General Lee statue set to come down in Virginia

General Lee statue set to come down in Virginia

ABC News Terry Moran reports from Richmond, Va,. where Gov. Ralph Northam (D-Virginia) has ordered the removal of the Confederate General Robert E. Lee statue.

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27 thoughts on “General Lee statue set to come down in Virginia

  1. So if we are removing everything that represents slavery, then we need to remove the democratic party, after all they were the confederacy. Yet the sheep follow blindly not even caring their party was the sole owners of slaves.

  2. Oh and yes our first president George Washington I we taking that down to yes he own slaves but so did black people themselves they sold there own people and let’s not forget Washington help create America fought for our future

  3. This Black Lives Matter crap is starting to be taken to far getting rid of icons and dr Seuss books get over it it’s real life and Robert e lee is not a bad person he was doing it all for his country he apologized to his men when he failed he even surrendered when he knew there was no point to continue

  4. Robert E Lee was former union army. Graduated from West point, and faught for the United States beside Grant in the US Mexican war. In that war he was commended by George Washington. He also married George Washingtons granddaughter and freed the slaves he inherited a couple years before the civil war even started…This man still has more true American running through his cold dead rotten right nut than 99% of our elected officials and snowflake society we have today.

  5. George Washington was a traitor to the British Empire, he owned slaves and passed laws in the Congress to preserve his rights. Piss off with your statue nonsense and deal with your past yanks.

  6. He was an honorable man who believed in his cause and when it was time to relent so that no more carénage would take place. General Lee and the flag of the southern side was hijacked by white supremacists' who have and will use it for the purpose of hate. General Lee's honor and place in history has been defiled by white suprématiste hatred. If General Lee was a live to day what would he say?

  7. 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿

  8. I don’t understand. General Robert E Lee voted straight Democratic ticket in the 2020 election and this is the thanks he gets!

  9. “how important is this moment?” It’s not important, but a travesty

  10. Our country fought a bitter Civil War, thousands died, the south was
    obliterated and statues were put up to remember the dead and heal our
    nations wounds.

  11. Freedom at it's finest 👍 what a joke America has Become 😭🇺🇸

  12. even if you think Lee was a bad man, just putting his statue in storage is stupid and makes Democrats look like Joseph Stalin who wanted to remove all from history who opposed him, don't believe me look up Leon Trotsky who was to the left of Stalin in the communist party. The Statues and Monuments at least belong in a museum otherwise America is no better then Tyrants like Joseph Stalin who killed millions of his own people and tried to have opponents erased from history.

  13. If activists put as much effort into helping communities as they do tearing down statues, then things would be a little better. It's wasted energy when they could volunteer in some way, donate money, something. I get why they want these statues down but these carved pieces of stone aren't murdering people or threatening anyone. Black citizens are still killing each other by the dozens but no one claiming that black lives matter cares about that. BL-em mostly wants the easy route instead of tackling real issues. The real underlying issues aren't "hot scoop" stories or fads that attract attention and gain popular followings.

  14. I'm confused. These protestors are protesting against a police state
    that is encroaching on their civil liberties. That is the exact reason
    why the Confederacy came about. So why would they want to destroy this
    history that they have in common with?

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