. Build a decent truck (which epic fail when Dodge passes you up in sales and comes out with a new truck that is fresh and modern) and yours looks weird with an interrior that really looks like the last model with minor tweaks (dated like the 90's) sad. The 50-60's Chevrolet was king, no its designs are jokes

  2. shouldv never abandonded saturn you loosers on gm's board, they had the most loyal buyers and best made cars of all gms, just wait till gas prices go back up and they cant sell their suv's or sports cars! same with ford..

  3. Back when cars were Made In America, cars were great. The trade agreements started pouring in, parts Made in China started to enter the frey, and everything went to complete shit.
    It started with the Clintons. The demoncrats. Yeah, the guy you elected that got kicked out of college for raping women. They were the ones to start the trend of screwing up America and it's car industry. Your all going to blame who you hate or use this for some stupid ass political agenda. I've never seen such a low I.Q. comment section in my life.

  4. …please excuse me because I may not be fully informed, but why doesn't GM just wave the automobiles that are selling poorly to cut costs and "re-vamp" the system for automobiles that "ARE" performing and selling lucrativley ?

  5. Why do people keep babying the auto industry, they are no different than anybody else, u lose your job find another one just like the rest of the people. You have everyone speaking out but they aren't speaking out for the sears people, or how about the retail stores. In my opinion u reap what u sew. Meaning think twice about just letting family in and give everyone an opportunity.

  6. Don’t worry about it, if you voted Trump he’ll pay your rent, mortgage and Christmas gifts etc☺️.

  7. "If you keep relying on your employer or the government to take care of you, you will ALWAYS be at their mercy…"

  8. Sorry for the workers. Especially the senior employees. I myself am born of a family that have been purchasing gm motors since they first began. I will be ending…correction GM ended that very long dedication to their company. I wish the hard working people of GM all good in life. As for GM when you fall a true American Company will take your place so no loss.

  9. Toyotas and hondas are selling, maybe if they stopped making unreliable crap they wouldn’t be in this situation

  10. Well, Trump is very angry so I'm sure everything will be okay. Feel bad for the workers but GM should never have been bailed out during the recession. They really do make crappy cars. My entire family has slowly switched to Japanese cars over the years. Only because American-made cars have to be brought to the repair shop almost yearly. But Trump is really mad so maybe GM will change their mind!??

  11. Bailed these crooks out and this is what you do to hard working people ! I’ll never buy another gm product . Should shut down all foreign plants first . Mary Barra , you deserve nothing but the worst right along with your team of crooked associates.

  12. Don't blame GM or May Barra. The Impala is one of the nicest looking cars out there, and the latest generation of Impala got consistent TOP reviews for full-size cars by Consumer Reports. But, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink it, and Americans instead bought lots of foreign cars — BMWs, Toyotas, Hondas– just because it was the "in" thing to do. You bought Priuses instead of the FAR better Chevy Volt. Sheep. Suckers. You shoveled money to overseas car companies with your stupid purchases and now we all pay the economic penalty, especially those who will be laid off. You made your choices, now live with the consequences. Sure, a lot of those foreign makes are made in America, but only because you bought so many of them. So they build plants here and we buy the cars and the jobs SHIFT over to the foreign owned companies. Then it's bye-bye American owned factories and you wonder what happened?

  13. How about this,,? General Motors agrees to pay 10 years salary to each employee otherwise they lose all benefits from being in business here in the United States. A low-ball estimate $50,000 annual income per employee would make them pay out 700 million dollars. Seems a small price to pay considering the government / we the taxpayers kept them from going under only a few years ago. Announcing these Cuts around the holidays makes me feel like the management of General Motors needs to be put in a box and left under a bridge to be homeless for a period of time and still pay out the seven hundred million dollars! Make that are requirement either way! Not just an option for them.

  14. FUCK OHIO AND FUCK MICHIGAN ! That’s what you dumb fucken hillbillies get for voting trump : a good ass fucking 👍 I LOVE SEEING THIS ! Unemployed at Christmas !!! Warms my california heart . California is prospering ❤️

  15. You M F LEFTIST DEMOCRATS, President Trump will help but the real problem is that Detroit is infected of leftist and radical democrats in Congress and raised taxes to big companies
    The majority of you vote democratic so you’re F——- ! Because they are raising state taxes to big companies, now you know big companies will fly from your state and go to another state or country, the government of Illinois is a crock MF!
    It’s to late for crying, your vote in November 6 slap your face for voting democrat so don’t blame the President because he wants to make America great and you don’t
    Good luck move to Mexico!!!!!!!! You fucking leftist democrats and radical democrats!!!!

  16. None of this would have happened if Congress didn't block Trump from building his wall when he wanted to…….. Making Merica Great Again!!!!

  17. Im here just to see how these trumptards try to spin this shit around. First the tariff warning and then… well there you have it. In your face, a..hole!!

  18. Ok so GM and Ford will eliminated all their sedans and only going to built SUVs and Trucks in 2019 and beyond, these cost around 40k – 70k. Not to mention the Escalade.

    And Toyota and Honda will keep on building sedans that cost between 20k – 30k . People who making $15 an hour can afford it.

    Now, i'm not a mathematician, but If need to buy something that take me to work and around town…I certainty won't be visiting GM or Ford dealership and put a big dent in debt. I don't need a big a$$ SUV or truck that cost 50k for a 5 minutes drive to the groceries or picking my kids from school.

    I really don't understand what American car manufactures are doing. Ford Fusion is one of their best sellers and they going to discontinue making it. THAT right there is a reason why Asian cars are outselling them. Hello? you have a best selling car in America and you stop making them and build something that most people cannot afford to buy. Why not improve and making it better? GM AND FORD, THAT IS YOUR PROBLEM RIGHT THERE. They really don't understand what the mass consumers want and I think that is one of their biggest failure and certainly it won't be the last.

  19. GM is behind the game. People only want trucks and SUVs now. Ford announced they are no longer making any of their cars except the mustang so they can focus on trucks and SUVs but they didnt have to fire 15000 people to do it like GM.

  20. Closing plants in America, but not doing anything in China and Mexico……I bought my last GM product….shame on GM…..!!!! BUT I’m sure everyone will blame President Trump, SAD !!!

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